
栏目:成人教育  时间:2023-01-14


  第一部分知识运用 (共两节30分)

  第一节 (共10小题:每小题1.5分,共15分)


  第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,共15分)

  11.to;12.won;13.their;14.attending;15.whose;16.imaginations;17.whether ;18.has been accepted;19.shared;20.to chase;


  第一节 (共14小题:每小题2分,共28分)

  A篇:21. B;22. C;23. D;

  B篇:24. D;25. A;26. D;

  C篇:27. C;28. C;29. A;30. B;

  D篇:31.C;32. B;33. D;34.A;

  第二节 (共5小题:每小题2分,共10分)

  35.C;36. B;37. F;38. A;39. G;






















  Dear Jim,


  Li Hua



















  第一节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,共15分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每题所给的A、B、C、 D四个选项中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

  I was about to sleep when someone knocked on my window. Knock, knock. Then a three-second pause. Knock, knock. Immediately I knew it was my best friend, Ben. The knock 1 was our emergency call which never means anything good.

  “What's going on?”I rushed to open the window and asked.


  Ben climbed in.“Bad news.”He gave me a 2 look, and I immediately knew what it was. My heart 3 . I gave him a nod, and he sighed in response.

  “Where to?”I asked.“



  “That's far from Florida.


  We looked at each other knowing we were thinking the same. Both Ben and I had parents in the air-force. We were used to frequent moves.


  Ben and I became close friends since I crashed into Ben's stand and sent plastic cups of lemonade flying into the heavens. At first, I 4 Florida. Everything changed, though, when I 5 roller-skated into Ben's lemonade stand.本和我成了好朋友自从我撞到本的摊位,把塑料杯的柠檬水扔进了天堂。

  “It must have been fate!" we claimed. But I think that, maybe, there was some 6 in that lemonade, and that as it rained down on us, it cast a spell making us friends forever.“这一定是命运!”我们断言。

  “Maybe your family will get moved to Virginia too.”Ben said.


  “Yeah, maybe." I knew the chance was low, but I chose to hope. Ben grinned at me. Though it looked sad, I saw 7 in him too.“是的,也许吧。”我知道机会很小,但我还是选择了希望。本朝我咧嘴一笑。

  “'l have a lemonade stand 8 for you.”

  “Then I'll pack my roller-skates.'


  "Then I'll wear a poncho (雨披)”


  We 9 . The humid Florida night closed around us, and I felt a tiny drop of liquid solash on my arm. I knew it was probably rain, but still, l thought that, maybe, it was a drop of magic lemonade, because nothing on earth can break the 10 between us.


  1.A. sound B. pattern

  C. number D. symbol

  2.A. playful B. grateful

  C. cheerful D. meaningful

  3.A. failed B. softened

  C. sank D. relieved

  4.A. hated B. missed

  C. explored D. appreciated

  5.A. gradually B. narrowly

  C. constantly D. accidentally

  6.A. sign B. magic

  C. flavour D. wish

  7.A. hope B. joy

  C. courage D. support

  8.A. necessary B. convenient

  C. ready D. useful

  9.A. struggled B. argued

  C. laughed D. compromised

  10.A. rule B. bond

  C. barrier D. balance

























  Old and unrestored theatres are all around us and yet so unnoticed. A new photobook unveils their often overlooked beauty.


  Proctor's Theatre, Newark, New Jersey


  Although available outdoors from street sellers, food was banned in theatres to display respectability. In the late 1920s, however, the operators in Proctor's Theatre in Newark began to set up stands to improve the economic situation during the Great Depression. Popcorn and Coke would become a significant part of the theatre's income.虽然在户外可以从街头小贩那里买到食物,但为了显示体面,剧院里禁止吃东西。然而,在20世纪20年代末,纽瓦克的普罗克特剧院的经营者开始设立看台,以改善大萧条时期的经济状况。爆米花和可乐将成为剧院收入的重要组成部分。

  Proctor’s Theatre, Troy, New York


  Originally opened as Proctor's Fourth Street Theatre in 1914, it hosted famous comedians such as Jack Benny and Bob Hope. From 1929, it was successively taken over, renamed as Proctor's Troy Theatre and switched to screening films, In the 1960s, it began playing second-run films before closing in 1977.It was listed on the National Register of Historic Places(NRHP)in 1979.In 2010. the theatre was repaired but is currently not being used today.


  RKO Keith’s Flushing Theatre, New York

  RKO Keith的法拉盛剧院,纽约

  Originally opened in 1928.RKO Keith's Flushing Theatre was designed by Thomas Lamb. In 1982, it was listed on the NRHP. In 1986, the theatre was bought and closed by its new owner who planned to build a shopping centre on the site, intentionally damaging the hall. In 2019, despite the preservation efforts, the hall was knocked down to make way for a residential tower block.

