
栏目:成人教育  时间:2023-02-08

  一、经济、社会和文化权利I. Economic, Social and Cultural Rights推进精准扶贫脱贫,健全公共服务体系,稳步提高基本公共服务均等化水平,保障公民的经济、社会和文化权利。The Chinese government is determined to press forward with precision poverty-reduction and poverty-eradication campaigns, improve the public service system, steadily enhance the level of equal access to basic public services, and protect citizens' economic, social and cultural rights.(一)工作权利(1) Right to work实施更加积极的就业政策,推行劳动者终身职业技能培训制度,进一步完善工资福利制度和安全生产长效机制,加强职业病防治。More proactive employment policies shall be implemented, a system of lifelong vocational skills training shall be promoted for workers, and a wage and benefits system shall be further improved, so shall a long-term safety production mechanism. Prevention and treatment of occupational diseases shall be reinforced.——实现比较充分和高质量就业。实施高校毕业生就业促进和创业引领计划。促进农村富余劳动力转移就业和外出务工人员返乡创业。对就业困难人员实行实名制动态管理和分类帮扶,做好“零就业”家庭帮扶工作。支持贫困地区建设县乡基层劳动就业和社会保障服务平台。实现城镇新增就业5000万人以上。-- Ensuring a fuller rate of employment and quality employment. Programs of employment promotion and entrepreneurship shall be introduced for college graduates, and surplus rural labor shall be encouraged to seek employment in other areas, and migrant workers shall get help in starting businesses back in their home villages. People with difficulties in finding jobs shall be registered so that the government can keep track of their employment situation and give them help according to defined categories, with particular attention being paid to families with no one holding a job. Counties and townships in poverty-stricken areas shall be given support in building employment and social security services platforms. It is planned for a minimum of 50 million new jobs to be created in urban areas.——推行劳动者终身职业技能培训制度。开展贫困家庭子女、未升学初高中毕业生、农民工、失业人员和转岗职工、退役军人和残疾人免费接受职业培训行动。到2020年,累计培训农民工4000万人次,基本消除劳动者无技能从业现象。-- Pursuing a lifelong vocational skills training system for workers. Free vocational training shall be offered to young people from needy families, people with junior or senior middle-school education, migrant workers, people having lost their jobs, workers with reassigned jobs, ex-servicepeople and people with disabilities. By 2020, it is expected that 40 million migrant workers shall have received such training, and the goal is to equip every worker with relevant occupational skills.——进一步完善工资福利制度。健全工资水平决定机制、正常增长机制和支付保障机制,健全最低工资标准调整机制。继续推行企业工资集体协商制度。健全高技能人才薪酬体系,提高技术工人待遇,落实带薪年休假制度。-- Further improving the wage and benefits system. Efforts will be made to improve the wage-setting mechanism, the normal wage increase mechanism and payment guarantee mechanism, and the minimum wage adjustment mechanism. The collective wage negotiation mechanism shall be continuously implemented for enterprises; a salary system shall be improved for highly skilled professionals, the salaries of skilled workers be increased, and the paid vacation system be implemented.——完善劳动保障监察执法体制和劳动人事争议处理机制。严禁各种形式的就业歧视,全面治理拖欠农民工工资问题,规范企业裁员行为,保障非正规就业劳动者权益,严格规范企业实行特殊工时制度的适用管理,依法加强对劳务派遣的监管。-- Improving the labor security supervision and law enforcement system and labor dispute settlement mechanism. Employment discrimination of any form shall be strictly prohibited. Measures will be taken to address arrears of wage payment for migrant workers, regulate layoffs by businesses, guarantee the rights and interests of workers informally employed, strictly regularize the application by enterprises of the special working-hour system, and strengthen supervision over labor dispatch pursuant to the law.——加强安全生产防控。到2020年,各类生产安全事故死亡人数累计降幅10%,亿元国内生产总值生产安全事故死亡率累计降幅30%。-- Strengthening safety in production. By 2020 the death toll caused by industrial accidents of various types shall fall by 10 percent cumulatively, and the death rate from industrial accidents per RMB100 million of GDP shall drop by 30 percent.