哈罗珠海英方校长Charles Grayhurst专访:将哈罗双语双文化的课程带

栏目:高等教育  时间:2023-02-16




  English Version is at the end of the text




  “校长领导力”是此次调研的重点环节,国际学校校长作为掌舵人不仅需要具备一系列超越普通教师能力的素质,还需要具备强有力的领导力、品牌意识、创新意识以及优质教育教学人才的鉴别与吸引能力。“校长领导力”是学校办学成功的关键所在,本次百校调研团队专门对珠海哈罗礼德学校英方校长Charles Grayhurst先生进行了专访。






  Charles Grayhurst先生拥有英国巴斯大学教育领导硕士学位。在他超过25年的教育生涯中, Grayhurst先生在中国及亚洲多个国际化学校担任过管理层职位,其中包括在迪拜、马来西亚及中国的哈罗重庆,担任超过10年的创校校长经验。


  1. 京领:请您简单介绍下学校建校的初衷?

  哈罗珠海英方校长Charles Grayhurst:关于建校初衷,哈罗公学有着450年的荣耀历史,有跨越世纪的优良传统,有几个世纪的教育经验,进入亚洲也有了二三十年的时间。




  2. 京领:请问 “哈罗大家庭”指的是什么?它的来历与哈罗的联系是怎样的?

  哈罗珠海英方校长Charles Grayhurst:明年是英国哈罗公学450年的校庆,哈罗自起源于伦敦以来到如今延伸至亚洲的众多国家和地区,例如泰国、香港、北京和上海,再到最近几年在中国接连开设了五家哈罗新校区,例如哈罗重庆、哈罗南宁、哈罗深圳、哈罗海口,以及哈罗珠海,这些便组成了哈罗家庭。哈罗学校是由遍布在世界各地的诸多校区组成。




  3. 京领:双语教育真正的内涵是什么?以及它为中国学生带来了哪些机会?

  哈罗珠海英方校长Charles Grayhurst:有时候双语教育的真正内涵并不是十分明确的。双语教育并非仅仅是学习更多的英语课程,而是让孩子们在掌握自己的母语后,能够获得更强的双语思维能力。孩子们不但母语能力出色,还能学会思考,学会用自己的第一语言来批判性地看待和解决问题。当他们具有一定英语水平时,他们可以用英语来思考和解决问题,并且实现中英双语的任意转换。他们不仅可以把中文翻译成英文,还能用两种方式思考。这一点对我们来说是非常重要的。








  Teachers &





  4. 京领:哈罗如何促进学生领导力?学校所说的“育以至善,卓以领航”是什么意思?

  哈罗珠海英方校长Charles Grayhurst:在学生教育方面,我们整个哈罗集团是非常优秀卓越的。你可以想想那些受过哈罗教育的人,从丘吉尔到现代的诺贝尔奖获得者以及各个领域专家的数量,正如我提到的,有很多领导力是通过价值观来实现的。




  5. 哈罗如何促进个性化教育,以及哈罗所提的“个性化辅导”是指什么?

  哈罗珠海英方校长Charles Grayhurst:我认为 “个性化辅导” 是指了解每个孩子,是对每一个孩子都有一个全面的了解,懂得他们的需要,而达到这个认知可以通过多种方式,例如数据、定期的检测、学生学习的反馈等,可以是来自老师主观的评判也可以是机器测试。学生可以知道他们在学习过程的什么阶段以及清楚他们的目标。




  个性化的学习最重要的特征便是区分。教师知道该为孩子提供什么,同时和家长链接,使得我们的工作不仅仅发生在校园内,还会和家长密切地合作, 从而为孩子们提供适宜的帮助去帮助他们达到他们的目标。

  6. 京领:什么是学校的有效领导以及哈罗大家庭是如何实践创新管理的?

