《2008年考研英语词句篇高效阅读120篇》Unit 5

栏目:成人教育  时间:2023-01-20

  Part A

  Directions: Read the following texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing [A], [B], [C] or [D].

  Text 1

   For most of us, the work is the central, dominating factor of life. We spend more than half our conscious hours at work, traveling to and from work. What we do there largely determines our standard of living and to a considerable extent the status we are accorded by our fellow citizens as well.① It is sometimes said that because leisure has become more important the indignities and injustices of work can be pushed into a corner, that because most work is pretty intolerable, the people who do it should compensate for its boredom, frustrations and humiliations by concentrating their hopes on the other parts of their lives.② I reject that as a counsel of despair. For the foreseeable future the material and psychological rewards which work can provide, and the conditions in which work is done, will continue to play a vital part in determining the satisfaction that life can offer. Yet only a small minority can control the pace at which they work or the conditions in which their work is done; only for a small minority does work offer scope for creativity, imagination, or initiative.   

  Inequality at work and in work is still one of the cruelest and most glaring forms of inequality in our society. We cannot hope to solve the more obvious problems of industrial life, many of which arise directly or indirectly from the frustrations created by inequality at work, unless we tackle it head-on.③ Still less can we hope to create a decent and humane society.   

  The most glaring inequality is that between managers and the rest. For most managers, work is an opportunity and a challenge. Their jobs engage their interest and allow them to develop their abilities. They are constantly learning; they are able to exercise responsibility; they have a considerable degree of control over their own and others working lives. Most important of all, they have opportunity to initiate. By contrast, for most manual workers, and for a growing number of white-collar worker, work is a boring, dull, even painful experience. They spend all their working lives in conditions which would be regarded as intolerable — for themselves — by those who take the decisions which let such conditions continue.④ The majority has little control over their work; it provides them with no opportunity for personal development. Often production is so designed that workers are simply part of the technology. In offices, many jobs are so routine that workers justifiably feel themselves to be mere cogs in the bureaucratic machine. As a direct consequence of their work experience, many workers feel alienated from their work and their firm, whether it is in public or in private ownership.

  1.accord  vt.授予,赠与,给予vi.(+with)相符合,相一致,相和谐n.①一致,符合②(尤指国与国之间的)谅解,协议:accord sb. an honorary title授予某人一个荣誉称号/accord with 和…符合/industial accord 劳资和谐/the American defense accords with Turkey and Greece 美国同土耳其和希腊的防卫协定/of one’s own accord出于自愿,主动地

  ○派 accordance n.一致,和谐,符合:in accordance with与…一致,依照,根据

  ○派 accordingly   ad.①照着,相应地②因此

  2.indignity n.有损尊严的事,侮辱:put an indignity upon sb.贬损某人的尊严

  ○同  dignity    n.①尊严②体面③高贵:maintain one’s dignity不失尊严/lose one’s dignity丢面子/the dignity of honest labor诚实劳动的高贵性

  3.compensate  vt.补①偿,弥补,抵消②酬报:compensate evil with good 将功补过/compendate sb. for his trouble 补偿某人的辛劳

  ○派 compensation  n.①补偿(或赔偿)的款物②工资,报酬:pay compensation for war damage 支付战争赔偿费/hourly compensation of workers工人的时薪

  4.vital  a.至关重要的,生死攸关的:a vital examination至关重要的考试/a vital question生死攸关的问题

  ○派 vitally ad.生死攸关地,极其,紧要地:a vitally urgent message非常紧急的电文

  ○派 vitality   n.①精神,活力,力量②生命力,元气,持续力,持久力:the vitality of a seed 种子的活力/the vitality of an idiom 一个习用短语的生命力

  5.initiative   n.①主动性,首创精神②主动的行动,倡议③主动权a.创始的:praise initiative表扬首创精神/an education initiative一项教育提议/take the initiative采取主动

  ○同 initiate  v.①开始,创始②使初步了解③接纳(新成员) n.新加入组织的人:initiate a reform 发起改革/initiate pupils into the principles把规则教给学生/initiate sb. into a secret party接纳某人加入秘密会社

  ○同 initial    a.最初的,词首的n.词首大写字母:the initial stage of movement运动的开始阶段/the initial issue of a magazine杂志的创刊号

  ○同 initially  ad.最初,开头

  ○同 initiation   n.开始,入会仪式:task initiation任务的起始

  6.glaring  a.明显的,耀眼的:a glaring error明显的错误/the glaring noonday sun耀眼的午间太阳

  ○同 glare  v.闪耀,怒视n.闪耀,怒视: glare at the pickpocket怒视着那个扒手/an angry glare怒目而视

  7.tackle vt.解决,抓住:tackle the problem 解决问题/tackle the thief抓住了小偷

  8.humane   a.人道的,仁慈的:a humane physician一位人道的医生/humane feelings慈悲心肠

  ○同 humanity  n.①人道,博爱②人性③人类:an act of humanity人道的行为/a great contribution to humanity对人类的一大贡献

  9.intolerable  a.不可容忍的

  ○同 tolerate   vt.忍受,容忍:tolerate your rude behavior容忍你的无礼行为/tolerate your carelessness宽容你的粗心大意

  10. alienate  v.离间,使疏远:alienate a colong from the monther county便殖民地疏远母国

  11. a counsel of despair自暴自弃的态度:adopt a counsel of despair采取自暴自弃的态度


  ※1.humiliation n. 屈辱

  ※2.foreseeable  a. 可以预见的

  ※3.head-on  a. 正面的

  1.In the writer’s opinion, people judge others by

  [A] the type of work they do.

  [B] the place where they work.

  [C] the time they spend at work.

  [D] the amount of money they earn.

  2. According to the writer, work is now

  [A] more important than it will be in the future.

  [B] important in determining the satisfaction that life can provide with.

  [C]  paid less  than it will in the future.电影蜜蜂

  [D] offering less satisfaction than life is.

  3. What does the writer think is needed to solve our industrial problems?

  [A] A reduction in the number of strikes.

  [B] Equality in salaries.

  [C] A more equal distribution of responsibility.

  [D] An improvement in moral standards.

  4. What advantages does the writer say managers have over other workers?

  [A] They cannot lose their jobs.

  [B] They get time off to attend courses.

  [C] They can work at whatever interests them.

  [D] They can make their own decisions.

  5. Why do working conditions generally remain bad?

  [A] Because the workers are quite satisfied with them.

  [B] Because no one can decide what to do about them.

  [C] Because managers see no need to change them.

  [D] Because office workers want to protect their positions.

  难 句 突 破

  1.What we do there [largely] determines our standard of living and [to a considerable extent] the status (we are accorded by our fellow citizens as well).

   多重复合句。主干的主语为what we do,谓语动词determine,宾语为our standard of living 和the status;to a considerable extent 意为“在相当程度上”,此处作状语;宾语the status 后面的句子为定语从句,省略了关系代词that。

  2.It is [sometimes] said that [because leisure has become more important], the indignities and injustices of work can be pushed into a corner, that [because most work is pretty intolerable], the people (who do it) should compensate for its boredom, frustrations and humiliations [by concentrating their hopes on the other parts of their lives].