——加强职业病防治。职业病危害严重的行业领域劳动者在岗期间的职业健康检查率达90%以上,用人单位主要负责人和职业卫生管理人员的职业卫生培训率分别达95%以上。-- Strengthening the prevention and treatment of occupational diseases. In industries with high risks of occupational diseases, 90 percent and above of relevant workers shall receive special health checkups, and 95 percent and above of persons in charge of businesses and occupational health managerial staff shall receive the required training.(二)基本生活水准权利(2) Right to basic living standards全力实施脱贫攻坚,保障居民基本住房、用水、食品安全和出行便利。Full efforts shall be made to reduce poverty, and ensure basic housing, clean water, food security, and convenient transportation.——确保城乡居民收入增长与经济增长同步。到2020年国内生产总值和城乡居民人均收入比2010年翻一番。努力增加低收入劳动者收入,扩大中等收入者比重。-- Ensuring the increase of rural and urban residents' income in step with economic growth. By 2020 China's GDP and the per-capita income of urban and rural residents shall both double that of 2010. Efforts shall be made to increase the income of low-income earners, and enlarge the ranks of middle-income earners.——贯彻落实《中共中央国务院关于打赢脱贫攻坚战的决定》,实施精准扶贫精准脱贫方略。到2020年,实现特色产业脱贫3000万人,转移就业脱贫1000万人,实施易地扶贫搬迁1000万人,对其余完全或部分丧失劳动能力的贫困人口实行社保政策兜底脱贫2000万人。实现现行标准下的农村贫困人口全部脱贫,贫困县全部摘帽。-- Implementing the Decision of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on Eradicating Poverty in China, and implementing the strategy of precision poverty-reduction and poverty-eradication. By 2020 some 30 million people shall be lifted out of poverty by way of developing specialty industries, 10 million by way of transfer employment, 10 million by relocation to other areas, and the remaining 20 million, who have partially or completely lost the ability to work, shall be covered by social security. In this way the whole of the impoverished rural population according to the current standards shall be lifted out of poverty and no county will be called a "poverty county" by then.——保障住房安全。改造各类城镇棚户区住房2000万套,加强对贫困地区的支持,推动居住证持有人享有与当地户籍人口同等的住房保障权利。推进农村危房改造,统筹开展农房抗震改造,基本完成存量危房改造任务。-- Ensuring housing security. A total of 20 million units of housing in rundown urban areas shall be rebuilt, support strengthened to poor areas, and holders of residence permits ensured equal basic housing rights with locally registered residents. Efforts shall be made to press forward with renovation of dilapidated housing in rural areas, carry out anti-earthquake reinforcement projects for rural housing, and basically complete the renovation of registered dilapidated housing.——保障用水安全。全国新增供水能力270亿立方米,城镇供水水源地水质全面达标。实施农村饮水安全巩固提升工程,农村自来水普及率达80%以上,农村集中供水率达85%以上。-- Ensuring access to safe water. A total of 27 billion cu m of water supply capacity will be added nationwide on the current basis, and all urban water-supply sources shall meet the required standards. Efforts shall be made to improve drinking water security in rural areas, where 80 percent of the population shall have access to tap water, and 85 percent to centralized water supply.——确保食品安全。深入贯彻实施食品安全法,全面落实食品安全属地监管责任。加强进口食品安全监管。实施科学监管,建立职业化检查员队伍。健全食品安全信用体系,完善消费者权益保护机制。-- Ensuring food safety. The Food Safety Law shall be strictly enforced, and supervisory organs shall be held responsible for food safety in areas under their respective jurisdiction. Food safety supervision shall be strengthened on imported foodstuffs, and through the building of a professional team of food-safety inspectors, the supervision shall be made more effective. The system of food-safety credit shall be improved, so shall the mechanisms of protection of consumers' rights and interests.——改善城乡居民出行条件。国家高速公路主线基本贯通。具备条件的县城通二级及以上公路,乡镇和建制村通硬化路、通客车。-- Improving the transportation network. A network of national trunk expressways shall be basically put in place. Where conditions permit, county seats shall have access to highways of Grade II and above, and townships and administrative villages have tarmac or cement roads and complete access to bus services.