
栏目:成人教育  时间:2023-01-31



  1.(1分)Father's love seems like ____ mountain.He always hides love deep at _____ bottom of his heart.(  )

  A.the;a B./;the C.a;the D.a; /

  2.(1分)Qingdao Jiaozhou Bay Bridge _______ the sea helps people travel conveniently.(  )

  A.over B.by C.in D.or

  3.(1分)Students should have outdoor activities every day _______their eyesight.(  )

  A.improve B.to improve C.check D.to check

  4.(1分)It usually takes us quite a long time to _______ master a skill.(  )

  A.truly B.simply C.hardly D.probably

  5.(1分)Light and bright colors make people not only _______ but also more active.(  )

  A.earlier B.lazier C.busier D.happier

  6.(1分)﹣﹣﹣I'm sorry I ______not get there on time.The traffic is heavy now.

  ﹣﹣﹣That's OK.Take your time.(  )

  A.must B.may C.need D.should

  7.(1分)There are many kinds of books in the library and you can choose_______ you like.(  )

  A.however B.whenever C.whoever D.whatever

  8.(1分)The earth needs 24 hours to turn round once and _______to its starting place with the sun.(  )

  A.look back B.call back C.get back D.talk back

  9.(1分)Traditional Chinese Medicine is a great_______ for our nation.(  )

  A.treasure B.resolution C.pleasure D.standard

  10.(1分)﹣﹣﹣I wonder _______.

  ﹣﹣﹣Why not?(  )

  A.that you'd like to come with us

  B.whether you'd like to come with us

  C.when would you like to come with us

  D.how would you like to come with us


  11.(10分)Every year,thousands of young inventors show their ideas at NICEE.Some kids get invited to NICEE.The main goal of NICEE is to help kids know real problems and find ways to(1)   them.

  To support this(2)   ,many schools now have invention clubs.Kids in the clubs work together.They look(3)   ways to make life better.They might invent something to make a job(4)   or make people safer.

  For example,Lucca wanted to help people(5)   his grandmother.She had to wear a breathing mask(面罩)in the hospital.That made it hard for others to hear her(6)   .So Lucca invented a new mask.It has a microphone.It(7)   the person's voice to a speaker(扬声器).Now users can talk with others.

  Inventions can be simple.One winner,Maddox,made a new garden shovel (铁铲)(8)    to help gardeners know how deep to dig their holes.

  (9)    kids choose an idea,they have to build a model that works.They cannot spend more than $50.The invention must be something new.It also must fit inside a certain space.

  NICEE shows the best inventions from the states.Young inventors get to meet one another.They see others' great ideas.Some of them win prizes.They can(10)    learn about ways to sell their inventions.



  12.(5分)There are three famous towers to the south of the Yangtze River—the Tengwang Pavilion the Yellow Crane Tower and the Yueyang Tower.

  The Tengwang Pavilion is in Nanchang City,Jiangxi Province.A Tribute to the Tengwang Pavilion (《滕王阁序》) written by Wang Bo in the early Tang Dynasty made the pavilion well﹣known at that time.On the fifth floor


  The Yellow Crane Tower sits in Wuhan City,Hubei Province.You can read some poems written in different dynasties on the third floor,which won fame for the tower.Its cultural importance made it the symbol of Wuhan.On the top of the tower,its bridge and the buildings around the tower in Wuhan.

  The Yueyang Tower lies in Yueyang City,Hunan Province.It's a 19﹣meter﹣high building which is made of wood.From the top,you will see the white sails of passing boats under the blue sky.The tower was made very famous by the works of Fan Zhongyan who was a great politician and writer during the Northern Song Dynasty.


  (1)July is the best time to visit the Tengwang Pavilion.

  (2)You can read poems of different times when you visit the Yellow Crane Tower.

  (3)You can enjoy beautiful city views from the Tengwang Pavilion and the Yellow Crane Tower.