   多重复合句。本句的结构为it is said that...句型,it 此处为形式主语,真正的主语为后面两个并列的that 分句;在第一个that 分句中,because 引导了一个原因状语从句,主句的主语为the indignities and injustices,主句为被动句;在第二个that 分句中,同样有because 引导的原因状语从句,主句的主语为the people,后面有定语从句who do it修饰;by concentrating... their lives是介词短语作状语。

  3.We cannot hope to solve the more obvious problems of industrial life, (many of which arise [directly or indirectly from the frustrations created by inequality at work], [unless we tackle it headon]).

   多重复合句。本句的主干为We cannot hope to solve the more obvious problems of industrial life;后面的many of which 引导了一个非限制性定语从句;unless 引导的从句为条件状语从句;在非限制性的定语从句中,主语为many of which,谓语为arise from,过去分词短语created by ...作宾语the frustrations的定语。

  4.They spend all their working lives [in conditions (which would be regarded as intolerable — for themselves — by those (who take the decisions (which let such conditions continue))].

   多重复合句。句子的主干为They spend all their working lives;in conditions 作状语;which 引导了定语从句,修饰conditions;who引导的定语从句修饰代词those, 在这个定语从句中,宾语decisions由which 引导的定语从句来修饰。

  全 文 翻 译

  对于我们大部分人来说,工作是我们生活中最重要的事情。我们醒着时的一大半的时间都花在了工作和来回奔波于家和工作地点的路途上。1) 我们在工作上所做的一切决定了我们的生活水平如何,也在很大程度上决定了周围人所赋予我们的社会地位如何。2) 有时候人们会认为,因为休闲越来越重要,所以工作中有伤自尊的事情和所有不公平的事情可以暂时放到一边去,不用太计较;因为大部分的工作都是让人难以忍受的,所以做这些工作的人完全可以将他们的希望寄托在生活中的其他方面,以此弥补工作中所承受的单调无聊、挫折失望以及所受的屈辱。我反对这种自暴自弃的态度。因为在可以预见的未来,工作带给我们的物质和心理上的回报以及我们的工作环境将在很大程度上决定我们对生活的满意度如何。然而,只有一小部分人能够控制自己工作的进度或者是决定自己的工作环境如何;而工作也只能为一小部分人提供发挥创造力、想象力和积极性的机会。   

  工作上和工作时存在的不平等仍旧是我们这个社会中不平等现象最残酷、最突出的形式。3) 很多问题都是直接或者间接地由工作中的不平等引起的挫折造成的,如果我们不积极正面地去解决,就无法解决工业社会中出现的更明显的问题,我们就更不能期望创造一个像样的、人道的社会。   

  工作中最显著的不平等是管理人员同一般员工之间的不平等。对于大部分管理人员而言,工作意味着机遇和挑战。他们的工作能够引起他们的兴趣,给他们提高自己能力的机会。在工作中他们不断地学习,他们有能力承担起责任;他们对于自己和别人的工作有一定程度的支配权力。最重要的是,他们有机会主动开始某项工作。相反地,对于大多数体力工作者甚至对于越来越多的白领职员而言,工作是一种无聊、沉闷甚至痛苦的过程。4) 那些做出决定让这种工作环境继续下去的人也认为这种工作环境的确让人难以忍受,但是员工们几乎所有的时间都在这样的环境中工作着。大部分人对于自己的工作几乎没有任何支配权;工作提供给他们的个人发展机会也微乎其微。在生产计划中工人仅仅只是某一个工艺的一部分。在办公室中,许多工作都是例行公事,这使得员工们感觉自己不过就是官僚机构中的一个小齿轮而已。这种工作经历导致的直接后果是,无论在公共机构中工作还是在私营企业工作的工人们都感到,自己都被隔离于工作和公司之外。

  1.选[A],事实细节题。从文章第一段第二句和第三句话来看,人们把大部分的时间都放在了工作上,放在了来回上下班的路上,而正是“what we do there ”决定了“our standard of living ”,并在一定程度上决定了我们周围的人给予我们的“status ”,由此可见,人们的社会地位如何,很大程度上由工作中做什么决定,故选项[A]正确。选项[B]“工作的地点”、选项[C]“他们花费在工作上的时间”和选项[D]“他们赚钱的多少”在文中皆未提及,故错误。

  2.选[B],事实细节题。文中第一段倒数第二句话作者指出,在可以预见的未来,工作能够给人们提供的“material and psychological rewards”如何,将在决定人们对生活的满意程度方面继续(continue)起关键作用,由此可见,现在工作在人们生活中占有重要地位,故选项[B]正确。选项[A]与此意思相反,故错误;选项[C]文中未提及也没有暗示,故错误;文中并没有把工作和生活提供的满意程度进行比较,实际上生活包括了工作,故[D]错误。

  3.选[C],推理判断题。文章在第二段中指出,工作中的不平等是我们这个社会中不平等的最突出表现形式,这种工作中的不平等最明显的表现在“the inequality between managers and the rest”,因为对于“managers”而言,工作就意味着挑战和机会,因为他们能够对自己和其他人的“working lives”有一定的控制权;而对于大多数的“workers”而言,他们“have little control over their work”,这使得他们没有多少机会去发挥个人的能力,因此,作者指出,如果这些问题不能解决,就“cannot hope to solve the more obvious problems”, 故选项[C]符合题意。选项[A]“减少罢工的次数”、选项[D]“提高道德水平”在文中未提及;文中在提及工作中的不平等时未说明双方的薪水如何,故选项[B]“相同的薪金”不正确。

  4.选[D],事实细节题。文章的最后一段中介绍了“managers ”和“workers”之间的不同,其中提到,“manager ”拥有很多一般员工不具有的优势,其中最重要的是,“they have opportunity to initiate”,而一般员工“have little control over their work”,故选项[D]正确。选项[A]文中未提及,故错误;文中提到这些管理人员“are constantly learning”,是因为他们的工作“engage their interest and allow them to develop their abilities”,但文中并未提及他们有时间参加培训课程,故选项[B]错误;尽管文章指出他们的工作符合他们的兴趣所在,在工作中有一定的自主权,但文中未暗示他们在工作中想干什么就干什么,选项[C]表述太绝对,故错误。

  5.选[C],推理判断题。从文章最后一段第六句可以看出,尽管管理者也认为这种环境让人难以忍受,但是他们仍然决定“let such conditions continue”,因为在生产中,工人“are simply part of the technology”这种特点决定了这种工作环境存在下去的必要性,故选项[C]正确。文章在第二段中提到,工作中存在的最明显的问题大部分是由于工作中的不平等而引起的“frustrations ”造成的,说明员工们对此很不满,故选项[A]错误;选项[B]错误,因为“mangers have a considerable degree of control over their own and others’ working lives”;选项[D]在文中未提及,故错误。

  Text 2 

  The promise of finding longterm technological solutions to the problems of world food shortages seems difficult to fulfill. Many innovations that were once heavily supported and publicized, such as fish-protein concentrate and protein from algae grown on petroleum substrates, have since fallen by the wayside.① The proposals themselves were technically feasible, but they proved to be economically unavailable and to yield food products culturally unacceptable to their consumers. Recent innovations such as opaque-2 maize, Antarctic krill, and the wheatrye hybrid triticale seem more promising, but it is too early to predict their ultimate fate.   