(三)社会保障权利(3) Right to social security完善社会保险体系,推进城乡社会救助体系建设,支持社会福利和慈善事业发展。The social insurance system shall be improved, establishment of a social relief system covering urban and rural areas shall be promoted, and support shall be given to the development of social welfare and charity undertakings.——实施全民参保计划,稳步提高社会保障统筹层次和水平。建立更加便捷的社会保险转移接续机制。实施社会保障卡工程,持卡人口覆盖率达到90%。-- Implementing full coverage of social insurance, and steadily raising the level of social security pooling. A more convenient social insurance transfer and renewal mechanism shall be established, and the system of social security card shall be implemented to ensure that 90 percent of the population enjoys social security coverage.——完善统账结合的城镇职工基本养老保险制度,实现职工基础养老金全国统筹,推出税收递延型养老保险。到2020年,符合参保条件的城乡居民参保率达到95%。-- Improving the basic old-age insurance system that combines social pooling and personal accounts for urban workers and endeavoring to materialize nationwide pooling for basic old-age pensions for urban workers, and introducing tax-deferred retirement insurance. By 2020 some 95 percent of eligible urban and rural residents shall be covered by the basic old-age insurance.——健全医疗保险制度。城乡医保参保率稳定在95%以上。全面实施城乡居民大病保险制度。健全医疗保险稳定可持续筹资和报销比例调整机制。加快推进基本医保全国联网和异地就医结算,实现符合转诊规定的异地就医住院费用直接结算。将生育保险和基本医疗保险合并实施。-- Improving the medical insurance system. The coverage of medical insurance in urban and rural areas shall be stabilized at above 95 percent. A critical illness insurance system shall be continuously carried out for urban and rural residents, and mechanisms for steady and sustainable financing of the medical insurance and for adjusting medical care reimbursement rates shall be improved. Steps shall be quickened to promote the establishment of a nationwide network for basic medical insurance and trans-regional settlement of medical insurance accounts, so in-patient and out-patient medical expenses can be settled in the place of treatment if the patients meet the requirements for referral, despite having local coverage. The state shall integrate maternity insurance with basic medical insurance.——继续扩大失业保险覆盖面,确保为符合条件的失业人员按时足额发放失业保险金并提供相关的再就业服务。-- Further expanding the coverage of unemployment insurance, and ensuring that eligible unemployed persons receive unemployment insurance benefits in full and in a timely manner, and that they have access to relevant re-employment services.——全面实施工伤保险省级统筹,强化工伤保险待遇支付保障,制定工伤预防费使用管理办法,完善工伤康复服务体系。到2020年,基本实现工伤保险法定人群全覆盖。-- Implementing provincial-level unified pooling of funds for work-related injury insurance, guaranteeing that the insured receive compensation when applicable, formulating regulations on the use and management of funds for prevention of work-related injury, and improving the system of rehabilitation services for work-related injuries. By 2020 work-related injury insurance shall be extended to cover all eligible workers as prescribed by the law.——统筹推进城乡社会救助体系建设。将所有符合低保条件的贫困家庭纳入低保范围。进一步健全特困人员救助供养制度,提升特困人员救助供养水平。全面实施临时救助制度,全面推开“救急难”工作。加强基层未成年人保护服务设施和流浪乞讨救助管理机构建设。-- Pressing forward in coordinated manner the building of an urban-rural social relief system. All eligible families shall be brought into the coverage of the subsistence allowance system. The relief and support system for people living in dire poverty shall be further improved and the level of relief and support shall be raised. The system of temporary rescue shall be comprehensively implemented to provide timely help to those in urgent needs. Building of service facilities for the protection of minors shall be strengthened, so shall organs for the relief and management of vagrants and beggars, both at the grassroots.——健全自然灾害救助体系,调整完善自然灾害生活救助政策,实施全国自然灾害救助物资储备体系建设等重大项目。