电视为我们提供了栩栩( vivid )如生的世界,通过电视我们可以观看比赛,可以观光、足不出户便知世事。
1。 应阐明自己的观点;
2。 词数: 120 左右;
3。 生词:影响— influence, affect 。
Now more and more people own televisions, which present a very vivid world to us。 On television, we can watch exciting matches, see most of the places of interests without going there ourselves。 From TV, We learn many things happening in the world。
Television also plays an educational role in our daily life。 Children enjoy learning much interesting knowledge from TV。 By providing various TV university courses, television offers various educational programs for different viewers。
However, television can also be harmful。 It hurts our eyes。 Watching TV too much influences our sleep and work。 Now many students spend too much time on TV, which reduces their study time and does great harm to their health。 In short, we should regard television as our assistant, not our master。
作文话题: 1000字 电视 电视 词数 栩栩 作用 影响 提供 生词 每一个 有一些 教育
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