There is an Indian story about a bar of candy that came to see God in Heaven and complained: "Dear God, I am so sweet. I am so nice! I keep the Five Precepts. I meditate all the time." The sugar candy, as you know, it always sits on the table doing nothing. He says he never does harm to anyone. "But anyone, even the ants, the flies -- anyone who comes near me wants to eat me. Why? What have I done? Doesn't the law of karma exist anymore?" Because God says that if you do something bad, if you harm someone, if you are sour, then people will return sourness to you. But if you are sweet to people, if you are nice and you don't do any harm to people, then they will never harm you, right?
So the candy said, "Why me? I am a candy. (Laughter) I am so sweet, and people always eat me and abuse me, why?" And God said, "You better step a little bit further before I answer you." And the candy said, "Why, you don't like me?" God said, "Just do it! Stand away, please!" Hes nearly lost Hiers temper. Oh, Hes shouted very hard, very loud. And the sugar was shaking, thinking that God got angry with him and didn't like him. He said, "M-m-m-y G-g-god, but what did I do?" God said, "You didn't do anything, but if you stay too near, I will also want to eat you!" (Laughter and applause)
Everything in this world has a nature of its own. Some are charming, some are seducing, like the candy, chocolate, the cakes, and some burn everything like fire, as soon as you get near.
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