-- Improving the natural disaster relief system, and adjusting and improving the relief policies in the wake of natural disasters. A national natural-disaster relief supplies reserve system shall be launched.——健全以扶老、助残、爱幼、济困为重点的社会福利制度,加强福利设施建设。-- Improving the social welfare system with focus on supporting the elderly, disabled, children, and needy, and strengthening the building of welfare facilities.——实施慈善法,支持慈善事业发展。-- Enacting the Charity Law, and supporting the development of charities.——落实国务院户籍制度改革方案,取消农业户口与非农业户口性质区分,建立城乡统一的户籍登记制度。全面实施居住证暂行条例,推进居住证制度覆盖全部未落户城镇常住人口。促进公民平等发展、共享成果,享受均等化的社会保障。-- Implementing the State Council's reform program of the household registration system, and establishing a unified urban-rural household registration system featuring the removal of difference between agricultural and non-agricultural household registration. The Interim Regulations on Residence Permits shall be implemented, and the system of residence permit shall be extended to cover all permanent urban residents that have not yet had their household registration. Equal development shall be promoted for citizens, making them share the benefits of development equally and have equal access to social security.(四)财产权利(4) Right to property健全归属清晰、权责明确、保护严格、流转顺畅的现代产权制度,推进产权保护法治化。Establishing and improving a modern property-right system featuring clear ownership, clearly defined rights and obligations, rigorous protection, and easy transfer, and pressing forward with protection of people's property rights in accordance with the law.——有序推进民法典编纂工作,完善财产保障制度。-- Forging ahead with the compilation of the Civil Law Code in an orderly manner and improving the system of property protection.——推动土地管理法修改及其配套法规立法工作。对农村集体所有土地征收、集体经营性建设用地入市、宅基地管理、不动产权属调处等制度进行积极探索,适时开展立法研究工作。-- Pressing forward with the amendment of the Land Administration Law and enactment of supporting laws and regulations. Proactive exploration shall be conducted on such systems as expropriation of rural collectively owned land, marketization of collectively owned rural profit-oriented construction land, management of homestead land, and the adjustment and handling of real estate ownership, and studies on legislation be started at the right time.——完成农村承包经营地、宅基地、农房、集体建设用地确权登记颁证。继续落实征地制度改革工作。稳定农村土地承包关系,完善土地所有权、承包权、经营权分置办法,依法推进土地经营权有序流转。完善集体经济组织成员认定办法和集体经济资产所有权实现形式,将经营性资产折股量化到本集体经济组织成员。-- Completing the confirmation and registration of rural land contracted for productive use, homesteads, housing and collectively owned construction land. Reform of the land expropriation system shall be implemented continuously, the land-contracting relationship shall be made stable in the rural areas, measures for separating the rights of land ownership, contracting and management shall be improved, and orderly transfer of land-management right shall be introduced pursuant to the law. Methods for confirming membership of collective economic organizations shall be improved, and so shall the forms of expression of collective economic assets ownership. The productive assets of collective economic organizations shall be converted into shares for distribution among their members.——依法合规界定企业财产权归属,保障企业的自主经营权。-- Defining the property right of enterprises in accordance with laws and regulations, and ensuring enterprises' right of operation.——全面落实不动产统一登记制度。-- Implementing unified system of registration for immovables.——加快构建自然资源资产产权制度,确定产权主体,创新产权实现形式。保护自然资源资产所有者权益,公平分享自然资源资产收益。深化矿业权制度改革。建立健全生态环境性权益交易制度和平台。-- Taking steps to quicken the enactment of a natural resource assets ownership system, deciding the owners of such assets, and innovating the forms of realizing the ownership. The rights and interests of the owners of natural-resource assets shall be protected, and proceeds from such assets shall be shared fairly. Further reform shall be carried out of the mining right system, and a system and platform shall be established for trading of ecological and environmental rights and interests.