  最初于1928年开放。RKO Keith的法拉盛剧院由Thomas Lamb设计。1982年,它被列入NRHP。1986年,剧院被它的新主人买下并关闭,他计划在这里建造一个购物中心,故意破坏了大厅。2019年,尽管进行了保护工作,该大厅还是被拆除,为一座住宅楼让路。

  Metropolitan Opera House, Philadelphia /?f?l??delfi?/


  The theatre was originally opened as the Philadelphia Opera House in 1908.In the 1920s, it was renamed as the Metropolitan Opera House, showing silent films in addition to hosting various opera companies. In the 1940s, it became a sports arena. In 1954, it was turned into a church. In the late 1990s.the building was purchased by Mark Hatcher. The church and the developer came to an agreement on a repair for a music venue that was completed and reopened in 2018.


  21. In the late 1920%, Proctor’ Theatre in Newark set up stands to _______.



  A. show respect for the guests

  B. increase the theater’s income

  C. promote newly released movies

  D. compete with the street sellers

  22. What can we know from the passage?


  A. RKO Keith's Flushing Theatre is well preserved.

  B. Proctor's Theatre in Troy plays second-run films now.

  C. Metropolitan Opera House has witnessed changes in its function.

  D. Proctor's Theatre in Newark has been officially listed on the NRHP.

  23. What is the purpose of this passage?


  A. To rank the old and unrestored theatres.

  B. To show the development of American theatres.

  C. To encourage people to protect the old theatres.

  D. To provide information on overlooked old theatres.



  To the untrained eye, a pingpong ball is just a pingpong ball. To a Beverly Cleary fan. it's two motorcycle helmets for mice.



  Ever since I read Cleary's series about Ralph, the motorcycle-riding mouse, I've never looked at a pingpong ball-or the world-the same way. Amazing to think that it's been more than forty years since I checked out The Mouse and the Motorcycle from my school library in Northport, and yet that one particular image is as clear to me as ever.


  And why shouldn't it be? It's perfect.


  How I wanted a mouse of my own to ride a toy motorcycle around my house! Thanks to Cleary's genius, a talking mouse friend seemed not only possible but probable.


  While much of children's literature attempted to explain the world from the point of view of a wise and gentle adult, Cleary created characters who saw the world as only children can. With great interest, I read every book that bore Beverly Cleary's name. She seemed like a friend who understood me in ways I didn't yet understand myself.


  I've written eight children's books and have always kept Beverly's sense of wonder in mind. I don't remember at exactly what age I decided I wanted to write books, but I know that by second or third grade, my teacher assigned a project that allowed us to focus on whatever we wanted. My best friend picked dolphins; I chose children's authors. with a large chunk of my project being about who else? Beverly Cleary!


  I told that story recently to a school group. One of the students said, “That's fantastic! You did your project on children's authors and then you became one!”


  “Yes.” I said. “And my best friend who did her project on dolphins---became a dolphin!”


  “Really?” the students said in chorus.


  And that perfectly sums up why I love writing for children: the belief that fantastic, magical things can happen. Best friends can become dolphins; mice can ride toy motorcycles and become our friends.


  That's what Beverly Cleary taught me. In the hands of a gifted storyteller, anything is possible... and so very funny.



  24.The Mouse and the Motorcycle impressed the author mainly because_______.


  A.it recorded animals’ life

  B.it revealed the wisdom of life

  C.it encouraged children to raise pets

  D.it described the world from children's eyes

  25.When learning the author's friend became a dolphin, the students felt ______.


  A. amazed B. doubtful

  C. scared D. confused

  26.What is the passage mainly about?


  A. What the author created to attract children

  B. What the author did to turn impossible into possible

  C. How Beverly Cleary aroused children's interest in reading

  D. How the author was inspired to be a writer by Beverly Cleary



  When a chunk of ice fell from a collapsing glacier(冰川)on the Swiss Alps’ Mount Eiger in 2017, part of the long deep sound it produced was too low for human ears to detect. But these vibrations held a key to calculating the ice avalanche's(崩塌)critical characteristics.


  Low-frequency sound waves called infrasound that travel great distances through the atmosphere are already used to monitor active volcanoes from afar. Now some researchers in this field have switched focus from fire to ice: dangerous blocks snapping off glaciers. Previous work has analyzed infrasound from snow avalanches but never ice, says Boise State University geophysicist Jeffrey Johnson. “This was different,” Johnson says. “A signature of a new material has been detected with infrasound."

  Usually glaciers move far too slowly to generate an infrasound signal. which researchers pick up using detectors that track slight changes in air pressure. But a collapse-a sudden, rapid breaking of ice from the glacier's main body-is a prolific infrasound producer. Glacial collapses drive ice avalanches, which pose an increasing threat to people in mountainous regions as rising temperatures weaken large fields of ice, A glacier "can become detached from the ground due to melting, causing bigger break-offs.” says University of Florence geologist Emanuele Marchetti, lead author of the new study. As the threat grows, scientists seek new ways to monitor and detect such collapses.

