Editor's Note
近日,上海交通大学环境科学与工程学院助理教授、清华大学国情研究院出站博士后李萌,清华大学公共管理学院长聘副教授、清华大学国情研究院副研究员高宇宁等在英文期刊《资源、保护与循环利用(Resources, Conservation and Recycling)》发表文章“考虑跨国企业的全球价值链中的物质足迹(Material footprints in global value chains with consideration of multinational enterprises)”。
▋Resources, Conservation andRecycling
Volume 190, March 2023, 106828
|?Received 14September 2022
|?Revised 5December 2022
|?Accepted 6December 2022
|?Availableonline 28 December 2022
|?Version ofRecord 28 December 2022
Material footprints in global value chains withconsideration of multinational enterprises
Meng Lia,*, Bo Mengb,c,d,Yuning Gaoe, Joaquim J. M. Guilhotof,?Keying Wangd, Yong Genga
aSchool of Environmental Scienceand Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China
bInstitute of DevelopingEconomies-Japan External Trade Organization, Japan
cThe Collaborative InnovationCenter for Emissions Trading System Co-constructed by the Province andMinistry, China
dHubei University of Economics,China
eSchool of Public Policy andManagement, Tsinghua University, China
fInternational Monetary Fund,United States
? Materialsembodied in global trade and investments account for 40% of world's totalmaterial extraction.
? Fixed capitalformation accounts for over half of the increase in global totalmaterial footprints.
? Countriesare heterogeneous in terms of material footprints by GVC routes, final demandtypes and material footprints balance.
? TheSouth-South material flows have experienced rapid increase.
The world has witnessed an unprecedented growth in extraction of materials and natural resources in the past few decades. The emerging of multinational enterprises has dramatically challenged the understanding of materials along Global Value Chains. To have a full picture of world material footprints, it is essential to understand to what extent materials are re-distributed by trade and investments. This study employs an Environmental-Extended multi-regional Input-Output approach with explicit consideration on multinational enterprises to trace the embodied material flows along Global Value Chains. The results show that both the outsourcing and offshoring of production by trade and the overseas investments by multinational enterprises contribute to the surging material extraction in developing countries. The results also highlight the role of fixed capital formation in driving the increase of the material footprints. The sustainable development goals call for collaboration of all nations with more focuses on the role of multinational enterprises.
Key Words
Globalvalue chains
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