  One characteristic common to unsuccessful food innovations has been that, even with extensive government support, they often have not been technologically adapted or culturally acceptable to the people for whom they had been developed.② A successful new technology, therefore, must fit the entire sociocultural system in which it is to find a place. Security of crop yield, practicality of storage, palatability, and costs are much more significant than had previously been realized by the advocates of new technologies. For example, the better protein quality in tortillas(玉米粉圆饼)  made from opaque-2 maize will be of only limited benefit to a family on the margin of subsistence if the new maize is not culturally acceptable or is more vulnerable to insects.③   

  The adoption of new food technologies depends on more than these technical and cultural considerations; economic factors and governmental policies also strongly influence the ultimate success of any innovation. Economists in the Anglo-American tradition have taken the lead in investigating the economics of technological innovation. Although they exaggerate in claiming that profitability is the key factor guiding technical  change — they completely disregard the substantial effects of culture — they are correct in stressing the importance of profits. Most technological innovations in agriculture can be fully used only by large landowners and are only adopted if these profit-oriented business people believe that they increase their incomes. Thus, innovations that carry high rewards for big agribusiness groups will be adopted even if they harm segments of the population and reduce the availability of food in a country. Further, should a new technology promise to alter substantially the profits and losses associated with any production system, those with economic power will strive to maintain and improve their own positions. Since large segments of the populations of many developing countries are close to the subsistence margin and essentially powerless, they tend to be the losers in this system unless they are aided by a government policy that takes into account the needs of all sectors of the economy④. Therefore, although technical advances in food production and processing will perhaps be needed to ensure food availability, meeting food needs will depend much more on equalizing economic power among the various segments of the populations within the developing countries themselves.

  1.fulfill vt.①履行,实现,完成②满足,使满意:fulfill a promise履行诺言/fulfill the terms of contract满足合同条款中的要求

  ○派 fulfillment n.履行,实行:a sense of fulfillment满足感

  2.innovation n.①革新,创新②新方法,新事物:technical innovation技术革新

  ○同 innovator  n.改革者,革新者

  3.publicize  v.①引起公众对…的注意②宣传,宣扬:an advertising campaign to publicize the new train service为新投入运营的铁路路线而开展的宣传活动

  ○同 publicly   ad.①公开地,公然地:publicly humiliated当众受辱

  4.concentrate  n.浓缩物v.①全神贯注,全力以赴②集中,聚集③浓缩:orange juice concentrate浓缩橘子汁/concentrate on your work集中精神工作/concentrate on the European market把重点放在欧洲市场

  ○派 concentration  n.浓缩,集中:with deep concentration专心

  5.feasible   a.可行的,合理的:a feasible plan可行的计划/be feasible to do sth.做某事是可行的

  ○派 feasibility n.可行性,可能性:feasibility study可行性研究

  6.antarctic a. 南极的

  7.extensive   a.广泛的,广阔的:extensive knowledge广博的知识

  ○同 extension  n.①伸出,伸展,扩大②延长部分,扩大部分,扩建部分③电话分机,分机号码:the extension of scientific knowledge科学知识的普及/an extension of one’s summer holiday暑假的延长/the extension number of the phone电话的分机号

  8.adapt  vt.①使适应②改编:adapt oneself to new condition使自己适应新的情况/adapt a novel for screen把小说改编为电影

  ○派 adaptation   n.适应,改编:an adaptation of a play剧本改编

  ○派 adaptive  a.适应的:the adaptive consequences适应性后果  

  ○派 adaptable  a.能适应的,可改编的

  9.advocate n.①提倡者②辩护者,律师v.拥护,提倡,主张:an advocate of early rising主张早起的人/the advocate for the defence被告辩护人/advocate doing sth.提倡(主张)做…

  10.insect  n.昆虫,虫:observe the behavior of insects观察昆虫的习性

  ○形 insert   vt.插入,嵌入:insert a spaceship into orbit将宇宙飞船射入轨道/insert a comma between two words在两个词之间添上逗号

  11.powerless  a.无力的,无能为力的:be powerless to resist无力抵抗

  ○同 powerful   a.①强大的,有力的,有权的②强壮的,强健的:powerful air force强大的空军力量/ powerful muscles有力的肌肉

  12.account n.①记述,描述,报告②账,账户③解释,说明vi.(for)①说明…的原因,是…的原因②(在数量、比例方面)占:by sb.’s own account 根据某人本人所述/audit accounts 查帐/account for one’s actions 为自己的行动提出解释/ take ... into account 考虑到,注意到

  13.by the wayside 半途而废,中途退出


  ※1.algae n.海藻

  ※2.krill  n.磷虾

  ※3.triticale   n.杂交麦

  ※4.palatability n. 美味

  ※5.maize  n.玉米

  ※6.hybrid  n.杂交

  6.The primary purpose of the passage is to discuss the

  [A] means of assessing the extent of the world food shortage.

  [B] difficulties of applying technological solutions to the problems of food shortages.

  [C] costs of introducing a new food technology into a developing country.

  [D] nature of the new technological innovations in the area of food production.

  7.The passage mentions all of the following statements as factors important to the success of a new food crop EXCEPT the

  [A] practicality of storage of the crop.

  [B] security of the crop yield.

  [C] quality of the crop’s protein.

  [D] cultural acceptability of the crop.

  8.According to the passage, the successful application of most technological innovations will be largely determined by

  [A] large segments of the populations of many developing countries.

  [B] large landowners and profit-oriented business people.

  [C] the production system of a country. [D] whether the technological innovations yield food products culturally acceptable to their consumers.

  9.We can  infer from the passage that

  [A]  the Opaque-2 maize can be stored as easily as other varieties of maize.

  [B]  the Opaque-2 maize is more popular than the wheat rye hybrid.

  [C]  the Opaque-2 maize is a more recent innovation than the use of fishprotein concentrate.

  [D]  the Opaque-2 maize is more susceptible to insects than are other varieties of maize.

  10.The author suggests that, in most developing countries, extensive government intervention accompanying the introduction of a food innovation will

  [A] usually be sufficient to guarantee the financial success of the innovation.

  [B] be necessary to ensure that the benefits of the innovation will be spread throughout the society.

  [C] provide the incentive necessary to convince landowners to try the innovation.

  [D] generally cost the country more than will be earned by the innovation.

  难 句 突 破

  1.Many innovations (that were once heavily supported and publicized),[such as fishprotein concentrate and protein from algae grown on petroleum substrates], have since fallen by the wayside.