  哈罗珠海英方校长Charles Grayhurst:我当校长已经14年了,但我从未停止学习。我认为一个有效的领导是要去真正了解你的学校需要什么,并与学校的团队和个人保持密切的联系。为了做到以上两点,我去做一个平易近人的倾听者,保证紧跟实时动态。我知道家长需要什么,知道学生需要什么,知道我的员工需要什么。我知道如何领导每个员工,关注团队领导的同时又注重个人发展需求。

  Grow & glow




  7. 京领:那么哈罗珠海如何培养杰出的实践者?

  哈罗珠海英方校长Charles Grayhurst:我认为是通过引导来达成。提供资源,让他们获得专业培训和专业的管理能力培养。这种明确的期望是个人档案。我们有一个团体叫做哈罗学院,这是哈罗大家族整体的学校,有专业的发展支持网络,得到了高度重视和投入。由于疫情,目前哈罗学院通过线上运营,这也是一个专门的会议中心。曼谷的培训中心也是可用的,不仅是为我们的教师开放,而且对外开放。我们已经与来自世界各地的教育品牌、教育集团、专业培训机构、大学建立来联系。


  8. 京领:最后一个问题,请问作为一个哈罗人意味着什么?

  哈罗珠海英方校长Charles Grayhurst:我认为我们可以说回到对学术、卓越、生命、领导力、服务的认知上,以及最有代表性的价值观。我们想让哈罗人如何表现和怎样引导他们自己?勇气、荣誉感、谦逊、友谊,作为哈罗大家庭的一份子、社区的一份子,我们在日常互动中如何引导自己?作为成年人我们如何树立榜样?我们如何与我们的学生反复申明成为哈罗大家庭中的一员的意义?我们如何不求回报地服务他人?我们如何知道我们可能不需要与每个人成为最好的朋友,但友谊意味着我们要相互尊重,团队合作,践行我们对社区的承诺,无论是否在家,无论是否在学院内,无论是否在我们的社区之内。




  English Version:

  1. Kinglead: What is the original intention in establishing the school?

  Charles Grayhurst, Head Master of Harrow Zhuhai:As for the original intention of establishing the school, we have a 450-year history, centuries of excellent traditions and educational experience, and Harrow has expanded into Asia for over 30 years. In recent years, we emerged into the Chinese bilingual market. We have schools in Chongqing, Nanning, Shenzhen, Haikou, and ourselves here in Zhuhai, and we really have something to give. With a Harrow education, Chinese students can really benefit from the nine-year compulsory education. We believe that we can deliver a curriculum that is academically aligned with the Chinese national curriculum, develop students’ leadership skills, and provide the service and the Harrow values which Harrow is known for. Our students will be given, and be expected to reach, high requirements and expectations in their study, and they also have opportunities to experience various extracurricular activities, individualised learning, and boarding life. We think all Chinese children in grades one through to nine need to have access to these.

  What we really want to do is to bring the Harrow experience to China - to Chinese children in grades one to nine. In the meantime, we teach Chinese literacy and provide a real bilingual, bi-focused, bi-cultural environment. We have the Chinese approach to education, the Chinese experience, as well as the love that Chinese people take pride in. Children will be taught Chinese traditional culture, and develop a global vision to make great progress and have an influence on communities, and even the world, in the future.

  2. KingLead: What is meant by the Harrow Family of Schools? What is the History associated with Harrow?

  Charles Grayhurst, Head Master of Harrow Zhuhai:Next year is the four hundred and fiftieth anniversary of Harrow London in the UK. From the establishment of Harrow London to its expansion to Asia, the Harrow family has been constituted by Harrow schools located across the entire world including five schools that just opened in previous two years, such as Harrow Chongqing, Harrow Nanning, Harrow Haikou, Harrow Zhuhai, and Harrow Shenzhen.

  Over the last two years, we have been emerging in the bilingual market in China, so we work quite closely together with the schools in Chongqing, Nanning, Haikou, and Shenzhen, including with Harrow London. There are regular meetings between all of us at various levels of the organization. Even yesterday, I was talking to Harrow London, and they were visiting our school remotely to look at our standards. We spoke to the Headmaster of Harrow London, and our science teachers had an enjoyable conversation. My admission managers and students also communicated with their admission teachers and students. Because of the pandemic, we have become more advanced than before, and we can interact online. Actually, we can form a group that allows everyone to interact together and work together.

