A son and his father were walk(一个男孩和他的父亲走)_300字
A son and his father were walking on the mountains.
Suddenly his son falls hurts himself and screams “AAAhhhhhh!!!”
To his surprise he hears the voice repeating somewhere in the mountain “AAAhhhhh!!!”
Curious he yells “Who are you ”
He receives the answer “Who are you”
He looks his father and asks “What’s going on”
The father smiles and says “My son pay attention.”
And then he screams to the mountain “You are a champion!”
The voice answers “You are a champion!”
Hello friends! It’s me Berry ten years old hails from Wuhu city Anhui Province. I’m in grade four Yuhong primary school. Likes fish play basketball and football proud son of loving parents; Zhangyan and ShaoZenggang .Always believe in yourself. Be part of ONE WORLD ONE DREAM.
Gotwo thousand eight BEIJING OLYMPICS.
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