   复合句。句子主干为Many innovations... have since fallen by the wayside;其中that were once heavily supported and publicized为定语从句修饰主语 innovations;本句的谓语动词fall by the wayside是一个固定词组,意为“因失败放弃”。

  2.One characteristic (common to unsuccessful food innovations) has been that, [even with extensive government support], they often have not been technologically adapted or culturally acceptable to the people (for whom they had been developed).

   多重复合句。本句的主干部分为One characteristic ... has been that ...;common to unsuccessful food innovations 为形容词短语作定语,修饰句子的主语characteristic;they often ...the people分句为表语从句,其中for whom they had been developed 是非限制性定语从句,修饰名词people。

  3.[For example], the better protein quality (in tortillas made from opaque2 maize) will be of only limited benefit [to a family on the margin of subsistence] [if the new maize is not culturally acceptable or is more vulnerable to insects].

   复合句。if引导条件状语从句;主句为主系表结构,其中主语为the better protein quality,介词of +名词相当于一个同义的形容词,此处“of only limited benefit to”意为“对…的好处非常有限”;介词词组on the margin of subsistence 此处作状语,含义是“对于维持生计而言”。

  4.[Since large segments of the populations of many developing countries are close to the subsistence margin and essentially powerless], they tend to be the losers [in this system] [unless they are aided by a government policy (that takes into account the needs of all sectors of the economy)].

   多重复合句。since 引导的是一个原因状语从句;unless 此处引导了一个条件状语从句;从句that takes into account the needs of all sectors of the economy 作定语,修饰前面的名词government policy.

  全 文 翻 译

  找到能够长期解决世界粮食短缺问题的解决办法,这一承诺似乎难以实现。1) 许多曾经一度备受关注、得到大力支持的新发明,比如浓缩鱼蛋白和从石油培养基中生长的藻类植物中提取的蛋白质等,最终都以失败告终。这些解决方法本身从技术上而言是可行的,但在实际经济中却难以行得通,且依靠这些方法获得的粮食产品从文化角度而言难以让消费者接受。一些最新的粮食产品,比如透明2号玉米、南极的小磷虾以及小麦黑麦的杂交麦等,似乎前景光明,但是现在预言它们未来命运如何,尚为时过早。

  2) 这些未能成功的粮食新发明拥有一个共同的特征:即使有些发明受到政府的大力支持,他们从技术上或者文化上也难以被目标人群所接受,尽管这些发明是专门为目标人群研究出来的。因此,一项新技术要得以成功,必须能够适应它希望在其中占有一席之地的整个社会文化体系的要求。能否保证粮食产量、是否容易储存、是否美味和成本高低如何,所有这些因素比新技术的拥护者事前所意识到的更关键。3) 比如,用透明2号玉米做成的玉米饼中所含有的蛋白质质量更高,但如果这种新品种的玉米在文化上难以被接受或者更容易遭受虫害的话,从维持生计的角度而言,它对于一个家庭的益处非常有限。   

  新的粮食技术能否被接受,不仅仅受到这些技术因素和文化因素的影响,经济的因素和政府的政策对这些新技术成功与否也会有巨大的影响。英美的传统经济学家在研究技术革新经济学方面一直占领先地位,他们认为收益率是技术变革的决定性因素,尽管这种说法有些夸大其词——因为这样说完全忽略了文化的巨大影响——但是他们强调利润的重要性这一点完全正确,因为大部分农业技术的新发明往往是由大农场主充分利用的,而这些惟利是图的粮食商们只有确定应用这些发明会增加自己的利润时才会接受这些粮食新发明。因此,即使某些新发明的应用会损害一小部分人的利益、减少整个国家的粮食利用率,但只要能给大农业综合企业带来高额回报率,这些大农业商们就会毫不犹豫地应用。而且,如果应用某项新技术能够保证大幅度改变某一生产体系中的利润率和亏损率,那些有经济实力的集团就会努力维持或者提高自己的地位。4) 由于许多发展中国家的大部分人口都处于维持生计的水平,他们的经济力量非常薄弱,因此,如果政府不制定一个将经济各方面需求都考虑在内的政策对他们进行支持,他们往往会成为这个体系的受害者。因此,尽管在粮食生产和粮食加工方面需要一定的技术进步以保证粮食供应,但满足粮食需求在很大程度上更依赖于平衡发展中国家内各个利益团体之间的经济力量。


  7.选[C],事实细节题。注意题干问的是影响新的粮食作物是否成功地被种植者所接受的重要因素中不包括哪个因素。依据第二段中“Security of crop yield, practicality of storage, palatability, and costs are much more significant ...”,可知选项[A]“practicality of storage of the crop(粮食储存的实用性)”和选项[B]“security of crop yield(保证粮食产量)”两个因素已经包括在内;同时,在第一段中,作者指出,许多解决粮食短缺问题的新发明之所以以失败而告终,是因为它们尽管从技术上而言是可行的,但是“they proved to be economically unavailable and to yield food products culturally unacceptable to their consumers.”,因此,文化因素也是一个影响新的粮食作物是否成功地被种植者所接受的重要因素,所以选项[D]可排除;[C] 选项中“农作物蛋白质的质量如何”这一因素只在作者举的一个例子中出现过,作者认为它对于一个家庭维持生计而言并没有太大的用处,因而蛋白质的质量不是影响粮食作物是否能成功被人们接受的重要因素,故选[C]。

  8.选[B],事实细节题。在第三段中,作者指出,尽管英美的经济学家“exaggerate in claiming that profitability is the key factor guiding technical change”,但是,在强调“profits”这一方面还是正确的。因为大部分农业技术的新发明往往是由large landowners充分利用的,而 these profitoriented business people 只有在认为这些新发明会增加他们的利润时才会去充分应用这些发明,故选项[B]正确。文中指出选项[A]中“发展中国家的大部分人”经济力量非常薄弱,往往是这个体系的“losers”,所以同题干的要求正好相反;[C]在文中未提及;[D]项中所说的文化因素是一个重要的影响因素,但是由第三段第一句可知,文化因素并不是决定性因素,同题干要求不相符,故错误。

  9.选[C],事实细节题。关于新的玉米品种Opaque2是否容易储存、是否比黑麦和小麦的杂交品种更受欢迎,在文中均未提及,故[A]、[B]皆不选;从文章第一段的最后一句“Recent innovations such as opaque2 maize”来看,可以得知Opaque2 是一种最新的农业发明,而文章第一段第二句提到浓缩鱼蛋白时用了过去时,并且once也提示它是过去的发明,说明是较早发明的产品,故[C]正确;而在这一句中,文章指出,像Antarctic krill, wheatrye hybrid 和Opaque2 这样的“Recent innovations”看起来似乎前景光明,然而,要预测它们的最终命运如何还为时尚早。同时,在第二段中指出,用Opaque2 玉米做成的玉米饼虽然蛋白质质量比其他玉米品种高,但如果这种玉米不能“culturally acceptable” 或者如果它更容易遭受昆虫侵袭的话,从维持生计的情况看,对一个家庭意义不大,由此可见,人们对于它是否更容易被昆虫侵害并不确定,选项[D]中的susceptible to insects 同文章第二段最后一句中的“vulnerable to insects”意思一样,故排除[D]。