  3.KingLead: What does a bi-lingual education truly represent and what opportunity does it provide for Chinese students?

  Charles Grayhurst, Head Master of Harrow Zhuhai:Sometimes there tends to be some confusion about what bilingual education really represents. Bilingual education is not just about learning more English lessons but about children being able to access stronger thinking skills in both languages once they have mastered their native language. Children can not only master their mother tongue but learn to think critically and solve problems in their second language. They can then transfer that to English as they become proficient in English and can convert between Chinese and English at will. And they cannot translate Chinese into English but can think in both ways. That is really important for us.

  So, it is more of a trans-lingual rather than bilingual approach - a movement from one language to the other. Eventually, we hope children can speak English at a level comparable to Chinese but gaining English is not the most important thing. Instead, we should focus on the acquisition of Chinese which means we must ensure that they shape themselves in their mother tongue, appreciate Chinese culture and have a sense of pride of being Chinese whilst developing their global awareness. We think that is a benefit to our children, because at the elementary and middle school levels, children might not have this opportunity. So, this approach delivers the Chinese national curriculum rigorously and sticks to it, and the bilingual nature means the school can meet Harrow’s education goals, such as the academic rigor, high expectations, personalised learning, and leadership.

  In Harrow Zhuhai, a number of English, Maths, Science, I.T, Art and Music lessons are delivered through the English medium, by both UK and overseas staff and also local, bilingual Chinese staff. This ensures that we deliver the content of the Chinese national curriculum, and they learn that through English, but with the support of Chinese speakers within that classroom. Our teachers will be trained in English, acquisition, and content learning, as well as integrated materials. So, as the children learn Maths, Science, and other subject areas, they are picking up English at the same time. Then, we have people in that classroom who are bilingual as native speakers, and also non-native Chinese speakers. This really gives our children the support that they need. We are highly staffed at the school to make sure that this happens. We then, of course, practise Chinese lessons, moral lessons, humanities, and social studies all in Chinese. They can shortly make cultural connections and maintain that pride in where they come from.

  The support within a classroom is not a child sitting in a Maths lesson which is purely in English and not having the ability to drop into Chinese when necessary. As I said before, the learning of English should not come at the expense of the learning of the Chinese curriculum, or the learning of their mother tongue. We need our classroom to be flexible. We need to develop classrooms that are truly bilingual and trans-lingual, that can move from one to the other as necessary according to the needs of children. That is what is important. We have children who are in different parts of their English learning journey, so we need to make sure that we are highly staffed and that we differentiate our classrooms to provide what the children need.

  4.KingLead: How does Harrow promote student leadership and what does the school mean by ‘Academic excellence for life and leadership?’

  Charles Grayhurst, Head Master of Harrow Zhuhai:So, in terms of students, we are very excellent and outstanding as a group of schools. If you think of the people who come through a Harrow education, from Churchill to those within the modern day, the number of Nobel prize winners, and the number of people who are experts within their field, there are lots of brilliant leaders.

  First and foremost, what is instilled in our children, are the values that the school and the Harrow name represents. We encourage humility, fellowship, and love, and it is all because we are able to encourage our children through modeling, through opportunities to learn the Harrow values. So, it is not just to write them on the wall and expect everybody all of a sudden to demonstrate those values, but to teach these values. It is having leadership courses. It is bringing through concepts of leadership and values into the lessons that we teach, making sure that we provide students with the understanding of what effective leadership looks like across the world. It is also making sure that within the classroom on the microlevel, there are always opportunities to lead, such as peer mentoring or peer assessment. This allows the children to not only grow their own mind, but water their peers’ minds, letting them all grow together.

  5. Kinglead: How does Harrow promote a personalised education and what is close personal tutoring?

  Charles Grayhurst, Head Master of Harrow Zhuhai:I think close personal tutoring means knowing every single child, and having a comprehensive understanding of every child and what they need. This can come from a variety of different areas, such as data, regular assessment, and feedback on children's progress. Learners really know where they stand at that point and know what their targets should be.

