
栏目:高等教育  时间:2023-09-16


  1. Make sure you answer the whole question.  确保你回答了整个问题。  This is probably the most common mistake. Each IELTS letter question contains 3bullet points and you need to make sure that you address all 3 points in your answer. If you leave one of them out, you will he penalised on task response.  这可能是常见的错误。雅思G类的TASK 1都包含三点具体的内容要求,你需要确保一一做了回应。如有遗漏,你在任务回应方面会被扣分。  2. Make sure you stay on topic.  确信你不要跑题。  In order to complete your letter within 20 minutes or less, practice writing letters where you stick to the point. The General IELTS Task 1 does require you to make up a hit of a story to complete your letter, but don't make your story so complicated that you run out of time.  为了在20分钟内完成任务,你必须养成紧扣主题的习惯。雅思G类的TASK 1确实要求你通过虚构故事情节来完成任务,但是千万不要让你的故事过分复杂以至于不能在规定的时间内完成写作。  3. Think about who you are writing to.  考虑你在给谁写信。  Perhaps the one complex thing about letter writing is that you need to be aware ofregister. This means that you need to be able to write in a more formal style if the letter is to someone you don't know and in a less formal style to a friend. Part of the problem here is that conventions differ in different countries and cultures. One sensible piece of advice is to aim for a relatively neutral style and don't try to be too formal or too informal.  意识到书信写作的"语域",也许是一件复杂的事情。换言之,如果你写给一个你不认识的人,那么你应该采取正式的写作语体;如果是一个朋友,那么语体就不需要那么正式。但是,不同的国家和文化体现着不同的传统。比较明智的做法是寻求一种较为中性的风格,既不要太正式也不要太随意。  4. Think about the purpose(s) of the letter.  考虑这封书信的目的。  Before you start writing, you should think about what the purpose of the letter is.  IELTS letters tend to he quite predictable and generally fall into one or more of these functions:。  ·complaint。  ·request。  ·explanation。  ·apology。  ·application。  ·suggestion。  This information helps you because you can then use the appropriate letter writing vocabulary for each of those functions.  开始写作之前,你应该考虑这封书信的目的,以便选择恰当的措辞。雅思书信的功能通常是以下的一种或一种以上:。  ·投诉。  ·要求。  ·解释。  ·致歉。  ·申请。  ·建议。  5. Don't forget to use varied grammar.  不要忘记使用不同的语法。  A common problem with letters is that candidates use language that is too simple.  Just as in essays, there is a band score for grammatical range and accuracy. This means that even if you are writing to a friend, you still need to use varied sentences. You cannot just use short and simple sentences.  一个通常的问题是书信的语言太简单。与TASK 2一样,G类TASK 1的评分标准也包含一项,即“语法的多样性和准确度”。这就意味着即使你在给一个朋友写信,你也需要变换句子结构,不能只使用短句和简单句。  6. Learn how to start a letter.  学会如何写信的开头。  When we write more formal letters, we tend to start with a sentence explaining ex-actly why we are writing. A common phrase here is “I am writing to...”. We start like that because the person doesn't know us and needs to understand what the purpose of the letter is.  当我们撰写正式的信件时,我们往往开门见山解释写信的目的。一个比较常用的句型是:“I am writing to...”。之所以这样措辞,是因为收信人不认识你,她(他)需要知道此信的目的。  When we write to a friend, we normally start by talking a little about our relation-ship in a fairly general paragraph. A common phrase might be, “I was so pleased to hear from you again. It's been ages since we've seen one another...”. It's important not to forget to do this in IELTS letters as it shows the examiner you understand the type of let-ter you are writing.  当我们给朋友写信时,我们通常会用一段来重温一下彼此的友好关系。较为常见的套话如:“I was so pleased to hear from you again. It's been ages since we've seen one another...”。在雅思的书信写作中不要忽略这个部分,因为这是在向考官表明你很熟悉此类信件的语体。  7. Learn how to end a letter.  学会如何结尾。  There are also conventional ways to end letters. If you are unsure how to do this,the best advice is to think about what you expect to happen next. In a more formal letter where you have asked for some information, you might write:  “I look forward to hearing from you soon.”  传统上,我们有各种不同的结尾模式。如果你对此不太有把握,那么比较好的方式是考虑一下你期待下一步会发生什么。在一封希望了解有关信息的信件中,你可以这样写:  “I look forward to hearing from you soon.”  By contrast, in a letter to a friend who is coming to visit you, you might try:  “I can't wait to see you. And don't forget to give my love to all your family.”  You can learn some set phrases to help you do this.  反之,在给即将来访的朋友的信中,你可以这样措辞:  “I can't wait to see you. And don't forget to give my love to all your family.”  可以掌握一些固定的表达来帮助你。  8. Plan your letter.  规划你的书信。  When organizing your letter you should think carefully about:  在规划你的信件时,你应该考虑如下要点:。  ·how many paragraphs you are going to use。  你要写几段。  ·what the main points to include are。  需要包含的要点。  ·what details you need to add需要增添哪些细节。  ·what vocabulary you need。  需要使用哪些词汇。  9. Make sure you write at least 150 words.  确保你写了至少150个单词。  This should be self-explanatory. You will he penalised if you write less than 150words and my general advice is that you should aim for about 175 words. This is be-cause the examiner may not count any words you have directly copied form the ques-tion.  这是不言自明的—如果少于150个单词,你的分数会受到影响。我们建议你写大约175个单词,这是因为考官不会把你直接抄录的考题计算在总字数中。  10. Think about the tenses of your verbs.  考虑动词的时态。  If you're writing about something that happened in the past, your verbs will needto be in the past tenses. If you're arranging something in the future, you will need to use the future tenses. If it's a habitual action, you'll need the present simple tense andso on. If you have time, a quick check of your verbs at the end of the exam can help youfind errors.  如果你写的事情发生在过去,那么你需要使用过去的时态;如果你安排的是未来的事情,那么你就应该使用将来的时态;如果信中提及的是一个习惯性的行为,那么你需要使用现在的时态。文章完成后。迅速地浏览一下动词的时态能够帮助你发现错误。  11. Check your spelling and punctuation.  检查你的拼写和标点。  Perhaps because letters are often less formal than essays, candidates frequentlymake more basic spelling and punctuation mistakes in letters. Don't be one of thosepeople: even if it is an informal letter make sure you use correct English. This means:  也许书信往往不如论文正式。考生在书信写作中经常犯拼写或标点错误。记住:“即使是不太正式的信函,你也要使用正确的英语。”这意味着:。  You may use short forms like “can't” if it's an informal letter.  如果是非正式的信函,你可以使用如“can't”一类的缩合形式。  You shouldn't use abbreviations like “coz”.  你不应该使用如“coz”一类的简写形式。  Be very careful with spelling of common words like “believe” and “sincerely”.  对于如“believe”,和“sincerely”,类的普通词汇,要特别注意拼写。  12. Practise using standard letter writing phrases.  练习使用标准的书信写作语汇。  Letters have their own language to some extent. One way to improve your letterwriting is to look at sample IELTS letters and find phrases which you can use in yourown letters.  某种意义而言,书信有自己的语言。提高书信写作能力的一种方式就是多看范文,然后找到并记住有用的单词、词组和句型结构。以上就是“雅思g类书信写作技巧”的全部内容了,希望小编整理的资料能帮助到考生。如果想要了解更多相关资讯,欢迎关注留学频道,为您提供更多精彩内容。

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