
栏目:幼儿教育  时间:2022-12-12


  Stand Guard Together


  How time flies! The year 2021 has passed by in the blink of an eye.


  It has been a roller coaster ride of a year. Battling the continuously emerging COVID-19 variants, dramatically widening the “immunity gap” and the struggling global economy against the pressure of inflation, people in many parts of the world remain optimistic and keep a level head to proceed with the “normal agenda”, with fireworks illuminating the night sky, virtual meetings surging online, cargo ships crowding the wharves and sparkles of innovation flying in real and virtual worlds…


  It is clear that fear and strong will, vulnerability and resilience, suspicion and trust, conflict and cooperation, separation and convergence, and aggressiveness and conservatism “live in harmony” and “click in perfect sync” amid the pandemic. This defines human beings—the ability to take inspiration from the catastrophe and turn them into the strength of self-improvement.


  The jury is still out on how COVID-19 will drive global reform, yet we can already tell that it will change history, at least, in the distribution of supply chains, modes of social interactions, world power balance, global governance and technological innovations. No one can escape—some may get confused or lost, while others have found their better selves.


  The future is like a matrix where different choices may lead to different prospects and lives. As individuals, we can hardly be prepared for so many possibilities by ourselves. The only choice is to stand together with the nation to find the right and rational path with responsibility and inclusiveness to deal with and adapt to the changes.


  Amid the changing and complicated global landscape, our country has stood out to demonstrate its resilience in fighting against surging torrents and the courage and confidence to stand up to fierce competitions.


  In 2021, China has drawn the world’s attention with more measures on structural adjustments, global initiatives and international public goods, playing a key role in maintaining the stability of global supply chains and injecting more “Chinese philosophy” and “Chinese narrative” into the cause of promoting the common values of human society.


  It is safe to say that a great practice that may reshape the whole human civilization has started in China.


  The practice advances the upgrading of reform. The new reform is targeted at the justice of domestic governance, which will inevitably lead to changes in ways of production and distribution. As our gains and losses are closely interwoven, we are bound to share a common destiny against all odds.


  The practice deepens the dialogue between tradition, reality and the future. For both ancient and young civilizations like ours, the relationship between “country”, “home,” and “people” will be further constructed, with the country as the sailing boat, home the bond and people the most special force of production. The contribution of every individual adds up to the national strength, and the rights of each person converge to our national dignity.


  The practice will also inevitably reshape the relationship between China and the rest of the world. This is when China wields true influence on where the world heads as a great country without modern precedent. At such a time, as we find ourselves amid grave suspicions from the outside world and in the face of complicated internal and external challenges, we need to handle the relationship with the world with a more rational and prudent attitude and vision.


  Not everyone is willing to see China open its door to the world. Whatever the motive, there is always someone who attempts to push China back to the time when it was isolated from the outside world and entangled in cruel involution by such means as “decoupling” and “waging wars”. We should cherish the hard-won achievements today, duly fulfill the duties and speak up for what we deserve to help the country guard its peaceful development and protect the fruits of reform and opening up.


  Our reform and opening up are built upon the normal interaction with the rest of the world. Over the past TWO years, China’s international exchanges have been significantly affected by repeated outbreaks of COVID-19 and the blockade and suppression from the U.S. In the long run, it will erode the foundation of reform and opening up, resulting in structural changes to the platform of economic globalization, which is unfavorable for China. We must give full play to our expertise to help the country get over difficulties and back to the normal track in international exchanges.


  Face-to-face communication and exchanges are the only guarantees of information, judgment, and cooperation quality. The year 2021 marks the 8th anniversary of its establishment. The Pangoal Institution, instead of making “captain’s calls”, has adopted an action-oriented strategy with a down-to-earth attitude to fulfill due responsibilities in practical work.


  To serve China’s “green transformation”, especially the energy consumption measurement mechanism reform, the Pangoal Institution initiated an industrial alliance of carbon peaking and carbon neutrality. President Yi Peng organized five “carbon peaking and carbon neutrality industry investigation tours”, visiting over a hundred enterprises in more than 20 provinces and municipalities spanning 25,000 kilometers, to look into the potential and resources of local areas, learn their industrial policies, actual development on carbon emission and achieving carbon neutrality, after which first-hand information was acquired, and multiple reports were submitted to concerned authorities. On Dec 22, the Pangoal Institution-Industrial Alliance of Carbon Peaking and Carbon Neutrality launched the Hohhot Initiative.


  To better serve the local economic growth, the Pangoal Institution has established the Research Institute for Jilin Revitalization with the Jilin Provincial Government and organized a trip of more than a hundred corporate leaders to Jilin for the “investigation to assist Jilin’s revitalization”, which has been praised as a Chinese think tank AMI reference case for “innovative internal governance”. In September 2021, the Award for Outstanding Contributors at the 6th World Jilin Entrepreneurs Convention was honored to Yi Peng.


  Currently, Jilin Province is running ahead of the other two northeastern provinces, namely Liaoning and Heilongjiang, in economic growth, market entity vigor, foreign investment attraction, and foreign trade and consumption activity. The Pangoal Institution takes pride in its intellectual contribution to these achievements.


  Over the past year, the Pangoal Institution has held over a hundred academic seminars and idea exchange salons, yielding hundreds of internal documents, reports, commentaries and other written literature. Ten Topics for an Aging Society (2021), Report on Social Innovation and Report on Elderly Care in Buddhism issued by the Pangoal Institution Aging Society Studies Center and its publications including 100 Questions on An Aging Population and Society and Get Old with Peace of Mind: Preparations for the Shock of Aging have been taken seriously by concerned authorities and drawn wide attention of people from all walks of life.


  In 2021, to boost self-cultivation and self-reflection, Yi Peng has led teams to visit the hometowns of such philosophers as Zhang Zai, Wang Fuzhi, Zhou Dunyi and Wei Yuan during local investigation tours. The teachings of these ancient sages have profoundly influenced the minds and values of Chinese people. The Pangoal Institution has become even more determined in its guiding principles in world governance and direction of serving the country and benefiting the people by paying tribute to these ancestors.


  In the coming new year, the Pangoal Institution will keep focusing on carbon peaking and carbon neutrality, local economic growth, aging society, international relations research and work on developing macro-economy, digital economy, and social governance. It will stick to in-depth field investigation and the coordination of information and resources from all sectors of society to yield more diversified intellectual achievements and promote the transformation and application of these scenarios.


  The new era is full of competition and risks. The way ahead is tough but also promising with plenty of opportunities. As we ring in the year of 2022, the Pangoal Institution would like to invite you to stay optimistic with us. We should uphold our guiding principles and remain true to our original aspirations. We all need to keep in mind that turns and twists cannot be avoided in significant explorations. We should firmly believe that the nation is leading us on the right track. And we should also be confident that our cognition can shape the national one and lead the country to a better future.


  Pangoal Institution


  Dec 31, 2021