  10.选[B],推理判断题。从文章第三段第一句话可以看出,新的粮食技术是否能够被应用,不仅仅取决于技术和文化因素,经济因素和政府政策对于新技术是否能够成功得以运用有着巨大的影响。此处的“government policies”对应了题干中的“extensive government intervention ”。[A]“足以保证新技术在利润方面的成功”和[D]“会使国家的损失大于采用新技术获得的利益”文章中未提及;第三段讲到这些新的粮食技术是否能够被充分应用到实践中去,很大程度上取决于“large landowners”,而这些“profitoriented business people”只有在看到这些技术能够帮助他们提高利润的情况下才可能使用这些技术,此间并未提及政府对他们采取任何政策促使他们这么做,故[C]不正确;同时,文章指出,在发展中国家,这些唯利是图的粮食商人们引进新的粮食技术后,如果没有政府利用政策平衡各个方面的需求,大部分人将是这个经济体系中的受害者,故选项[B]符合题意。

  Text 3    

  The health-care economy is filled with unusual and even unique economic relationships. One of the least understood involves the peculiar roles of producer or “provider” and purchaser or “consumer” in the typical doctorpatient relationship. In most sectors of the economy, it is the seller who attempts to attract a potential buyer with various inducements of price, quality, and utility, and it is the buyer who makes the decision. Such condition, however, does not prevail in most of the health-care industry.   

  In the health-care industry, the doctor-patient relationship is the mirror image of the ordinary relationship between producer and consumer.① Once an individual has chosen to see a physician — and even then there may be no real  choice — it is the physician who usually makes all significant purchasing decisions: whether the patient should return “next Wednesday”, whether X-rays are needed, whether drugs should be prescribed, etc. It is a rare and sophisticated patient who will challenge such professional decisions or raise in advance questions about price, especially when the disease is regarded as serious.②   

  This is particularly significant in relation to hospital care. The physician must certify the need for hospitalization, determine what procedures will be performed, and announce when the patient may be discharged. The patient may be consulted about some of these decisions, but in the main it is the doctor’s judgments that are final. Little wonder then that in the eye of the hospital it is the physician who is the real “consumer”. As a consequence, the medical staff represents the “power center”in hospital policy and decision-making, not the administration.   

  Although usually there are in this situation four identifiable participants — the hospital, the physician, the patient, and the payer (generally an insurance carrier or government) — the physician makes the essential for all of them. The hospital becomes an extension of the physician; the payer generally meets most of the bills generated by the physician/hospital, and for the most part the patient plays a passive role.③ We estimate that about 75-80 percent of health-care expenditures are determined by

  1.unique   a.①唯一的,独特的,独一无二的②极不寻常的,极好的:have a unique flavor有一种独特的风情/unique opportunity千载难逢的机会/a rather unique position相当不错的地位

  2.relationship n.关系:restore the trade relationship恢复贸易关系

  3.peculiar   a.①特有的,独具的,独特的②奇怪的,古怪的:a matter of peculiar interest   特别使人感兴趣的事/a very peculiar child古怪的孩子

  ○派 peculiarity  n.①奇特,古怪②怪癖,怪异的东西③独特性,特性,特质

  4.inducement  n.引诱物,诱导:inducement of investment投资诱因/the inducement of sleep催眠

  ○同 induce  vt.引诱,劝使,导致:induce sleepiness引起睡意/induce the speech对语言加以引导

  5.prevail  v.①盛行,流行②说服,劝说,诱使③获胜,占优势:prevail in those regions流行于那些地区/prevail on him to take his medicine劝说他吃药/prevail over(against) evil战胜邪恶

  ○同 prevalent  a.流行的,普遍的:(disease/smog) be prevalent in some areas(疾病/烟雾)在一些地区流行

  6.prescribe  v.①开药方,②规定,指定:prescribe a remedy for the common cold开感冒药/a prescribed text指定学习的课文/do as the law prescribes依法办事

  ○派 prescription  n.处方,药方:compound (fill/make up) a prescription配药

  7.sophisticated  a.①老于世故的,老练的,精通的②精密的,尖端的,复杂的:a sophisticated girl老于世故的女孩/highly sophisticated filming techniques高度复杂的拍摄技巧

  8.certify v.①证明,证实②发证书(或执照)给③担保:certify the truth of a claim 证明提出要求的事实依据/certify a teacher 发给教员合格证书/certify sb.’s    physicians, not patients. For this reason, economy directed at patients or the general is relatively ineffective.④honesty and reliability 担保某人诚实可靠

  ○派 certification n. ①证明②担保

  9.discharge  v.释放,免除:discharge a patient允许病人出院/discharge sb. from an obligation免除某人的义务

  10.represent   v.①代表②描写:represent the best traditions of ballet代表了芭蕾舞艺术的最优秀的传统/a statue representing a king描绘国王的雕像

  ○派 representative   n.代表a.(of)代表性的:a legal representative法定代理人/be representative of the people代表人民

  11.physician  n.内科医生

  ○同 physical  a.①身体的,肉体的②物理的,物理学的③物质的,有形的n.体检:a physical detect 身体的缺陷/physical changes 物理变化/the physical world 物质世界/give sb. a physical 对某人做体格检查

  ○同 physicist   n.物理学家

  ○同 physics  n.物理,物理学

  12.situation  n.①形势,处境②位置,职位:complicated situation复杂的形势/look for a situation 谋职

  ○同 situated  a.坐落在…的:the house situated on a hill这座房子坐落在小山上

  13.expenditure  n.①经费,费用,支出额②(时间、金钱等的)花费,支出,消:unnecessary expenditures不必要的支出额

  ○同 expense  n.①价钱,花费,费用②[pl.]开支,业务费用:at the expense of①由…付费,由…负担费用②以…为代价/cut expenses  紧缩开支

  11. The author’s primary purpose is to

  [A] criticize doctors for exercising too much control over patients.

  [B] analyze some important economic factors in health-care.

  [C] urge hospitals to reclaim their decision-making authority.

  [D] inform potential patients of their health-care rights.

  12. It can be inferred that doctors are able to determine hospital policies because

  [A] it is doctors who generate income for the hospital.

  [B] it is doctors who arm with professional skills.

  [C] a doctor is ultimately responsible for a patient’s health.

  [D]  patients have no choice but to accept their physician’s decision.

  13. According to the author, when a doctor tells a patient to “return next Wednesday”, the doctor is in effect

  [A] instructing the patient to buy more medical services.

  [B] reminding the patient of the exact time to come again.

  [C] advising the patient to seek a second opinion.

  [D] admitting that the initial visit was ineffective.

  14. The author is most probably leading up to

  [A] a proposal to control medical costs.

  [B] a discussion of a new medical treatment.

  [C] an analysis of the cause of the conflicts between physicians and patients.

  [D] a study of lawsuits against doctors for malpractice.

  15. With which of the following statements would the author be likely to agree?

  [A] Few patients are reluctant to object to the course of the treatment prescribed by a doctor or to question the cost of the services.

  [B] The more serious the illness of a patient, the less likely he will object to the course of treatment prescribed or to question the cost of services.

