A Diary (日记一则)_700字
日记须包括以下几个要点: 1.下午的数学考试你的成绩不佳,心情一直不好。 2.晚上同学邀请你去KTV唱歌,这是你第一次去KTV。3.大家唱得彳艮高兴,而你一直当听众,你觉得你的歌唱得不好,不敢唱。 4.在大家的鼓励下,你终于拿起麦克风(microphone),唱了一首英文歌曲“Ibelieve I can fly”。 5.现在你的心情舒畅了;更重要的是:你找回了自信(selfconfidence)。6.你在日记中对自己说了这样一句话:“……” 注意: 1.词数100左右。 2.日记必须包括所有要点,但可以用不同的句式表达。 3.日记的开头已写好。
?ADiaryMay 20,2005 Friday SunnyThis evening I went to the KTV with some of my goodfriends。 This was the first time that I had been to a KTV。 At first I didn"twant to go。?
I had been in a bad mood the whole afternoon because I didn"t dowell in the math exam。 At the KTV, everybody sang his favourite songs veryhappily except me。 I was the only one of the audience。?
I didn"t dare to have atry。 Because I was afraid that I couldn"t sing well。 Encouraged by myclassmates, I picked up the microphone and sang an English song "I believe I canfly" I have become cheerful now and above all I"ve regained selfconfidence。?
Ibelieve that the worst enemy in one"s life is oneself。 I shouldn"t lose heartjust because of one or two failures。 Because I still have chances to try。
作文话题: 1100字 日记 日记 晚上 心情 词数 要点 唱歌 不好 下午 包括 数学
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