——实施严格的知识产权保护制度。完善有利于激励创新的知识产权归属制度,建设知识产权运营交易和服务平台。-- Implementing a rigorous intellectual property right (IPR) protection system. The IPR ownership system shall be improved to encourage innovation, and an IPR trading and services platform shall be built.(五)健康权利(5) Right to health建立健全覆盖城乡居民的基本医疗卫生制度,到2020年,实现人均预期寿命增加1岁。A basic medical and health system covering the entire nation shall be established and improved, and it is expected that the average life expectancy shall increase by one year by 2020.——促进基本公共卫生服务均等化。完善国家基本公共卫生服务项目和重大公共卫生服务项目,提高服务质量效率和均等化水平,适时调整基本公共卫生服务项目经费标准,项目经费继续向基层倾斜。鼓励社会力量兴办健康服务业,推进非营利性民营医院和公立医院同等待遇。-- Promoting equal access to basic public health services. Improvements shall be endeavored of the basic public health service programs and key public health service programs, the quality and efficiency of health services shall be improved and equal access to them ensured, and adjustments made to the funds for basic public health service programs at the right time while continuing to give preference to primary-level health services when it comes to the allocation of funding. Private capital shall be encouraged to go to health services, and equal treatment be offered to non-profit private hospitals as well as public hospitals.——提升基层医疗卫生服务能力。以中西部地区为重点,每县重点办好1-2所县级公立医院(含县中医院),基层医疗卫生机构标准化建设达标率达95%以上。打造30分钟基层医疗服务圈。加强并规范化培养住院医师,每万人口全科医生数达到2名,每千人口执业(助理)医师数达到2.5名。-- Enhancing the capacity of primary-level medical and health services. Focusing on the central and western regions, each county shall be helped to run well at least one to two public hospitals (including hospitals of Traditional Chinese Medicine), and 95 percent of primary-level medical and health institutions shall be expected to reach the required standards. Endeavors shall be made to develop a primary-level medical care sphere that ensures all patients receive help within 30 minutes. A contingent of resident doctors shall be developed and offered standardized training. Two general practitioners shall be ensured for every 10,000 persons and 2.5 practitioners/assistants for every 1,000 persons.——加强重大疾病防控。加快推进国家和省级慢性病综合防控示范区建设,重大慢性病过早死亡率降低10%。肺结核发病率降至58/10万。降低全人群乙肝病毒感染率,控制艾滋病疫情在低流行水平,基本消除血吸虫病危害,消除疟疾、麻风病危害。加强严重精神障碍诊断报告、随访管理服务,严重精神障碍患者管理率达到85%。做好重点地方病防控工作,强化突发公共事件卫生应急和突发急性传染病防治能力建设。加强口岸卫生检疫能力建设,严防外来重大传染病传入。增加艾滋病防治等特殊药物免费供给。全面开展重特大疾病医疗救助。-- Strengthening prevention and control of major illnesses. Intensified efforts shall be made to accelerate the building of national- and provincial-level demonstration areas for chronic disease prevention and control, and the rate of premature deaths from major chronic diseases shall be reduced by 10 percent. The incidence of TB shall be reduced to 58/100,000; the infection rates of HBV in all groups be reduced; AIDS be controlled at a low-epidemic level; schistosomiasis be basically eliminated; and malaria and leprosy be eliminated. China shall improve the diagnosis, reporting and follow-up service of serious mental disorders, and register 85 percent of persons with serious mental disorders for health management. Primary attention shall be given to the prevention and control of endemic diseases, improving the capabilities of public health emergency response and the prevention and treatment of acute infectious disease epidemics. Health quarantine capacity of land border crossings and sea ports shall be strengthened to prevent the spread of major infectious diseases from outside China. The supply of medicines for the prevention and control of AIDS and some other diseases shall be increased free of charge, and medical relief shall be provided for all those suffering from severe or major illnesses.