Directions The Chinese medicine is indicated for the treatment of stomachache. The usual dose is two pills once three times a day. Tile dose can be increased by one or two pills if the stomachache grows worse. The medicine may pro lute some side effects like sickness or sleepiness but the symptom will disappear when the medicine is stopped. The medicine should be put where it is cool and dry. To achieve satisfactory effect of tile medicine do adhere to the instructions of the physician. 说明书 本品为中药;对胃病的治疗疗效显著。一般用量每天三次,一次两粒,胃不舒服时可以加服1—2粒。本药品可能会产生一些像恶心、嗜睡等轻微的副作用,症状停药后就会消失。本药品应放在阴凉干燥处。为了达到满意的效果,使用本药品请务必遵医嘱。
作文话题: 600字 说明书 药品 疗效显著 医嘱 可能会 嗜睡 阴凉 三次 胃病 用量
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