
栏目:幼儿教育  时间:2022-11-27




  *Unit 1(10个单词)



  ·ruler英 [ru:l(r)] / n.尺子I have a ruler.(我有一把尺子。)·pencil英 [pensl] / n.铅笔I have a pencil.(我有一支铅笔。)·eraser英 [rez(r)] / n.橡皮Do you have eraser?(你有橡皮擦吗?)·crayon英 [kren] / n.蜡笔Do you have crayon?(你有蜡笔吗?)·bag英 [bg] / n.包She is holding many shopping bags.(她正拎着好几个购物袋。)·pen英 [pen] / n.钢笔Can I use your pen,Joy?(我能用你的钢笔吗,乔伊?)·pencil box英 / 铅笔盒We have a nice green pencil box.(我们有一个漂亮的绿色铅笔盒。)·book英 [bk] / n.书I have a book.(我有一本书。)·no英 [n] / n.不No,I don''t.(不,我没有。)·your英 [j:(r)] / pron.你的,你们的Dont'' forget your umbrella.It might rain.(不要忘记了你的雨伞,可能会下雨。)

  *Unit 2(10个单词)



  ·red英 [red] / adj.红色;红色的Show me red.(给我看看红色。)·green英 [gri:n] / adj.绿色;绿色的A green balloon!(一个绿色气球!)·yellow英 [jel] / adj.黄色;黄色的It''s yellow.(它是黄色的。)·blue英 [blu:] / adj.蓝色;蓝色的A blue balloon!(一个蓝色的气球!)·black英 [blk] / adj.黑色;黑色的A big black balloon,please.(请给我一个又大又黑的气球。)·brown英 [bran] / adj.棕色;棕色的I''m painting the wall in brown.(我在把墙刷成棕色。)·white英 [wat] / adj.白色;白色的The snow covered up the fields with a white cloak.(积雪给田野盖上了一件白色的外衣。)·orange英 [rnd] / adj.橙色;橙色的Do you like orange?(你喜欢橙子吗?)·OK英 [ke] / adj.好;行I''m OK.(我没事。)·mum英 [mm] / n.妈妈I love sweets but Mum doesn''t let me have them very often.(我爱吃糖,可妈妈不让我常吃。)

  *Unit 3(12个单词)



  ·face英 [fes] / n.脸Touch your face.(触摸你的脸。)·ear英 [(r)] / n.耳朵Touch your ear.(摸摸你的耳朵。)·eye英 [a] / n.眼睛This is my eye.(这是我的眼睛。)·nose英 [nz] / n.鼻子Touch your nose.(摸摸你的鼻子。)·mouth英 [maθ] / n.嘴This is my mouth.(这是我的嘴巴。)·arm英 [ɑ:m] / n.胳膊She stretched her arms out.(她张开双臂。)·hand英 [hnd] / n.手It''s my hand.(这是我的手。)·head英 [hed] / n.头My head hurts.(我的头受伤了。)·body英 [bdi] / n.身体The man''s body is so strong!(这个男人的身体真强壮!)·leg英 [leg] / n.腿I like to show my legs in the summer.(我喜欢在夏天展示我的腿。)·foot英 [ft] / n.脚She is lying in the sun with bare foot.(她光着脚躺在阳光下。)·school英 [sku:l] / n.学校I''m going to the school.(我要去学校。)

  *Unit 4(12个单词)



  ·duck英 [dk] / n.鸭子I hava a duck.(我有一只鸭子。)·pig英 [pg] / n.猪The pig stores a lot of fat in its body.(猪在体内储存了大量的脂肪。)·cat英 [kt] / n.猫It''s a cat. (这是一只猫。)·bear英 [be(r)] / n.熊Can I have a bear?(可以给我一只玩具熊吗?)·dog英 [dg] / n.狗It''s a dog.(这是一只狗。)·elephant英 [elfnt] / n.大象His tour de force is an elephant sculpture.(他的精心之作是一件大象雕塑。)·monkey英 [mki] / n.猴子Act like a monkey.(扮演一只猴子。)·bird英 [b:d] / n.鸟It''s a bird.(这是一只鸟。)·tiger英 [tag(r)] / n.老虎It''s a tiger.(这是一只老虎。)·panda英 [pnd] / n.大熊猫It is well known that bamboo shoots are a panda''s staple diet.(竹笋是熊猫的主要食物,这是人所共知的。)·zoo英 [zu:] / n.动物园She is at the zoo.(她在动物园里。)·funny英 [fni] / adj.好笑的,滑稽的It was so funny that the icon cried with laughter.((这个笑话)太好笑了,表情都笑出眼泪了。)

  *Unit 5(8个单词)



  ·bread英 [bred] / n.面包I want some bread and milk.(我想要一些面包和牛奶。)·juice英 [du:s] / n.果汁I am thirsty. I want some juice.(我饿了。我想要些果汁。)·egg英 [eg] / n.蛋I want egg.(我想吃鸡蛋。)·milk英 [mlk] / n.奶Do you want milk?(你想喝牛奶吗?)·water英 [w:t(r)] / n.水Do you want water?(你想喝水吗?)·cake英 [kek] / n.蛋糕Do you like cake?(你喜欢蛋糕吗?)·fish英 [f] / n.鱼Do you like fish?(你喜欢鱼吗?)·rice英 [ras] / n.米饭I want rice and vegetables.(我想要米饭和蔬菜。)

  *Unit 6(12个单词)



  ·one英 [wn] / num.一One o''clock.(一点钟。)·two英 [tu:] / num.二Two o''clock.(两点钟)·three英 [θri:] / num.三Three people.(三个人)·four英 [f:(r)] / num.四four seasons.(四季。)·five英 [fav] / num.五Five people.(五个人。)·six英 [sks] / num.六Six o''clock.(六点钟。)·seven英 [sevn] / num.七Seven Dwarfs.(七个小矮人。)·eight英 [et] / num.八Eight men will be quite enough.(八个人就足够了。)·nine英 [nan] / num.九It''s nine o''clock now.(现在九点钟了。)·ten英 [ten] / num.十It''s ten o''clock.(十点了,该打烊了。)·brother英 [br(r)] / n.兄;弟The brother and sister play together.(两兄妹在一起玩。)·plate英 [plet] / n.盘子There is an empty plate on the wooden table.(木桌上有一个空盘子。)

  人教PEP版 - 三年级英语上册(三年级起点)》由[小孩子点读]APP独家原创整理并发布,未经授权不得转载。小孩子单词天天练提供标准的发音,详实的释义,贴切的例句,助力大家学好英语。


