
栏目:高等教育  时间:2023-01-04

  UNITED NATIONS — President Donald Trump on Monday opened 电影盒子 his first visit to the United Nations since taking office with a polite but firm call for the 72-year-old institution to overhaul itself and a veiled threat to pull out of the Iran nuclear agreement.


  联合国——周一,唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)总统礼貌但坚决地要求已有72年历史的联合国进行改革,并暗暗威胁要退出伊朗核协议,以此开启了他上台后的首次联合国之行。


  ① taking office 就职;上任

  Obama acknowledged that he is taking office at a time of crisis, and asked Americans to help him confront the challenges. 奥巴马清楚自己是临危受命,于是呼吁美国人民与他一同共度难关。

  ② overhaul

  v. ~ sth. 彻底检修

  to examine every part of a machine, system, etc. and make any necessary changes or repairs

  Countries could tap it in return for agreeing to IMF conditions to overhaul their economics. 这些国家将会孤注一掷,甚至会同意国际货币基金组织彻底检修该国经济的条件

  v. ~ sb. 赶上

  China has surpassed Japan as the world's second largest economy and will, before long, overhaul the USA. 中国已经超越日本成为世界第二大经济体,并且,用不了太长时间就将赶上美国。

  ③ veiled threats 暗示性的恫吓

  The U. S. made similar veiled threats against Japan in the 1980s and early 1990s, when Japan was seen as the rising power.上世纪80年代和90年代初日本被视为崛起中的大国时,美国也对日本发出类似绵里藏针的威胁。

  In a meeting with counterparts from around the world, Trump said the U.N. had grown too bureaucratic and ineffective and should reorient its approach. He complained that spending and staff at the U.N. had grown enormously over the years but that “we are not seeing the results in line with this investment.”



  ① counterpart n. 同行(对应的事物,人) a person or thing that has the same position or function as sb/sth else in a different place or situation

  Yang arrived in London on Tuesday at the invitation of his British counterpart David Miliband for a three-day official visit.


  ②reorient its approach 调整方向,方法,策略(写作)

  ③ in line with 符合;跟...一致;按照

  "Hai Bao" in the name easy to sing, but also, and his body color echoes, in line with the principles of Chinese folk auspicious title.


  "We don't discuss William's private life, it's a matter for him, " she said, on customary condition of anonymity, in line with policy.


  At least this proposal would be in line with the more restrictive interpretation of German constitutional law.


  He complained that spending and staff at the U.N. had grown enormously over the years but (平行结构)that(重复complain后接的宾语从句作主语的that)“we are not seeing the results in line with this investment.”