——保障用药安全。完善基本药物制度,健全药品供应保障机制。健全药品检查、检验检测体系,加强药品不良反应监测。-- Ensuring medication safety. The system of basic medicines shall be improved, so shall the mechanism of medicine supply and system of drug inspection and testing, as well as the monitoring of adverse effects of drugs.——落实《全民健身计划(2016-2020年)》。推动城市社区15分钟健身圈建设,实现基本公共体育服务乡镇常住人口全覆盖和行政村农民体育健身工程全覆盖。到2020年,每周参加1次及以上体育锻炼的人数达到7亿,经常参加体育锻炼的人数达到4.35亿,全国人均体育场地面积达到1.8平方米以上。-- Implementing the National Fitness Program (2016-2020). Fitness facilities shall be made accessible to urban communities within a 15-minute radius, and permanent residents in rural towns and townships shall be ensured access to basic public sports services and farmers in rural administrative villages shall be guaranteed access to sports and fitness facilities. By 2020 some 700 million people shall take part in physical exercises at least once a week, and 435 million people shall do it on a regular basis, with per-capita sports or exercise area being 1.8 sq m or more.(六)受教育权(6) Right to education实施《国家教育事业发展第十三个五年规划》,全面提升教育质量,促进教育公平。到2020年,劳动年龄人口平均受教育年限达到10.8年。The 13th Five-Year Plan for the Development of Education (2016-2020) shall be implemented, the quality of education be enhanced comprehensively and equality in education be promoted. By 2020 the average years of schooling for the working-age population shall reach 10.8 years.——普及学前三年教育。扩大普惠性学前教育资源,学前三年毛入园率提高到85%。继续加大对中西部地区和薄弱环节的支持力度,基本建成覆盖城乡、布局合理的学前教育公共服务体系。-- Making three-year pre-school education universal. Pre-school educational resources bringing universal benefits shall be expanded, and 85 percent of eligible children shall be enrolled in kindergartens. The support to the central and western regions and to weak links shall be strengthened, and a well-balanced network of pre-school education public service that covers both urban and rural areas shall be established.——促进义务教育均衡优质发展。加快推进城乡义务教育一体化进程,加快义务教育公办学校标准化建设。全面改善贫困地区义务教育薄弱学校基本办学条件。着力保障随迁子女在流入地平等接受义务教育。完善留守儿童教育服务体系。-- Promoting balanced and high-quality development of compulsory education. Urban-rural integration of compulsory education shall be accelerated, so shall the standardized construction of public schools of compulsory education. The conditions of disadvantaged schools of compulsory education in poverty-ridden areas shall be improved overall. Greater attention shall be paid to ensure equal access to compulsory education at local schools for the children of migrant workers. The system of education service for children left behind by their migrant-worker parents shall be improved.——普及高中阶段教育。促进普通高中多样化发展。继续加大对中西部贫困地区高中阶段教育的扶持力度。对建档立卡的家庭经济困难学生实施普通高中免除学杂费。到2020年,全国高中阶段教育毛入学率达到90%。-- Making senior high school education universal. Diversified development shall be encouraged of general high schools. Support shall be continuously enhanced to the development of senior high school education in poverty-stricken areas of central and western China. Students from families with financial difficulties shall be exempt from tuition and other fees during senior high school. By 2020 some 90 percent of junior high school students shall enter senior high schools.——完善职业教育体系和制度建设。修改职业教育法。推动产教融合发展,完善校企合作制度。完善职业教育人才多样化成长渠道。支持欠发达地区职业教育发展。逐步分类推进中等职业教育免除学杂费。实施国家基本职业培训包制度。-- Improving the vocational education system. The Vocational Education Law shall be amended. Integrated development of industry and education shall be promoted, and the system of cooperation between schools and enterprises shall be improved. So shall the diversified channels conducive to the development of students receiving vocational education. Support shall be extended to the development of vocational education in less-developed areas. A program shall be implemented gradually and by category to exempt students receiving secondary vocational education from tuition and other fees. A national basic vocational training package shall be implemented.