  Researchers often use radar to frack ice avalanches, which is precise hut expensive and can monitor only one specific location and neighboring avalanche paths. Infrasound, Marchetti says, is cheaper and can detect break-off events around a much broader area as well as multiple avalanches across a mountain. It is challenging, however, to separate a signal into its components (such as traffic noises, individual avalanches and nearby earthquakes) without additional measurements. says ETH Zurich glaciologist Malgorzata Chmiel.” The model used by Marchetti is a first approximation for?this," she says. Isolating the relevant signal helps the researchers monitor an ice avalanche's speed, path and volume from afar using infrasound

  Marchetti and his colleagues are now working to improve their detectors to pick up more signals across at-risk regions in Europe, and they have set up collaborations around the continent to better understand signals that collapsing glaciers produce. They are also refining their mathematical analysis to figure out each ice cascade's physical details.


  27.What can we learn from Paragraph 2 and Paragraph 3?


  A. Infrasound has a major role to play in discovering new materials.

  B. Ice avalanches are a bigger threat to people than volcanic eruptions.

  C. Researchers are trying to use infrasound in detecting ice avalanches.

  D. Scientists employ infrasound more in mountain areas than in other places.

  28.Which is an advantage of infrasound over radar?


  A. The combination with other relevant signals.

  B. The accuracy in locating a certain avalanche.

  C. The ability in picking up signals in wider areas.

  D. The sensitivity in tracking air pressure changes.

  29.The underlined word "this" in Paragraph 4 refers to


  A. distinguishing different components of a signal

  B. detecting multiple avalanches at the same time

  C. calculating the speed and path of ice avalanches

  D. monitoring the specific location of ice break-offs

  30.Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?


  A. From Fire to lee

  B. Glacier Whispers

  C. Nature is Warning

  D. Secret of Ice Avalanches



  In over 25 years, DeSimone has spun his research findings into commercial gold by launching several businesses. As a faculty member at the University of North Carolina, he provided scientific advice and held equity in the businesses. But he has never actually managed his companies, His employers bar him from simultaneously holding an academic post and an executive position. The dual poles can present huge conflicts.

  在超过25年的时间里,德西蒙通过创办几家公司,将他的研究成果转化为商业黄金。作为北卡罗来纳大学(University of North Carolina)的教员,他提供科学建议,并持有这些企业的股权。但他从未真正管理过他的公司,他的雇主禁止他同时担任学术职位和行政职位。两极可能会带来巨大的冲突。

  Conflicts of interest(COIs) occur when an individual's personal interests-family, friendships. financial, or social factors-could compromise his or her judgment, decisions, or actions in the workplace, and it makes sound career sense to think about how to manage them. Researchers should disclose potential or existing conflicts across all aspects of academic life.

  In most places, COI management runs on an honor system. Researchers decide which financial holdings and relationships to disclose to university administrators. Journals and funders adopt a similar system when they ask authors and peer reviewers about potential conflicts related to manuscript or grant approvals.

  Most research institutions offer training to help faculty members to understand what constitutes a potential or existing conflict. Administrators then decide whether the interest presents a conflict, and whether that conflict can be handled. If so, they create a management plan to address it. If not, researchers must abandon the work, partner with researchers at other institutions, or leave their university

  Perception plays a part in defining a potential conflict, warns Walt, a chemist at Tufts University. Investigators who develop a technology in the laboratory and then transfer it to their company could create a conflict of interest in the eyes of their students, Walt says. But the potential conflict can be avoided by drafting a licensing agreement that bars discoveries from automatically being transferred to the investigator's company. Walt created such an arrangement to assure his students that they weren't actually working for his private companies.

  Relationships can pose conflicts when conference organizers are choosing speakers. Members of the American Society for Human Genetics program committee, which selects abstracts and talks for their annual meeting, must recuse(要求回避)themselves from considering talks by, for example, researchers at their current and past institutions, close collaborators and those with whom they have personal or familial ties.

  Even differing points of view can play a part. Scacheri, a geneticist who chairs the committee, says that members who have disagreed personally with potential speakers might also be obliged to recuse themselves: “If you feel like you can't be an impartial(公正的)reviewer, that is considered a COI.”

  Handling COIs can be burdensome. COI managers emphasize that the goal is not to suppress innovation, but to expose potential conflicts so that they can be managed. “Nothing about the process is meant to be prohibitive,” says Grewal, a COI officer at MIT. Her institution wants to enable good science and the betterment of humanity. “During that process.” she says, “if you make some money that's good as well.”

  31.The example of DeSimone in Paragraph 1 is used mainly to______.


