
栏目:高等教育  时间:2023-02-22


  1. I always write personal letters by hand.

  A. 我总是亲笔写私人信件。,

  B. 我常常顺手写私人信件。,

  C. 我都是手写私人信件。

  2. That sounds ().You must feel happy to be able to help people.

  A. popular,

  B. interesting,

  C. traditional

  3. -- Hey, tom, what’s up? -- ()

  A. Yes,definitely!,

  B. Oh,notmuch.,

  C. Whatishappeninginyourlife?

  4. We need to () how to solve the problem

  A. thinkof,

  B. consider,

  C. suppose

  5. -- Happy New Year! -- ().

  A. Really.,

  B. Thankyou.,

  C. Thesametoyou.

  6. Breaking ice is a good way to make friends.

  A. 打破僵局是交朋友的好办法。,

  B. 打破冰面是交朋友的好办法,

  C. 破冰是做朋友的好办法。

  7. My classmates are from different places. I’m not sure how to () them.

  A. geton,

  B. getalongwith,

  C. getup

  8. John is more interested in reading than I am.

  A. 约翰比我对阅读更感兴趣。,

  B. 我比约翰对阅读更感兴趣。,

  C. 约翰和我都对阅读感兴趣。

  9. My aunt()for her friends at home.

  A. enjoyscooking,

  B. enjoystocook,

  C. enjoycooking

  10. -- It’s rather cold in here. Do you mind if I close the window? --().

  A. Yes,please,

  B. No,please,

  C. Sure,please

  11. -- Please help yourself to the seafood. --().

  A. No,Ican’t,

  B. Sorry,Ican’thelp,

  C. Well,I’mafraidIdon’tlikeseafood

  12. There are()in the factory.

  A. threethousandsworkers,

  B. three-thousandworker,

  C. threethousandworkers

  13. -- Do you mind my smoking here? -- ().

  A. No,thanks,

  B. Yes,Ido,

  C. Yes,I’drathernot

  14. Have you got()friends in China?

  A. much,

  B. any,

  C. alot

  15. Polly goes to a gym twice()week with her friends.

  A. /,

  B. the,

  C. a

  16. Those who break the law may be put in jail.

  A. 违法者可能会被监禁。,

  B. 不服从者会被监禁。,

  C. 藐视法律的人会被监禁。

  17. The policeman asked the driver to()the car to have an alcoholic test.

  A. pullover,

  B. pullout,

  C. pullon

  18. -- Excuse me, how much is the jacket? -- It’s 499 yuan.()?

  A. Oh,no.That’sOK!,

  B. howdoyoulikeit?,

  C. wouldyouliketotryiton?

  19. He is not to blame for this.

  A. 这事怪不得他。,

  B. 他不抱怨这事。,

  C. 他没因此受责。

  20. -- Hi, Wang Xin,nice to meet you!— Hi, Liu Hui, --().

  A. nicetomeetyoutoo.,

  B. howdoyoudo?,

  C. 555电影网 I’mfine,thankyou.