  (4)The Yueyang Tower is a wooden building in Hubei Province.

  (5)All the three buildings were made famous by great ancient works.

  13.(5分)About 750 years ago,a man named Marco Polo went to China.He started in Europe and traveled more than 5,000 miles.He crossed some large deserts.The journey took almost three years.There were no planes or trains then.So how did Polo make the trip?He rode a camel.

  Like horses,camels can work as pack animals.They can carry many pounds of cargo (货物),such as food and supplies.That is very helpful for a long trip.They act as "ships of the desert".

  Camels do well in the desert.They can go for several days without water.They can survive a long time without food,too.

  There are two kinds of camels.One kind has one hump.The other has two.These humps store fat.If needed,the fat turns into water.

  Camels have other special ways to deal with desert life.They have a thick coat.This keeps them warm at night and cool in the day.They have long eyelashes and an extra eyelid.These help protect their eyes.Camels also have thick lips.They can eat all kinds of plants,even thorny ones.

  They are not picky about food.That is good because few plants grow in deserts.They also have very large feet.These help camels walk on sand.Camels can run on sand,too.They can go about 25 miles per hour.That's about as fast as a racing bicycle.

  Camels have carried people and things for thousands of years.Today they play other roles in the modern world,too.

  (1)According to the passage,how did Marco Polo make his trip to China?

  A.By horse.

  B.By camel.

  C.On foot.

  D.By ship.

  (2)The underlined word "survive" in paragraph 3 means    .





  (3)What can help camels deal with the desert life?

  ①They have a thick coat. ②They only eat thorny plants.

  ③They have short eyelashes. ④They have an extra eyelid.

  A. ①③

  B. ②③

  C. ②④

  D. ①④

  (4)What can we know about camels from the passage?

  A.Camels can carry few pounds of supplies.

  B.Camels store fat and water in their stomachs.

  C.Camels can run fast on sand with large feet.

  D.Camels have been used for transportation for hundreds of years.

  (5)Which is the best title of the passage?

  A.Habits of Camels.

  B.Marco Polo's Trip to China.

  C.Life in the Desert.

  D.Camels﹣Ships of the Desert.


  14.(5分)Families celebrate National Grandparents Day in many ways.Every year at this time,we hear from our readers sharing their stories to give thanks and express love to their grandparents.Here is Cindy's story.

  (1)Cindy is writing the letter to    .

  A.share stories with her grandparents

  B.tell her grandparents she will visit them

  C.let her grandpa know how important he is

  D.show her grandpa what kind of person she has become

  (2)What does Cindy mean by saying the underlined sentence in the passage?

  A.She can always depend on her grandparents.

  B.She is always welcome in her grandparents' home.

  C.Her grandparents give her too much pressure.

  D.Her grandparents are always kind to her.

  (3)What kind of person is Cindy's grandpa?

  A.Kind and strict.

  B.Caring and responsible.

  C.Serious and positive.

  D.Loving and impatient.

  (4)Grandpa has influenced Cindy in a positive way by    .

  A.taking her to a peaceful island

  B.solving her difficulties in life

  C.speaking loudly to her

  D.setting a good example for her

  (5)Where is the passage most likely from?

  A.A poem collection.

  B.A geography magazine.

  C.A local newspaper.

  D.A science﹣fiction novel.

  15.(5分)Nothing sounds better than a swim on a hot summer day.However,many teens,including some who are good swimmers drown (溺水),it's often silent and happens very quickly. (1)   .Here are some tips on how to prevent drowning when you go for a swim.


  Never swim alone — even for a moment.You should go swimming with adults and make sure that they are able to keep you safe. (2)   .


  Enter the water carefully and feet first.Go in feet first so that you can know how deep the water is.Diving into unsafe water can lead to serious injuries.

  (3)   .Take some time to stretch (拉伸) your body before you enter the water.Get your body prepared and safety will surely follow.

  Learn lifesaving skills. (4)   .CPR is one of the lifesaving skills that can help others who are near drowning.

