1.(1分)Which pair of the words with the underlined letters has the same sound?( )
A.enter relate B.swim title
C.crowded allow
2.(1分)Which of the following words has the same sound as the underlined letter of the word "sugar"?( )
A.stairs B.suit C.sure
3.(1分)Which of the following words doesn't have the same stress as the others?( )
A.Supply B.Insect C.Request
4.(1分)Songhua River is our mother river.It runs___________ our city—Harbin,and it attracts millions of visitors every year.( )
A.across B.over C.through
5.(1分)When you are tired with studying,close your eyes and do eye___________ to relax.( )
A.exercise B.exercises C.exercising
6.(1分)I can't find my student ID card.I think I have lost___________.( )
A.it B.one C.them
7.(1分)Read carefully!If you__________ from facts,you can make a good choice.( )
A.refer B.infer C.prefer
8.(1分)The new bridge which is about___________ long will give us in Harbin better and faster public transport to the airport.( )
A.4.8 kilometers B.4.8﹣kilometer
C.4.8 kilometers'
下一篇:2015年陕西高考分数线:一本文510分 理480分
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