近段时间,社会上对学校是否应该强制学生穿校服展开了激烈的讨论,褒贬不一。于是本期《城市镜报》在学校中广泛征稿,希望听到来自学生的心声。请你就征稿要求进行投稿。词数:100-120Possible Version:
Dear "Chat back",Taking the advantages of wearing school uniforms into consideration, I"m all for it that school uniforms should be a necessity for students。 Since clothes play an important role in our daily life, many students feel like showing themselves off。 In this way, school uniforms help students avoid being compared to others about the clothes。For example, my friend flora is born in a poor family。 Her parents are both laid off now。?
So she can"t afford the fashionable clothes。 Smart as she is, she used to feel uncomfortable when staying with the students who are dressed up。 Thanks to the school uniforms, she is never looked down upon。 Now, she has already cleared up the negative feelings and stood out among her classmates。In a word, I think highly of school uniforms。 It can always do us good。
作文话题: 900字 强制 学校 学生 征稿 词数 学生 褒贬 社会上 本期 心声 强制
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