  Choose swimming areas carefully. (5)   .Choose the areas with safety facilities (设施) and lifeguards.

  Remember:In case of emergency,it's always important to call for help first!All in all,keep swimming safety in mind when you are in and around the water.


  A.Do body exercise

  B.But it can be prevented

  C.Warm up before swimming

  D.It's important to have an adult nearby watch for danger

  E.Don't go to the swimming areas that you don't know well

  F.Many schools and training centers now offer classes to learn these skills



  (1)Many old houses around our school     last year and a large green area appeared.

  (2)With strong team spirit,the Chinese women's volleyball players     for the national honor at the coming Olympics.

  (3)Tom     the volunteer program with his friends at this time yesterday.

  (4)The smart robot in the restaurant always     the customers' eyes.

  (5)It's reported that the temperature     quickly since this morning.


  17.(1分)Many young talented    (音乐家)gave a wonderful performance on May 4th.

  18.(1分)Hard﹣working spirit is stressed    (在……之间)students in schools.

  19.(1分)Here are our school uniforms.    (他们的)are over there.

  20.(1分)Lots of    (贵重)objects are on show in the museum.

  21.(1分)Many classic Chinese poems are    (广泛地) spread in the world.



  (1)Why did the writer decide to live a more environment﹣friendly life?


  (3)Translate the underlined sentence(B) into Chinese.

  (4)How does the writer live a more environment﹣friendly life?文中任意两种即可。

  ①By    ②By

  (5)As a student,what can you do to live an environment﹣friendly life?文中提到的除外。

  ①   ②


  The Space Engineering Program in China dates back to the 1970s.More and more teenagers become interested in it.Below are some great achievements during the process of China's space exploration(探索).

  (1)What does the underlined word "it" in paragraph 1 refer to (指的是)?

  (2)How did China's first Mars program get its name?

  (3)Where did China's lunar probe land on the moon in 2020?

  (4)According to the passage,what matter(物质)is studied from both the moon and Mars?


  China's first man﹣made satellite Dongfanghong 1 made China the ①   country to send a satellite independently.Tiangong Program made it possible for scientists to ②   so that more astronauts can live and do research in space. ③   landed on the moon's dark side.Pictures and videos sent back by China's first Mars probe allowed us to see this ④    planet at such a close distance.Thanks to the achievements above,China is now one of the leading countries in space exploration.


  24.(15分)你校英语社团面向毕业生举行以"成为更好的自己"为主题的征文活动,请你结合自身经历,从"make friends", "develop good study habits", "take up a new hobby",写一篇英语短文投稿。




  At the beginning of a new life,I'm going to make myself better.___________.