  [C] The payer, whether insurance carrier or the government, is less likely to fulfil the payment when the illness of the patient is regarded as serious.

  [D] Sophisticated patients would appear more defiant of physicians decisions when the diseases are serious.

  难 句 突 破

  1.[In the health-care industry], (the doctor-patient) relationship is the mirror image (of the ordinary relationship between producer and consumer).

   简单句。该句的理解关键在于对mirror image的理解。上文提到在大多数的经济领域中,卖方尽力吸引买方,但决定是由买方做出的,下文却说是医生做出了所有关于购买的决定(it is the physician who usually makes all significant purchasing decisions),可见在医疗经济中,买方与卖方之间的关系和一般经济关系中的正好相反,mirror image本意“镜像(与原物左右相反的像)”。

  2.It is (a rare and sophisticated) patient who will challenge such professional decisions or raise [in advance] questions (about price), [especially when the disease is regarded as serious].


  3.The hospital becomes an extension (of the physician); the payer generally meets most of the bills (generated by the physician/hospital), and [for the most part] the patient plays a passive role.


  4.We estimate that about 7580 percent of healthcare expenditures are determined by physicians, not patients. [For this reason], economy (directed at patients or the general) are [relatively] ineffective.

    复合句+简单句。这虽是两句话,但联系颇为紧密。前一句是个复合句,主句是We estimate,其余部分是宾语从句。后一句是简单句,其中economy一词在该句中意为“节约”,要注意不能理解为“经济”。

  全 文 翻 译


  1) 在医疗经济中,医生与病人的关系与一般厂商和消费者的关系正好相反。一旦一个人选择去看医生——即便那种情况下也没什么可选的——通常就是医生来做所有重要的购买决定:“下周三”病人是否要再来一趟,是否做X光透视,是否要开药,等等。2) 只有在极其少见的情况下,并且是非常精明的病人才会对这样的专业决定提出质疑,或预先提出关于价格的问题,尤其是当病被认为很严重时(就更不太可能有这种情况)。    这种情况在住院治疗时就更加重要。医生必须证明住院治疗的必要性,决定需要有哪些程序,并宣布什么时候病人可以出院。关于这些决定医生可能会征求一下病人的意见,但主要还是以医生的判断为准。难怪在医院的眼里医生才是真正的“消费者”。因此,在医院的政策决策中,权力中心在医务工作者那儿,而不是行政人员那儿。   

  在这种情况下虽然往往有四个明显的参与者——医院、医生、病人和付账的人(通常是保险公司或政府)——但是医生在其中起着决定性的作用。3) 医院成了医生的延伸;付账的人通常支付医生/医院开具的大部分帐单,而病人大多时候是个被动的角色。4) 我们估计约有7580%的医疗花费是由医生,而不是病人决定的。正是这个原因,针对病人或整个医疗活动的节约措施相对来讲效果不大。


  12.选[A],推理判断题。第三段有...it is the physician who is the real “consumer”. As a consequence, the medical staff represents the “power center”...,题干和[A]连起来是该句的同义转述。[B]项内容未在文中提及;[C]与题干之间的因果关系与文义不符;[D]与第二段最后一句不符,“It is rare...”说明还是有病人会提出质疑,而不是no choice。

  13.选[A],事实细节题。第二段中的whether the patient should return “next Wednesday”, whether Xrays are needed, whether drugs should be prescribed都是具体例子,说明前文的purchasing decisions(购买决定),所以从经济学的角度来看,让病人下周三再来就是让病人购买更多的医疗服务,故选[A]。文章主要从经济学的角度来分析医生和病人之间的关系,所以[B]、[C]和[D]都不太切题。


  15.选[B],推理判断题。第二段最后一句说“只有极少数或非常精明的病人才会…, 尤其是当病被认为很严重时”,[B]是该句话的同义转述。[A]选项可以理解为一个双重否定,“几乎没有病人不情愿反对…”也就是“病人们都愿意反对…”与原文意义不相符,排除[A];全文只有第四段中有一处提到付账的人(the payer generally meets most of the bills generated by the physician/hospital),并没有病重就不大可能付款的意思,而且这种说法也不符合常理,排除[C];[D]项也是对第二段最后一句话的误解。

  Text 4    

  Educators are seriously concerned about the high rate of dropouts between the doctor of philosophy candidates and the consequent loss of talent to a nation in need of PhDs. Some have placed the dropouts loss as high as 50 percent. The extent of the loss was, however, largely a matter of expert guessing. Last week a well-rounded study was published. It was based on 22, 000 questionnaires sent to former graduate students who were enrolled in 24 universities and it seemed to show many past fears to be groundless.   

  The dropouts rate was found to be 31 percent, and in most cases the dropouts, while not completing the PhD requirement, went on to productive work. They are not only doing well financially, but, according to the report, are not far below the income levels of those who went on to complete their doctorates.①   

  Discussing the study last week, Dr. Tucker said the project was initiated “because of the concern frequently expressed by graduate faculties and administrators that some of the individuals who dropped out of PhD programs were capable of completing the requirement for the degree.② Attrition at the PhD level is also thought to be a waste of precious faculty time and a drain on university resources already being used to capacity. Some people expressed the opinion that the shortage of highly trained specialists and college teachers could be reduced by persuading the dropouts to return to graduate schools to complete the PhD.“The results of our research ” Dr. Tucker concluded, “did not support these opinions”.

  1. Lack of motivation was the principal reason for dropping out.   

  2. Most dropouts went as far in their doctoral program as was consistent with their levels of ability or their specialties.   

  3. Most dropouts are now engaged in work consistent with their education and motivation. Nearly 75 percent of the dropouts said there was no academic reason for their decision, but those who mentioned academic reason cited failure to pass to the qualifying examination, uncompleted thesis and failure to pass language exams. Among the single most important personal reasons identified by dropouts for non-completion of their PhD program, lack of finances was marked by 19 percent.

  As an indication of how well the dropouts were doing, a chart showed 2% in humanities were receiving $20,000 and more annually while none of the PhD’s with that background reached this figure, and   78% at the level of $7,500 to $15,000 against 50% for the dropouts. This may also be an indication of the fact that top salaries in the academic fields, where PhD’s tend to rise to the highest salaries, are still lagging behind other fields.③   

  As to the possibility of getting dropouts back on campus, the outlook was glum. The main condition which would have to prevail for at least 25% of the dropouts who might consider returning to graduate school would be to guarantee that they  would retain their present level of income and in some cases their present job.④

  1.candidate  n.①候选人②报考者③申请求职者:a parliamentary candidate议会候选人

  2.consequent  a.由此引起的, 随之发生的:the earthquake and the consequent confusion地震及由此而引起的混乱

  ○派 consequence  n.①结果,后果②重要(性),重大:a logical consequence of this development发展的逻辑必然结果/long lasting consequences深远的影响

  ○派 consequently  ad.因此,所以

  3.questionnaire  n.(作统计或调查用的)问卷,征求意见表:fill out the questionnaire填写问卷

  ○同 questionable    a.可疑的,不可靠的:a questionable idea有疑问的主意/questionable friends靠不住的朋友

