My Diary of the Journey to the Moun(我的日记Moun的旅程)_250字
7:00a.m. We got up had our breakfast and packed our backpacks for journey to Mount
8:00a.m. We checked our backpacks and bikes to make sure that we had all things.
10:50a.m. After a long time we finally arrived at the MountLv .We were so tired that we had to have a rest.We hadsome water.Then we boughtthe tickets.It took us lots of money.The MountLv is very beautiful.It has lots of trees and flowers
12:00 We stopped for lunch just inside the Guan Yin Ge.That was so interesting.We had learnt lots of history about the Guan Yin Geand other places.
3:30p.m. We visited many places of Mount Lv.Then we started to ride home.We have learnt lots of knowledge.We were so happy and excited.?? We all hoped to visit the MountLv again
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