
栏目:高等教育  时间:2022-12-14


  Grimm’s Fairytale- The Frog Prince 青蛙王子


  Once upon a time, there was a king who lived with his beautiful daughter, the princess。

  One day, the princess went to the forest to play with a golden ball。 She was playing when her ball fell into a well。 The princess looked into the well, but it was very deep, so she couldn’t see the bottom of it。 She started to cry。

  A frog heard her crying, and asked, “What’s wrong, princess? Maybe I can help。”

  The princess turned around and saw an ugly frog。 The princess said, “My golden ball fell into the well。 Please can you help me to get it?”

  The frog said, “Will you be my friend if I help you to get the ball?”

  The Princess said, “Yes, I’ll be your friend。” But she thought, “This ugly frog is silly。 We’ll never be friends!”

  The frog jumped into the well and got the ball。 The princess was so happy! She picked up her ball and ran away。

  “Wait!” shouted the frog。 But the princess didn’t listen。

  The next day, the princess heard a noise at the door。 She opened the door and saw the frog。

  The king asked, “Why is there a frog here?”

  The princess told her father about what happened yesterday。 The king said, “This frog helped you。 You must be kind and keep your promise。 Let him in to have dinner with us。”

  After dinner, the frog said, “I am tired。 I want to sleep on your pillow。 Please lift me up。” The princess didn’t want to, but she carried the frog to her room and put him on her pillow。

  In the morning, the princess woke up。 The frog was gone, but there was a handsome prince sitting on her chair。

  The prince told the princess:” A witch turned me into a frog, but your kindness turned me back into a prince! Thank you!”

  Vocabulary and Phrase:


  1。 Forest/ ‘f?r?st /

  n。 森林

  2。 Golden: / ‘ɡ??ld(?)n /

  adj。 金的,金色的

  3。 Well / wel /

  adv。 好;很;大大地;对

  n。 井;水井

  4。 Bottom / ‘b?t?m /

  n。 底部;水底;底面

  5。 Jump/ d??mp /

  v。 跳跃

  6。 Noise/ n??z /

  n。 噪声;噪音

  7。 Pillow / ‘p?l??/


  8。 Witch/ w?t? /

  n。 女巫


  1。 Turn around:转身

  2。 Jump into: 跳进

  3。 Wake up:醒来

  Sentence of the Day:

  1。 The king said, “This frog helped you。 You must be kind and keep your promises。 Let him in and have dinner with us。”



