A letter to my parents(写给我爸爸妈妈的信)_300字
Dec.6th .2005Dear dad and mumI have been very happy in the school. Sometimes at night I cry in the bed because I miss you very much. You always say “Learn well and I will be happy.” So I work hard in the school every day. After class I play with my classmates. We skip rope play cards and ball and so on. I spend a lot of time doing my homework. After lunch we have to do Kumon. When I finish I play Pingpong with my friends. Then I spend some time reading my English notes. At six o’clock I have my evening class. Then I have my evening snack at twenty past seven. After that I have some free time. At eight o’clock I go to bed. This is a day in the school. Mum you always tell me “Happiness is very important in our life.” So I want to be happy every day. If you are not happy call me please.Yours Laura
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