
栏目:高等教育  时间:2023-01-21

  2021考研真题答案及解析>>免费领直播课 公共课 政治 英语一 英语二 数学一 数学二 数学三   2021考研初试12月26~27日进行,2021考研初试情况(点击查看》》2021考研初试真题及答案解析专题),第一时间为考生提供考研真题答案及答案解析内容,同时新东方考研教师将为考生提供视频直播解析。直播入口|考研真题答案专区

  Suppose you are organizing an online meeting, write an email to Jack, an international student,

  1) invite him to participate

  2) tell him about the details.


  Dear Jack,

  As the president of Student’s Union of our university, I am writing the letter for the purpose of inviting you to participate in our online meeting.

  The online meeting will take place at 14:00 on June 15, 2020 in the Ding Talk Room. Because of the influence of the breakout of COVID-19, the meeting aims to talk about the way to have class for the next semester. During the meeting, you can give your opinions about the way the class should be taught, so you are supposed to prepare your views and suggestions in advance.

  Again, I hope you can participate in our online meeting and give your suggestions. Please contact me if you have any further questions.

  Yours sincerely,

  Li Ming

  解析:今年英语二小作文考察的是典型的邀请信。咱们在课上反复给英语二同学们强调邀请信的重要性,写作思路在课上也有明确梳理过。信件类小作文第一段通常自我介绍+目的表达。题干明确要求“invite him to participate in an online meeting”,因此同学们完全可以根据题干提供的信息改写写信目的。中间段需要交代活动/事件举办的事件地点,由于此次是线上会议,所以同学们在设计地点的时候需要用一些网站类地点词;在交代写信目的的部分需要学员自己发挥,结合目前的具体真实情况,可以交到网络会议是商讨下学期学习方式等。最后一段通常是模版内容,重申写信目的,再期待回复或者期待到来即可。整体文章难度不大,同学们可以根据背诵资料包自己整合出整篇文章。

  新东方教师直播解析2021考研答案>>免费领直播课 专业课 管理类联考 西医综合 中医综合 法硕 法硕非法学 计算机 教育学 古装片 历史学 心理学 经济学 农学 二外日语   更多2021考研真题答案及考研动态请持续关注新东方网。

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