My dream(我的梦)_450字
Everyone has their own dreamsSo do I.An old saying:Great dreams make great man.It is very important to dreamSo hold on to your dreams;One day they may just come ture.You must believe:Where there is a willthere is a way.
My dream is to be an expert in English.You may ask:Why can like this?I will tell you:In factI have a lot of reasons.
FirstBecause English is an international language now.It is widely used in the world.Just the study of English makes life so colorful.English is taught throughout the world.So we must learn English.
NextBecause we need a common language to communicate.This kind of language is English.I would like to walk out of Chinainto the world.I love my motherland_ChinaI will let her become more prosperous and powerful.
FinallyBecause I am going to promate Chinese culture everywhere.I am going to teach Chinese all over the world.I can undoubtedlly change the world for the better!????I do not give up my dream no matter what happens.Nothing is difficult in the world if you put your heart into it.I feel strongly that I can make it.Let us make miracles together!
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