State banking giant People‘s Bank has entered into partnership with the popular and informative children’s magazine Funday Times, issued with The Sunday Times, to conduct an all-island essay competition that will coincide with International Children‘s Day 2008.
The competition was announced in June 2008, and was open to all children island-wide. At present finalists have been selected from the 25 districts. The second round is scheduled to be held on August 9 at designated centres around the country.
There will be four categories in which children can participate: these include Grades 2 and 3, Grades 4 and 5, Grades 6 and 7, and Grades 8 and 9. Each category will have a different topic to write on, and the essays can be written in Sinhala, Tamil or English.
As a responsible corporate citizen, People’s Bank has for more than 47 years carried out various programmes aimed at nurturing the talents of future generations. Through its ‘Isuru Udana’ and ‘Sisu Udana’ products, designed especially with the welfare of children in mind, the Bank has paved the way for all children to learn the value of savings.
Through this essay competition, the Bank, together with the Funday Times, aims to encourage the language and creative writing skills of children. The winners will be rewarded with valuable prizes and certificates at a ceremony which will be held on October 4.
- 第一次包饺子-第一次作文800字
- 有你,真好-写人作文650字
- 悔-六年级记叙文550字
- 关于导购的随感-写事作文500字
- 令人难忘的运动会-运动会作文650字
- 有你真好-六年级记叙文700字
- 暖-记叙文作文600字
- 轮滑-我的拿手好戏作文500字
- 铁蛋-月光下的村庄作文700字
- 悔-记叙文700字
- 铁蛋-月光下的村庄作文500字
- 新时代新雷锋-人物作文700字
- 父爱-关于父亲的作文600字
- 忙-记叙文范文550字
- 智能家居让生活更美好-记叙文400字
- 一只玩具熊的故事-想象作文650字
- 开学第一天-写事作文800字
- 四行超能鞋-我的奇思妙想作文650字
- 会变色的苹果-与苹果有关的作文600字
- 感谢有您-关于母亲作文700字
- 花瓶的故事-六年级想象作文800字
- 桥-记叙文作文600字
- 王老师真好-人物作文700字
- 有你,真好-写人作文700字
- 我的妹妹-写人作文900字