  4.enroll vt.入学,登记,招收:be enrolled in登记入学/enroll new class招收新生

  5.well-rounded  a. ①面面俱到的,经过周密计划的②身体丰满的,匀称的③具有多方面兴趣的:a wellrounded programme 周密的计划/be well-rounded in more than one capacity 懂多种专业

  6.groundless  a. 无根据的,无基础的:groundless rumors 无稽之谈

  7.conclude  v.①推断出,推论出②结束③缔约:conclude from the facts 从事实中推论出/conclude a meeting结束会议/conclude a peace treaty缔结和约

  ○派 conclusive 决定性的,最后的:conclusive evidence 真凭实据

  ○派 inconclusive   a.不具概括性的,非决定性的

  8.motivation  n.动机,动力,促进因素:achievement motivation进取动机/have a strong motivation to learn English有很强的学英语的动力

  ○同 motive   n.动机,目的a.发动的,运动的:mixed motives不纯的动机/his motive for workingso hard他这么卖命干的目的

  9.principal  a.主要的n.①校长,首长②资金:the principal rivers主要河流/the principal of a college学院院长/principal and interest本利

  ○形 principle  n.①基本信念,信条②原则,原理,道义:abandon the principle放弃信条/stick to one’s principles坚持原则/in principle原则上,大致上

  10.academic  a.学术的,学院的:academic achievement学术成就

  ○同 academy  n.①学院,研究院,学会②(中等以上)专门学校:an academy of music音乐学院/the Chinese Academy of Sciences中国科学院

  11.cite   vt.①给出,引用,引证②传唤,传讯③表彰,嘉奖:cite the dictionary引证词典/cite an instance举一个例子/cite sb. for his bravery某人因勇敢而被表彰

  12.lag behind滞后,落后于


  ※1.doctorate n. 博士学位

  ※2. humanity  n.人文科学

  ※3.glum  a.暗淡的

  16. The author states that many educators feel that

  [A] steps should be taken to get the dropouts back to campus.

  [B] the dropouts should return to a better school to continue their study.

  [C] the PhD holder is generally a better adjusted person than the dropout.

  [D] the high dropout rate is largely attributable to the lack of stimulation on the part of faculty members.

  17. What  has the research mentioned in the passage shown?

  [A] Dropouts are substantially below PhD’s in financial attainment.

  [B] The incentive factor is a minor one in regard to pursuing PhD studies.

  [C] The PhD candidate is likely to change his field of specialization if he drops out.

  [D] About one-third of those who start PhD work do not complete the work to earn the degree.

  18.According  to the article, which of the following statements is TRUE?

  [A] Meeting foreign language requirements for the PhD is the most frequent reason for dropping out.

  [B] Meeting foreign language requirements for the PhD is more difficult for the science candidate than for the humanities candidate.

  [C] It is an essential part of many PhD programs to meet foreign language requirements for the PhD.

  [D] Foreign language requirements for the PhD does not vary in difficulty among universities.

  19.What does the author mean by “glum” (Line 2, Paragraph 9)?

  [A] bright[B] gloomy[C] clear[D] uncertain

  20.What can be inferred from the passage?

  [A] The high rate of dropouts lies in the fact that the salary for PhD is too low.

  [B] The reason why so many PhD candidates drop out is that academic requirement is too high for them.

  [C] The high rate of dropouts is because the salary for dropouts is too high.

  [D] There are 1000 positions for the PhDs.

  难 句 突 破

  1.They  are [not only] doing [well financially], [but], [according to the report], are [not far] below the income levels (of those (who went on to complete their doctorates)).

   复合句。句子主干为They are not only..., but (also),are ...,其中but引导的部分又包含一个由who引导的定语从句修饰those;according to the report是插入成分。

  2.[Discussing the study last week], Dr. Tucker said the project was initiated because of the concern frequently

  expressed by graduate faculties and administrators {that some of the individuals (who dropped out of PhD programs) were capable of completing the requirement for the degree}

   多重复合句。句子主干为:Dr. Tucker said the project was initiated because of the concern ... that ...;discussing...是现在分词短语作状语;expressed by... 是过去分词短语作定语修饰concern;连词that引导同位语从句说明concern的内容,该从句中还包含一个由who引导的定语从句,先行词为the individuals;be capable of...表示“能够做…”。

  3.This may also be an indication of the fact {that top salaries in the academic fields, (where PhD’s tend to rise to the highest salaries), are still lagging behind other fields}.

   多重复合句。整个句子主干为:this may be an indication of the fact that...。连词that引导同位语从句修饰the fact;从句的主干为:top salaries... are still lagging behind ...;该从句中包含一个由关系副词where引导的非限定性定语从句;lag behind表示“落后于”。

  4.The main condition (which would have to prevail for at least 25% of the  dropouts (who might consider returning to graduate school) would be to guarantee that they would retain their present level of income and in some cases their present job.

   多重复合句。整个句子主干为:the main condition...would be to guarantee that...;主语部分较为复杂,包含分别由which和who引导的两个定语从句,其中which修饰condition,而who修饰the dropouts;连词that引导从句作动词guarantee的宾语;prevail在句子中意思为“奏效,适用于”。

  全 文 翻 译


  辍学率是31%。在大多数情形中,虽然辍学者没有完成博士必修课程,但都继续进行了富有成效的工作。1) 根据该报告,他们(指辍学的学生)不仅经济效益可观,而且收入水平并不是远远低于那些继续完成博士学业的学生。

  2) 上周Tucker博士在讨论这一研究时说,发起该项目是因为研究生部门和管理人员时常关注这样一种情况:中途停止博士学习的人当中有一些是有能力完成学位要求的。博士层次的减员同时被认为是对宝贵的教学时间和学校资源的浪费,而学校资源的利用已经饱和。一些人认为,通过说服辍学者返回研究生学院完成博士学位必修课程,能够缓解当前高级专家和大学教师的缺乏状况。Tucker 博士总结道:“我们的研究结果不支持这些观点。”       





  这项研究还揭示了辍学者的生活究竟怎样。一份表格显示有2%的文科博士辍学者的年收入达到20,000美元以上,而相同背景的文科博士中却没有人达到这个数字。博士中有78%的人年收入在7,500美元和15,000美元之间,而辍学者中有50%处在这个收入水平。3) 这可能表明这样一个事实:在学术界,虽然博士生的薪水会达到最高,但其高薪还落后于其他行业。       


  16.选[A], 事实细节题。文章前两段表明现在很多博士生辍学,因此一些人认为the shortage of highly trained specialists and college teachers could be reduced by persuading the dropouts to return to graduate schools to complete the PhD(第三段倒数第二句),由此可见[A]“应采取措施让学生回到校园”是正确答案。[B]“辍学的学生应回到更好的学校继续他们的学业”和[C]“拥有博士学位的人比那些辍学的人能更好地调整自己”原文未提及;第四段中提到lack of motivation was the principal reason for dropping out,这说明学生缺乏动力是辍学的主要原因,因此[D]“高辍学率主要因为教员缺乏激励因素”和原文不符。