  A. raise a question

  B. report a finding

  C. introduce a topic

  D. present a theory

  32.To better deal with COIs, _______.

  A. researchers have to quit their job at the university

  B. researchers should report the conflicts that possibly exist

  C. institutions need to monitor the staff's career and relationships

  D. institutions should train researchers to create management plans

  33.What can we learn from the passage?


  A. Grewal considers COI management exhausting and costly.

  B. Walt arranged to transfer discoveries at his lab to his companies.

  C. Conference organizers should avoid inviting unqualified speakers

  D. Scacheri believes personal viewpoints may impact a reviewer's decision.

  34.What can we infer from the passage?


  A. COIs can be defined depending on interpretations.

  B. COIs benefit scientific innovation and better humanity.

  C.COIs arise primarily due to the pursuit of financial gains.

  D.COIs can be got rid of by promoting fairness in workplaces



  How much time do you spend doing research before you make a decision? There are people who go over every detail exhaustively before making a choice. 35 Psychologists call this way of thinking a cognitive bias(偏见),a tendency toward a specific mental mistake.


  To study “jumping”, we examined decision-making patterns among more than 600 people from the general population. We found that jumpers made more errors than non-jumpers on problems that require thoughtful analysis. 36 In a quiz about US civics, they overestimated the chance that their answers were right significantly more than other participants did-even when their answers were wrong.

  So what is behind "jumping"? Psychological researchers commonly distinguish between two pathways of thought: automatic system, which reflects ideas that come to the mind easily, spontaneously and without effort, and controlled system including conscious and effortful reasoning. Jumpers and non- jumpers are equally influenced by automatic thoughts._ 37

  It is the controlled system that helps people counter balance mental biases introduced by the automatic system. As a result, jumpers were more likely to accept the conclusion made at first blush without further questioning. A lack of controlled thinking is also more broadly connected to their problematic beliefs and faulty reasoning.

  38 A method called metacognitive training can be used to target their biases, which can help people think more deliberatively. In this training, participants are confronted with their own biases. They can learn about the missteps and other ways of thinking through the problem at hand. It helps to chip away at participants’ overconfidence.

  In everyday life, the question of whether we should think things through or instead go with our gut is a frequent and important one, 39 Sometimes the most important decision we make can be to take some more time before making a choice.


  A. Happily, there may be some hope for jumpers.

  B. Also, jumpers had problems with overconfidence.

  C. But a fair number of individuals are quick to jump to conclusions.

  D. It is certainly possible for them to overthink things to take a decision.

  E. We plan to continue the work to trace other problems introduced by jumping

  F. The jumpers, however, did not engage in controlled reasoning to the same degree as non-jumpers.

  G. Recent studies show that even gathering just a little bit more evidence may help us avoid a major mistake.




  You might not have heard of the "fresh start effect", but if you've ever made a New Year's resolution. You’re familiar with it. It refers to the human tendency to take action towards achieving a goal after a special occasion or key date has passed.


  The fresh start effect is simple. Most people want to improve themselves in some way. When we hit important milestones. We’re often likely to reflect: are we where we thought we’d be by a certain age? Was this year a successful year, or did we waste it? Annual landmarks like birthdays, or the start of a new year, signify a new time period and an opportunity to leave slip-ups behind and to set new goals for better behavior.


  Research shows that anticipation of a new beginning is a key motivator for the fresh start effect. For example, people aged 29,39,49 etc. were 48% more likely to run a marathon for the first time. When they were approaching a new decade, they were more likely to search for meaning in their lives and try to improve themselves. The reason is simple. When we see our past self as separate from our current self, we feel it easier to introduce new goals and take action.


  What's interesting about the fresh start effect is that we don't need to wait for big milestones to take advantage of this sudden dose of motivation. Studies show that the firs! day of each month and even each week can also inspire us. These days, known as "temporal landmarks", encourage us to step back and evaluate our current situation. And when we do this. we gain the motivation to be better: we become more driven and more productive. That is why people are more likely to start diets or exercise plans on Monday, rather than the next day.


  Fresh starts are exciting opportunities to learn from your mistakes and move forward. So if you're currently experiencing loss of motivation, questioning the meaning of your work, or just feel like you're?stuck in a rut【一成不变】, why don't you use the fresh start effect in your own life?



  40.According to the passage, what is “fresh start effect”?

  根据文章,什么是“fresh start effect”?

  41.Why is it that "anticipation of a new beginning is a key motivator for the fresh start effect"?


  42.Please decide which part is false in the following statement, then underline it and explain why.


  ◆A fresh start like the first day of each week is a time when we forget about our mistakes and move forward.


  43.Besides the fresh start effect, in what other ways do you motivate yourself in your life?除了重新开始效应,在生活中你还用什么方式激励自己?

  (In about 40 words)