  1.【解答】a一(个),用于以辅音音素开头的单词前;the定冠词;/不填,mountain首字母发音/m/是辅音;第二个空at bottom 。










  6.【解答】must not禁止;may not可能不;should not不应该。"可知,填may。




  8.【解答】look back 回顾,回头看;get back 回来,取回,反驳,然后回到太阳的起始位置。


  9.【解答】A 宝藏,瑰宝;C 快乐。根据句意"传统中医药是我们国家的一大______,空处要表达的意思应为"瑰宝"。





  11.【解答】(1)B 考查动词。句意:NICEE的主要目标是帮助孩子们了解真正的问题并找到解决问题的方法,B.解决,D.创造,此处是"解决问题"。

  (2)C 考查名词。句意:为了支持这一目标。A.方式,C.目标,"这一目标"指的是前文提到的"帮助孩子们了解真正的问题并找到解决问题的方法"。

  (3)A 考查介词。句意:他们寻找让生活更美好的方法。故选A。

  (4)B 考查形容词。句意:他们可能会发明一些东西,或者让人们更安全,B更容易,D更强。

  (5)B 考查介词。句意:例如。固定搭配:help...with...。

  (6)C 考查名词。句意:这使得别人很难听到她的声音,泛指大自然的声音;C.声音;D.标志,可知此处也用voice。

  (7)D 考查动词。句意:它将人的声音发送给扬声器,B.说,D.发送。

  (8)A 考查代词。句意:铲子上有记号。此处it代指前文提到的"shovel"。

  (9)A 考查连词。句意:在孩子们选择一个想法之前。A.在...之前,C.当..时候。故选A。

  (10)D 考查副词。句意:他们甚至可以学习如何销售他们的发明,B.从不,D.甚至。



  (1)B.根据"The best time to visit the pavilion falls in March to May and September to early November.参观亭子的最佳时间是3月至5月和8月至11月初。"可知七月是参观滕王阁的最佳时间是错误的。故答案为B。

  (2)A.根据"The Yellow Crane Tower sits in Wuhan City,Hubei Province.You can read some poems written in different dynasties on the third floor。在三楼你可以读到一些不同朝代的诗歌,你可以读到不同时代的诗歌。

  (3)A.根据"On the fifth floor,you can have an amazing bird view of the city.在五楼。On the top of the tower,its bridge and the buildings around the tower in Wuhan.在塔顶上、长江大桥和武汉塔周围的建筑的美丽景色。故答案为A。

  (4)B.根据"The Yueyang Tower lies in Yueyang City,Hunan Province.It's a 19﹣meter﹣high building which is made of wood.岳阳塔位于湖南省岳阳市。"可知岳阳楼是湖北省的一座木制建筑是错误的。故答案为B。

  (5)A.根据"A Tribute to the Tengwang Pavilion (《滕王阁序》) written by Wang Bo in the early Tang Dynasty made the pavilion well﹣known at that time.唐初王勃的《滕王阁献书》使滕王阁在当时闻名遐迩。You can read some poems written in different dynasties on the third floor,这座塔因其文化重要性而闻名。"可知这三座建筑都因古代的伟大作品而闻名。

  13.【解答】(1)B 细节理解题。根据So how did Polo make the trip,波罗是如何旅行的呢。可知他骑着骆驼。

  (2)A 词义猜测题。根据They go several without can survive a long without ,too.它们可以在没有水的情况下生存几天。结合选项可知survive意为"live"。

  (3)D 细节理解题。根据They have a thick coat.和They have long eyelashes and an extra eyelid.可知能帮助骆驼应对沙漠生活是①和④。

  (4)C 细节理解题。根据They also have very large feet.These help camels walk on sand.Camels can run on sand。这有助于骆驼在沙滩上行走。)可知骆驼可以用大脚在沙滩上跑得很快。

  (5)D 主旨大意题。通读可知、品种,所以本文最好的标题就是。故选D。

  14.【解答】(1)C.细节理解题。根据I'm writing to tell you how important you are in my life.我写信告诉你你在我生活中有多么重要,辛迪正在写信。故选C。

  (2)A.句意理解题。根据Grandpa,you two have been like a rock in my life and a peaceful island in a big lonely ocean.You have given me power in my life.爷爷。经历了所有的困难,一个孤独的大海里的平静的小岛。根据上下句可推测。故选A。

  (3)B.细节归纳题。根据You have shown me that there are men who are caring and good.Grandpa、善良的男人,你给了我希望。可知。故选B。


  (5)C.推理判断题。根据Families celebrate National Grandparents Day in many ways.Every year at this time。每年这个时候,向他们的祖父母表示感谢和爱。结合选项可知这段话最有可能来自一份当地报纸。


  (1)B.根据后句"Here are some tips on how to prevent drowning when you go for a swim.以下是一些如何在游泳时防止溺水的提示。"可知说的是防止溺水,应说但是它是可以预防的。

  (2)D.根据前句"You should go swimming with adults and make sure that they are able to keep you safe.你应该和成年人一起去游泳,确保他们能够保护你的安全,结合选项。故选D。

