
栏目:成人教育  时间:2022-12-27

  Long, long ago, when the world had just been created, there was the sun, but no moon。 People slept when they were too tired to work anymore。 There was no set time to rest。 One day, the creator of the world came to visit。 He saw men working in the fields。

  “When did you plough this field?” he asked one of them。

  “Today”, replied the man。

  “And when did you make that garden?”

  “Today, of course,” said the man。 “Why do you ask? There is only today。 Everything happened today”

  Then the creator understood。 The people did not know time because there were no days and no nights。 He decided to do something about it。 He told the sun, “You must set in the evening and rise in the morning。 When you rise, people will know it is a new day。” The sun agreed。

  The sun went down and it was dark。 The night became a time for resting。 People woke up in the morning, and everyone felt much better。

  But there was one problem。 People couldn’t see anything after sunset。 They often fell down。 They fell into ditches。 They fell into holes。 They ran into trees。

  The creator visited them again。 The people told him, “now we sleep at night and feel better in the morning。 But we cannot see at night, so we hurt ourselves。 Can we have the sun again at night?”

  “No,” said the creator。” But I shall give you something else。 Something with less light。 You will be able to see, but you won’t be able to work。 You will have a nice, soothing light。”

  And then he created the moon。 It rose in the sky and shone softly。 People could see at night, but the light didn’t hurt their eyes。 The people lived happily with the sun in the day and the moon at night。

  Vocabulary and Phrase:


  Creator: /kri‘e?t?(r)/


  Plough : /pla?/

  v。 犁,耕地

  Understand:/ 。?nd?(r)‘st?nd/

  理解 (understood 是understand的过去式)

  Ditch: /d?t?/


  Hole:/ h??l/


  Ourselves:/ a??(r)‘selvz/

  pron。 我们自己

  Soothing :/‘su?e??/


  Rose:/ r??z / (rise的过去式)


  Shone:/ ??n / (shine 的过去式)



  Fell into: 掉进

  Run into: 撞上

  Sentence of the Day:

  “Today, of course,” said the man surprised, “Why do you ask? There is only today! Everything happened today。”


  Print the story。

  Print the activity for the story

  Illustration: :(This part is for Design Team only。While translating and publishing the content, please eliminate this part)

  Scene1: Creator 电影蜜蜂 talking to a man, the man says “Everything happened today。”

  Scene2: People sleep at night in the dark and work on the day when sun is up in the sky。

  Scene3: At night, people fell down in the ditches and run into trees the dark。

  Scene4: Now, there is moon --rising in the sky and shining softly。 People sleep with a moon in the sky。

下一篇:福建:做好“六穩”落實“六保” 四十三條措施抓緊抓實抓細抓到位