  17.选[D],事实细节题。文章倒数第二段前两句是关于辍学学生和博士生的收入调查,其结果是辍学学生比博士生收入要高,因此[A]不对;第四段中提到调查结果lack of motivation was the principal reason for dropping out,这说明学生缺乏动力是辍学的主要原因,也就是说学生学习需要动力,[B]“动力因素对博士学习是一个次要原因”同这一结果正好相反;第五段的调查结果most dropouts went as far in their doctoral program as was consistent with their levels of ability or their specialties表明大多数辍学学生还是保持自己的专业,[C]错误;文章第二段第一句提到辍学率为31%,约三分之一,所以[D]为正确答案。

  18.选[C],推理判断题。从四个选项可以看出此题是对meeting foreign language requirements for the PhD的相关内容做出判断。文章第七段第一句提到有关language的内容,有些人把failure to pass language exams作为辍学的原因之一。依此可以推断出[C]。[A]和原文第四段的调查结果不相符;[B]和[D]原文未提及。


  20.选[A],推理判断题。从倒数第二段可以得知博士生的收入水平不高,最后一段提出的解决办法中谈到要让学生返校必须保持他们的现有收入水平。因此博士生收入过低成为学生辍学的一个重要原因,即[A]为正确答案;而非因为辍学生收入太高才导致学生辍学,因而[C]不确切;[B]同第七段第一句nearly 75 per cent of the dropouts said there was no academic reason for their decision不相符;[D]原文未提及。

  Part B

  Directions: The following paragraphs are given in a wrong order. For Questions 2125,you are required to reorganize these paragraphs into a coherent article by choosing from the list [A]—[G] to fill in each numbered box. The first and the last paragraphs have been placed for you in boxes.

  [A] TV affects human relationships as well as behavior by influencing our feelings about ourselves and our expectations for ourselves and others. Too frequently stereotypes provide us with instant definitions. The stereotype assigns to an individual characteristics associated with a group that may or may not be accurate. We tend to note a single feature of a person and fill in the details from a storehouse of stereotypes. Via TV’s stereotypes we see men as strong and active, women pretty and at home. All too frequently, minorities are cast in exaggerated portrayals and stereotyped roles, more as white male producers perceive them than the way minority persons perceive themselves.

  [B] TV presents the child with a distorted definition of reality. The child in the affluent suburb or the small mid-western town exists within his own limited reality. His experience with social problems of people of different races, religions, or nationalities is probably somewhat limited. As television exposes him to a diversity of people and ideas it surely expands the boundaries of his reality. It is precisely because he now relies so heavily on TV to define other realities for him that we must examine so carefully what those images are. If they are distorted, inaccurate, or unfair, then television’s reality is potentially harmful.

  [C] The TV camera selects certain images to be examples, sometimes functioning like a magnifying glass held up to the worst in civilization instead of the best. When TV producers focus on violent ugliness, they lift it out and hold it up for all to see, making it impressively larger than life. A fist fight that occurs outside my window and is witnessed by only five people may be videotaped, broadcast, and “witnessed” vicariously by millions of people, thus multiplying the example set by the fist fighter. In the United States, most people have not witnessed murder,  yet because of televisions most children have seen hundreds of thousands of violent deaths and therefore believe that the world is more violent than it actually is.

  [D] Perhaps most serious are the effects of information distortions on the childs selfimage. At some level we begin to judge our own meaning, dignity, and worth in comparison with the TV characters who portray people like us. How accurate or fair is the barrage of portrayal that we are exposed to each day? What are the portrayals teaching about racial minority, family relationships, sexuality?

  [E] Exposure to stereotyped presentations can easily influence viewers-behavior toward unfamiliar people. Viewers use what they learn from these TV images to establish norms

  for how they will act in certain situations. These images, in fact, teach values and behaviors, especially to children who have little firsthand knowledge of the real world. To the extent that children are exposed to certain character portrayals and behaviors on TV, they may acquire or learn those behaviors and roles and eventually accept them as models for their own attitudes and actions.

  [F] TV distorts reality by selecting certain kinds of images and omitting others and by portraying people in a stereotyped way. It portrays some categories of people with beauty, power, and importance and renders others weak, helpless, or invisible. So serious is the relative invisibility of some groups on TV that Dr. George Gerbner of the Annenberg School of Communications contends, “If you’re not on TV, you don’t exist.” Yet how often do you see yourself on TV? Or a Hispanic child? The physically handicapped? An intact Black family? The Jewish holidays?

  [G] The images presented on TV tend to be exaggerated or glorified, and so believed and accepted as models to be copied. One demonstration of such TV power to influence behavior became apparent during Evel Knievel’s heavily promoted attempt to “fly” his motorcycle over the Snake River. Many children imitated his stunts with their bicycles on homemade ramps. And many landed in hospitals. Even the children who did not see Evel Knievel took up the bike jumping because they, in turn, caught the idea from friends who had been watching the Knievel TV promotion.


         B   →                                      21→                                      22→                                      23→                                      24→                                      25→       D  

  1.distort  vt.①歪曲,曲解②扭曲,使变形vi.变形:distort the facts歪曲事实/a face distorted by anger被愤怒扭曲的脸

  ○派 distortion  n.扭曲,曲解:intense  distortion严重扭曲

  2.expose  vt.①暴露,显露②揭露,袒露③(to)使处于…作用(或影响)之下,曝光:expose one's skin to the sun把皮肤暴露在阳光下/expose sb’s plot揭穿某人的阴谋

  ○派 exposure  n.①暴露,显露②揭发,揭露③曝光:exposure to the wind暴露在风中/public ex-posure of the plot公开揭露阴谋/a house  with a southern exposure朝南的房子

  3.omit  vt.①省略,删节②遗漏,疏忽:omit all unnecessary details删除不必要的细节/omit to do(doing) sth.忘记做某事

  4.contend  vt.声称,主张vi.①争夺,竞争②搏斗,斗争:contend with others for a prize跟他人争夺奖品/contend with poverty与贫穷做斗争

  5.intact  a.完整无缺的,未经触动的,未受损伤的:keep village life intact 不使乡村生活受外界影响

  6.magnify  vt.①放大,扩大②夸大,夸张:magnify the picture 放大照片/magnify one’s troubles 渲染自己的困难

  7.witness  vt.①目击,注意到②为…作证,证明n.①目击者,见证人②证据,证言:witness the accident目击事故/witnesses for the defendant被告一方的证人

  8.motorcycle   n. 摩托车

  9.stereotype n.陈规,老套,固定的模式(或形象) vt.对…形成固定看法:break through the sterotypes 打破陈规/the practice of stereotype jobs by sex 按性别固定划分工种的做法

  10.norm①标准,规范②[常pl.]准则:determine the norm for a test 决定测试的标准/norms of conduct 行为准则

  11.to the extend that 到…程度



上一篇:“富民兴鲁劳动奖章”获得者、山东省实验中学副校长林宝磊:成人达已 与校一心