  (3)C.根据后句"Get your body prepared and safety will surely follow.做好身体准备,安全就会随之而来,结合选项,故选C。

  (4)F.根据前句"Learn lifesaving skills. "可知学习救生技能。结合选项,故选F。

  (5)E.根据前句"Choose swimming areas carefully.仔细选择游泳区。"可知结合选项。故选E。


  16.【解答】(1)were pulled down.考查动词短语。根据句意:去年,出现了一大片绿地 year ,要用于一般过去时态,所以要用一般过去时态的被动语态was/were+过去分词,故填were pulled down。

  (2)will fight.考查动词。根据句意:在即将到来的奥运会上。the Olympics即将到来的奥运会,故填will fight。

  (3)was discussing.考查动词。根据句意:昨天这个时候汤姆正在和他的朋友们讨论志愿者计划 time ,要用过去进行时was/were+动词ing,故填was discussing。


  (5)has climbed.考动词查。根据句意:据报道。since自从...,temperature要用has。













  22.【解答】(1)Because the writer saw some of sea influenced the in sea.细节理解题 saw pictures the animals by rubbish the can't that of mind.So,I going try live a environment﹣friendly 。我一直在想这件事,我要试着过一种更环保的生活,作者决定过一种更环保的生活。故填:Because the writer saw pictures the animals by rubbish the

  (2)I'm going keep the one at a 。根据题干"Each day I will keep trying to change one thing that I do to protect the earth."每天我都会为了保护地球努力改变一点 going keep the one at a 。意思相近 going keep the one at a


  (4)stopping using wrap I have to using wrap around sandwiches my makes my 。以及Tomorrow I'm taking the bus to school to save energy.明天我要乘公共汽车去学校节约能源,作者通过不使用塑料保鲜膜和乘公交车去上学来过更环保的生活 using wrap

  (5)Walk to school;Reuse the textbook.(答案不唯一。)

  23.【解答】(1)The Space Engineering Program in China.词义猜测题。根据The Space Engineering Program in China dates back to the 1970s.More and more teenagers become interested in it.中国的空间工程项目可以追溯到20世纪70年代。可知。故答案为:The Space Engineering Program in China。

  (2)The program was named after a poem by the famous ancient poet Qu Yuan .细节理解题。根据The program was named after a poem by the famous ancient poet Qu Yuan .可知。故答案为:The program was named after a poem by the famous ancient poet Qu Yuan。

  (3)A place on the moon that no other country had ever reached before.细节理解题。根据Chang'e 5 lunar probe landed on a place on the moon that no other country had ever reached before.嫦娥5号月球探测器降落在月球上一个其他国家从未到达过的地方。

  (4)About the soil,environment,water and so on.细节理解题,environment,water and so on.可知、环境、水等进行科学研究的火星计划,environment,water and so on。


  ①the fifth .根据After that,China became the fifth country to launch(发射)a satellite independently.可知,中国成为第五个独立发射卫星的国家。故答案为the fifth。

  ②build a large space station .根据Finally,a large space station will be built to allow three astronauts to live in and to do research work for a long time.可知,将建造一个大型空间站。所以天宫计划使科学家能够建造一个大型空间站。故答案为build a large space station。

  ③Chang'e 8 lunar probe.根据Chang'e 4 Chang'e 4 lunar probe(月球探测器)landed on the moon's far side (dark side).可知,嫦娥6号嫦娥4号月球探测器降落在月球的远侧(黑暗面)。

  ④red .根据In May 2021,two photos and two videos were taken by its probe during and after the country's first landing on the red planet.可知,探测器在该国首次登陆这颗红色星球期间和之后拍摄了两张照片和两段视频。故答案为red。


  24.【解答】At the of a life going make better.(点题)

  Firstly ,developing study .【高分句型一】You can ask not only your teacher,make friends with people around you.As the saying goes .We are happier when we are with friends.(交朋友)

  All in all ,as ,you will make yourself better.(总结全文)


