7月1日-2日 免费参会|第14届海峡两岸细胞生物学学术研讨会详细日程
Friday, July 1st, 2022
08:30-09:00 开幕式/贵宾致词 Opening Remarks
09:00-09:10 全体代表于分会场合影留念
大会特别演讲 Keynote Lectures
09:10-10:10 Keynote Speaker 蔡宜芳特聘研究员(“中研院”分子生物研究所)
Nitrate transport, sensing and utilization efficiency
10:10-11:10 Keynote Speaker 高绍荣特聘教授(同济大学)
Epigenetic Regulation of Early Embryo Development and Cell Reprogramming
11:10-11:30 Break
Symposium I:Single-cell omic analysis(单细胞基因体分析)
11:30-11:50 陈世淯助研究员(“中研院”生物医学科学研究所)
Single Cell Systems-Structured View of Immune Responses
11:50-12:10 刘峰研究员(中国科学院动物研究所)
Deciphering new mechanisms of hematopoietic stem cell development in zebrafish and mouse embryos
12:10-12:30 林建达助理教授(台湾大学生化科技学系)
Critical Tools in Precision Medicine: Single-Cell Multi-Omics Analysis and Machine Learning Models
12:30-13:40 午餐 Lunch
13:40-14:00 汤富酬教授(北京大学)
Decoding the gene regulation network in human germline cells by single-cell functional genomics approaches
14:00-14:20 高承源副研究员(“国卫院”免疫医学研究中心)
Bulk and single-cell RNA sequencing uncover the modulation of gut microbiota via epithelial cells and mucosal immunocytes in mice
14:20-14:40 刘江研究员(中国科学院北京基因组研究所)
The reprogramming of epigenetic landscape during mammalian embryogenesis
14:40-15:00 涂熊林助研究员(“中研院”化学研究所)
Integrated strategy for quantitative and streamlined proteomics analysis
15:00-15:20 郭国骥教授(浙江大学)
A Human Cell Landscape for Cell Type Identification at the Single-Cell Level
15:20-15:40 Break
Symposium II:Cellular Immunology (细胞免疫)
15:40-16:00 徐志文副研究员(“中研院”生物医学科学研究所)
IL-22 initiates an IL-18-dependent epithelial response circuit to enhance intestinal immunity
16:00-16:20 李斌研究员/特聘教授(上海交通大学医学院)
16:20-16:40 徐立中专任副教授(台湾大学医学院分子医学研究所)
Terminal uridyltransferase 7 regulates TLR4-triggered inflammation by controlling Regnase-1 mRNA uridylation and degradation
16:40-17:00 孟广勋研究员(中国科学院上海巴斯德研究所)
Gasdermin D Drives the Non-exosomal Secretion of An Insulin Signal Antagonist Galectin-3
17:00-17:20 徐爱民教授(香港大学)
Immunological Regulators for Browning and Thermogenesis of White Adipose Tissue
17:20-17:40 柯俊荣助理教授(台湾大学医学院免疫学研究所)
Role of the E3 ubiquitin ligase Peli1 in regulating antitumor immunity
17:40-18:40 晚餐
18:40-19:00 徐平龙教授( 浙江大学)
Cellular functions of innate immune sensing for aberrant nucleic acids
19:00-19:20 蒋争凡教授(北京大学)
19:20-19:40 吴恒祥助理教授(“中国医药大学”癌症生物与药物研发学位学程)
Development of anti-cancer agents targeting the mechanistics of IL-17B/IL-17RB 喜剧片 downstream oncogenic signaling
19:40-20:00 王纲特聘教授(复旦大学)
Mediator MED23 controls oligodendrogenesis and myelination by modulating Sp1/P300-directed transcription
Saturday, July 2nd, 2022
Symposium III:Circuits and behaviors (神经回路与行为)
09:00-09:20 连正章特聘教授兼院长(阳明交通大学生命科学院)
Modulation of Hippocampal Cells and Connections: Implication for Anxiety
09:20-09:40 徐楠杰研究员(上海交通大学医学院)
Hippocampal Lnx1-NMDAR multi-protein complex mediates initial social memory
09:40-10:00 林士杰教授(阳明大学神经科学研究所)
Functional and causal coupling between midbrain dopaminergic neurons and the basal forebrain in the encoding of reward prediction error
10:00-10:20 刘凯教授(香港科技大学生命科学部)
10:20-10:40 Break
10:40-11:00 潘明楷助理教授(台湾大学医学院药理所)
The circuitry mechanism of essential tremor
11:00-11:20 陆巍教授(复旦大学)
A striatal SOM-driven ChAT-iMSN loop generates beta oscillations and produces motor deficits
11:20-11:40 林书苇副研究员(“中研院”分子生物研究所)
The thirsty mind of the fruit fly: from osmosensing to water-seeking motivation
11:40-12:00 张晨教授(首都医科大学)
Restoring Fmr1 gene expression in V1 neurons rescues visual hypersensitivity in constitutive knockout mice
12:00-12:20 闭幕式/贵宾致词 Closing Remarks
原标题:《7月1日-2日 免费参会|第14届海峡两岸细胞生物学学术研讨会详细日程》
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