
栏目:成人教育  时间:2023-01-21

  2021考研真题答案及解析>>免费领直播课 公共课 政治 英语一 英语二 数学一 数学二 数学三   2021考研初试12月26~27日进行,2021考研初试情况(点击查看》》2021考研初试真题及答案解析专题),第一时间为考生提供考研真题答案及答案解析内容,同时新东方考研教师将为考生提供视频直播解析。直播入口|考研真题答案专区


  Part B

  Write an essay based on the chart below.

  In your writing, you should

  (1) interpret the chart, and

  (2) give your comments

  You should write about 150 words on the ANSWER SHEET 2. (15 points)



  Whatisclearly illustrated by the bar chart is the information with regard to residents’ way of doing exercises in a certain city. To be specific, the proportion of people doing exercises alone ranks first, up to 54.3%, followed shortly by doing exercises with friends, with a percentage of 47.7%. In comparison, that of people who choose to do it with their family-members and with stable teams are relatively small, accounting for 23.9% and 15.8% respectively.

  The phenomenon is justified on the grounds that follow. Above all, on account of the quickening pace of life, competition goes increasingly fierce in all walks of life, imposing tremendous pressure on all individuals. Thus, it is urgent for people to find a way to relieve their stress while doing exercises alone can give them a good opportunity to release their pressure freely. Moreover, people in modern society have gained a greater awareness of expanding their social network and broadening their horizon. Under such circumstances, doing exercises with friends naturally becomes a good approach of reaching their goals, including making more friends and acquiring more information to help them with their life and work.

  Admittedly, no matter which way people choose to do exercises, they will gain a lot from it. Yet, there are still a large number of people who have not come to realize the importance of physical exercises although sub-health is common among modern society. Therefore, it is my suggestion that the public media should enhance the publicity of the necessity of doing physical exercises so as to improve the physical condition of all citizens.


  2021年用柱状图来表达居民体育锻炼方式的比例,与英语二 2013年大作文大学生兼职比例的形式类似,为熟悉的考察形式。第一段主题句揭露图表话题,重点难点在图表标题的翻译,其中“某市居民”在2016年大作文标题中有出现,“锻炼方式” 也为简单词汇,难度较小。须注意的是,该图虽为柱状图,但无上升下降的变化,因此按静态图方式来描述,细节描述可进行一定的排序,“独自锻炼”及“与朋友一起”占比较大,先分级描述,“家人”“团队”较少,可一起描述。第二段,主要分析图表现象的成因,主要探讨占比较大的两种锻炼方式。可从压力和个人意识两个方面进行展开。第三段,评论加建议,肯定不同的锻炼方式皆有好处,但仍有很多人不重视,因此给出建议,媒体加大对体育锻炼必要性的宣传,以提升全民的身体素质。

  新东方教师直播解析2021考研答案>>免费领直播课 专业课 管理类联考 西医综合 中医综合 法硕 法硕非法学 计算机 教育学 历史学 心理学 经济学 农学 二外日语   更多2021考研真题答案及考研动态请持续关注新东方网。

