
栏目:学前教育  时间:2022-12-16

  大学生自创CS搞笑故事翻译中的“望文生义”北极熊艰难的生存故事好莱坞明星宝宝大盘点澳大利亚深海奇异生物文革时期的教科书著名公司面试考题集锦游戏新年给你送祝福游戏 2006感动中国人物游戏 辞旧迎新送大礼!

  首页 资讯 实用英语课堂 英语新闻周报 电影漫话 英乐时空 语音突破 好文共享 双语图片奥运研究显示睡前故事帮助儿童提高学习成绩Childrens test results helped bybedtimestories国际在线 www.crionline.cn 2007-01-15 14:35:13

  Too many parents stop reading bedtime stories to theirchildrenonce they start school, according to a report to bepublishedtoday. They drop the habit believing they can leave it uptoteachers to improve their childrens reading and comprehension,itwill say.



  The report, by the National Literacy Trust, will claimthatparents who stop reading to their children once theystartcompulsory education at the age of five are jeopardisingtheirchances of success. Research shows that children brought up inahome that continues to regard reading as a source ofentertainmentare far more likely to achieve higher readingstandards in nationalcurriculum tests.


  During the first four years of a childs life, a majorityofparents (53 per cent) read to their children every day or night.Bythe time they reach the age of five to eight, this tails off to37per cent. Between the ages of eight and 12, it falls to 21percent.


  What is needed is some recognition that the importanceofparental involvement in their childrens reading habits doesnotdecrease just because they enter school, the report concludes.Theresearch goes on to show that parental involvement in readinghas amore marked effect on a childs ability than any other factor-including social background and class.


  The report, part of a nationwide Family Reading Campaignmountedby the National Literacy Trust and the BBC, will also showtherehas been a decline in enjoyment of reading over the past fiveyears- particularly among boys.


  Fifty-five per cent of 11-year-old boys now say they enjoyreading- compared with 70 per cent five years ago. The percentageof girlshas declined from 85 per cent to 75 per cent in the sameperiod.Thirteen per cent of youngsters said they disliked reading-compared with an international average of 6 per cent.


  Julia Strong, co-ordinator of the Family Reading Campaign,said:Sharing books together has so many benefits for families.

  Parental involvement in reading has more of an influenceonchildrens achievement than any other factor.

  英国全国家庭阅读竞赛负责人斯特朗表示:“父母与孩子一起读书有很多益处。父母为孩子培养阅读习惯是孩子取得优异学习成绩的关键。”(国际在线独家资讯蒋黎黎未经允许请勿转载)编辑: 王茉 稿源: 国际在线专稿 编辑信箱

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