The legend of Nuwa
The legend of Nuwa
Long long ago a goddess Nuwa, had magic powers but she was very lonely. The Earth was beautiful but silent. She flew and flew in the peaceful sky until she was tired and she stopped at a nearby river. She looked into the water and saw her reflection. An idea came to her.
She grabbed a handful of wet mud and made it into a doll. The doll became alive. Nuwa decided to make more and more. She called the doll-Human. The goddess then had another idea. She divided them into men and women. That way, they could form a family and have children.
Years went by, when suddenly……the sky collapsed! Rain poured as storm came thundering from the sky and flooded the mountains. Seeing her children drown, Nuwa made rafts for them. She decided to fix the sky insteadtated of watching her children drown and die. She used some colorful, round rocks and flew to the sky. Still there was a big gap. Next, she cut off the turtle’s legs and placed them up. After all this hard-work done, she felt exhausted but still kept going. With all her spirit, the sky was mended and her children were safe.
Dear Elsa
What a lovey story! You have really captured the wonderful time when human beings were created. I especially love your description of the storm.
亲爱的艾尔莎 多么可爱的故事!你真的捕捉到了人类被创造的美好时光。我特别喜欢你对风暴的描述。祝贺!
作文话题: 1600字 女娲 天空 孩子 一个 女神 修复 想法 娃娃 人类 有了 一位
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