同学们排着整齐的方阵参加学校六一庆祝大会,大会开始了,学校领导向我们表示节日的祝贺,接着举行了一年级同学的入队仪式,从今天起他们就是一名光荣的少先队员了,我真为他们高兴。在颁奖仪式上我和吴浩天代表全班同学上台领奖。因为阜阳EV71病毒,今年的六一大会没有去年热闹,但我还是很高兴,因为我被学校评为优秀少先队员和感恩教育先进个人。来自5 2
Morning, the golden land of sunshine shaman, the campus is particularly beautiful flowers, trees一棵棵also all the more forceful. Students dressed in beautiful clothes, With that happy note, came to the school. , The campus and stuck the flags, blowing in the breeze, the flags dancing in the wind, as if in and we say; "I wish you a happy 61."
Tidy row of students have participated in the School of the square to celebrate the 61 General Assembly, the General Assembly began, school leaders told us that holiday greetings, and then held a first-year students into teams of a ceremony to them today is a glorious young pioneers I am really happy for them. At a presentation ceremony, Wu Hao-day I took office to accept the award on behalf of the whole class. Because the EV71 virus in Fuyang, 61 the General Assembly this year's excitement did not last year, but I am glad, because I was named outstanding school of the Young Pioneers and the advanced education of individuals Thanksgiving.
Dad can come back to work late, he is back I have my father to tell him the good news.
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