Work hard at your work, and play wildly at leisure.
For that is the way to be happy and delighted.
All that you do, do with all your strength and might
Things done by halves are never done right.
Boys and girls,
Today I’d like to share the poem with you. I think everyone is expected to balance between work and play whether you are a student or an adult.
That’s all, thank you.
Boys and girls,
Today I’d like to share the poem with you I think everyone is expected to balance between work and play whether you are a student or an adult.
Being hard-working is one of the qualities to make your dream come true, without which you can not achieve success. Once you set your goal, you must work hard until you succeed. It is no good leaving things half done. However, you can not work all the time without proper rest. Otherwise you cannot keep physical and mental 高二英语作文诗歌读后感Work hard at your work, and play wildlyhealth. Therefore, when you work, remember to put all your heart into it. Then when you play, you will be even more involved and relaxed.
Only when you understand the relationship between work and play can you arrange our time properly and achieve our goal without harming our health.
作文话题: 1200字 读后感 英语 诗歌 英语 读后感 词数 计入 班会 阐述 结尾 开头
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- 月亮的勇士-随笔700字
- 人生是一场旅行-散文1200字
- 有人说-高二随笔500字
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