The world is always full of bloody, war too much, so that each person others are wary, and many false things that follow. The ancient battlefield, more explicitly than in a high and low: modern society, the stab in the back very difficult to prevent, Collateral. In the modern, smart people are those who know how to use people. As the United States and the war in Iraq, the United States to Iraq has weapons of madestruction attacks on the ground, but the capture of Iraq, because there is no chemical or biological weapons found, then they will say that information to review the investigation to open error occurred.
The United States can always use their manufactured war rumors around, but who knows about North Korea in the future destiny?
The United States has launched atomic bombing of the Chinese Embassy in Yugoslavia, but they are threatened was a bad accident. To test the Chinese government that they reflect the Ershi so many innocent deaths and injuries, it is too much. It is also a Chinese missile mistakenly flew the White House and explained that it? Since technology so advanced the U.S., there will be repeatedly mistaken bombing, not to mention China?
The United States ignores international law and the obstruction of the United Nations, but ignoring the local people‘s strong opposition. Well, I doubted whether Annan is just a puppet of the U.S. government?
Society is such that China has a number of corrupt officials. But people have arrested corrupt officials have been ousted early, this is not it strange? Guanguanxianghu any country, without exception.
The world‘s future is one-way street, leading to the evil way.
It is really true that what is planted in the mind goes to the heart and will be shown through actions. Teachers is not a lone provider of knowledge, its partner is the textbook and since we are living in a pluralistic society authors must provide products of their mind that is worthy to be appreciated not just a mere mediocre of a piece!We are all equal regardless of all the exceptions. In addition to that, DepEd must also be an advocate of what they believe in order for them to achieve better and the best results.
To quote Banks and Banks idea, "multicultural education is an emerging discipline whose major aim is to create equal educational opportunities to all students from diverse cultural groups.
One of its important role is to acquire knowledge, attitudes, and skills needed to function effectively in a pluralistic democratic society and to interact, negotiate,and communicate wit people from diverse groups in order to create a civic and moral community that works for the common good." Among the very important aspect of society, DepEd is one of the most important organization in promoting equality to all regardless of race, religion, and beliefs. They are the captain that leads people to be literate and be productive in the society. One of its primary role is to select appropriate and top-rated textbooks that are acceptable and without pitfalls in terms of clerical error or stereotyping in any ways. But the irony was the controversial error of one textbook which was found out a few years ago.
In retrospect, how come such mistakes occur where in fact a lot of brilliant experts
who edit every textbook. With this dilemma, the education department must make it sure that they will follow the standard in choosing textbook in order to perfectly shape the mind of the Filipino learners. Text as we all know is very important in the learning process, students are useless without the textbook. There are many considerations in creating a book that is why people in the local or national education department must really follow the guidelines in order to have a better result in achieving the nation's goal towards literacy and development.
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- 漂泊中的归路-高二随笔800字
- 月亮的勇士-随笔700字
- 人生是一场旅行-散文1200字
- 有人说-高二随笔500字
- 学无止境-高二随笔500字
- 遇见-高二随笔600字
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