  So, we use a whole suite of different data and tools to paint that picture about how they can learn more actively, about how they feel about school, about their ambitions and aims for the future, as well as their targets. When we have these clear pictures of a child's life in school, we know what they need and then produce personalised learning.

  If we know who the children are, where the children stand in their current journey, where they should be going, what their capabilities are, and what their potential is, we can bring out the best in them.

  The most significant feature of personalised learning is differentiation. The classroom teachers know what to provide for children to help them on their journey, and then communicate this with parents at home. This ensures that we triangulate the learning; we do not only work on our school, but we work with the parents. We also coordinate between all of us to make sure we give them the right opportunities and the right input to be able to achieve their potential.

  6.KingLead: In your opinion, what constitutes effective leadership in schools and how does the Harrow family practice innovative governance?

  Charles Grayhurst, Head Master of Harrow Zhuhai:I have been a headmaster for about 14 years now, and I am still learning, but I think effective leadership is to really know what your community needs and to be in touch with your community, both as a whole and as individuals. I know what the parents need, know what the students need, and know what my staff need. I know how to lead individual staff members, and know them as people, as individuals.

  I then think that effective leadership is about leading from the front; modeling the expectations, keeping expectations high, providing my staff with the resources they need to deliver excellence, the training facilities, and the physical resources that students need.

  In Harrow, we have robust governance within our schools. There are examples across the group of the sharing of excellence, to ensure that our family of schools reach the high standards which is expected of them. With the rigorous governance from governors in the UK and governors of the Harrow group, we are able to achieve what is expected; we are given the feedback we need and then we can make even further improvements in the future.

  In terms of all the groups I have worked for previously in my career, all the governance throughout the years as a headmaster, this has probably been the most robust. It has been the most detailed and the clearest for me in terms of what we need to do. What we do from there, and by having these very clear concepts of development and improvement within our schools, we can feed this down throughout all stakeholders in the school and let parents and students know where we are going, and know what excellence looks like.

  7.KingLead: How does Harrow Zhuhai develop outstanding practitioners?

  Charles Grayhurst, Head Master of Harrow Zhuhai:I think it is in the instruction. It is about the resources through which they have access to and the professional development and management opportunities available. The very clear expectations are the portfolio.

  We also have something across the group called the Harrow Academy. The Harrow Academy is a centralised school across the Harrow family of schools, which is a support network of professional development which is highly invested into. At the moment, it is currently online because of the pandemic, but it is also a dedicated conference and training center which is located in Bangkok. It is not just for our teachers, but for other institutions too. We also have many links with other brand profiles, educational providers and receive professional development from providers, universities, and other parts of the world.

  As course providers, our staff have access to professional senior leadership and other teaching qualifications. We provide support for all faculty, not just our teachers in classrooms or admission staff.

  8. KingLead: So, the last question is what does it mean to be a Harrovian?

  Charles Grayhurst, Head Master of Harrow Zhuhai:I think we can come back to that sense of academic excellence for life and leadership and the values that are most representative to us. How do we want our children to behave and conduct themselves to develop the courage, honor, humility, and fellowship attributes which Harrow are famed for? Being part of the Harrow family, being part of our community, how do we conduct ourselves in our daily interactions? How do we model that as adults? How do we constantly affirm with our pupils what it means to be part of the Harrow family, and what it means to be a Harrovian? How do we give selfless service to others without expecting anything in return? How do we know we may not need to be best friends with everybody? But that fellowship means treating each other with respect, working as a team, and living out our commitment to our communities at home, in the boarding house and the community.

  Ultimately, we hope that countries across the world are impacted by the contributions that our children make to their communities, and that our children have a growth mindset and excel academically. But they are all on their own journeys, and they will reach their full academic or other potential. The IQ and the EQ go as part of it. They can aspire to believe in the future. So, this is what we want them to be in the future. This is what we can achieve. That is what it means to be a Harrovian.





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