——促进高等教育发展。实施高等学校创新能力提升计划。深入实施中西部高等教育振兴计划,扩大重点高校对中西部和农村地区招生规模。-- Boosting higher education. A program shall be implemented to enhance the innovation capacity of institutions of higher learning. So shall a program for rejuvenation of higher education of central and western regions, and key institutions of higher learning shall be made to enlarge their enrollments in central and western China, and rural areas.——大力发展继续教育。建立个人学习账号和学分累计制度,畅通继续教育、终身学习通道。支持各类高校、企事业单位和各类教育培训机构开展继续教育。-- Making great efforts to develop continuing education. A personal education account and number of credits system shall be established, and the channels for continuing education and lifelong education shall be expanded. Institutions of higher learning, enterprises and public institutions, and various agencies providing educational training are encouraged to engage in continuing education.——加强农村教师队伍建设。推动有关地方在连片特困地区实现乡村教师生活补助全覆盖,依据学校艰苦边远程度实行差别化的补助标准。推动各地逐步实行城乡统一的中小学教职工编制标准。推进城乡教师交流。加大对中西部乡村教师的培训。-- Improving the training of teachers in rural areas. Life subsidies shall be provided to all teachers working in rural areas hit hard by poverty, and differentiated amounts of subsidies shall be implemented on the basis of the location and degree of poverty where the teachers work. Unified standards shall be adopted for faculty and staff of elementary and high schools in both urban and rural areas. So shall the exchange of teachers working in urban and rural areas. Greater efforts shall be made in training of teachers working in rural areas of central and western China.——健全国家资助政策体系,实现家庭经济困难学生资助全覆盖。-- Improving state financial aid policies, and ensuring full coverage of financial aid to students with economic difficulties.(七)文化权利(7) Cultural rights实施《国家“十三五”时期文化改革发展规划纲要》,完善公共文化服务体系、文化产业体系、文化市场体系,提升公民基本文化权利的保障水平。The Outline of the National Plan for Cultural Reform and Development of the 13th Five-Year Plan Period (2016-2020) shall be implemented, and the public cultural services shall be improved, so shall the cultural industry and cultural market, to ensure citizens' basic cultural rights.——加快推进公共图书馆法、文化产业促进法、公共文化服务保障法、电影产业促进法立法。修订文物保护法、著作权法及其配套行政法规。-- Quickening the pace of enactment of laws on public libraries, the promotion of the cultural industry, the provision of public cultural services, and promotion of the movie industry. The Law on the Protection of Cultural Relics, the Copyright Law and supporting administrative regulations shall be amended.——推进基本公共文化服务标准化、均等化。完善公共文化设施网络,加强基层文化服务能力建设。加大对老少边穷地区文化建设帮扶力度。加快公共数字文化建设。加强文化产品、惠民服务与群众文化需求对接。鼓励社会力量参与公共文化服务。继续推进公共文化设施免费开放。-- Promoting the standardization of and equal access to basic public cultural services. The public cultural facilities network shall keep to be improved, and the building of primary-level cultural service capacity shall be strengthened. Support shall be strengthened for cultural development in former revolutionary base areas, ethnic-minority areas, border areas and impoverished areas. Public digital culture development shall be accelerated. Cultural products and services should suit the public's cultural needs. All social sectors are encouraged to take part in the provision of public cultural services. Free access to public cultural installations shall be further encouraged.——促进新兴文化产业发展,推进文化业态创新,大力发展创意文化产业。完善文化市场准入和退出机制,促进文化资源在全国范围内流动。-- Promoting the development of emerging cultural industries. Innovation shall be encouraged in the forms of cultural operations, and great efforts shall be made to boost the development of creative culture. The cultural market entry-and-exit mechanism shall be improved, and the cultural resources shall be encouraged to flow nationwide.——构建中华优秀传统文化传承体系。加强对国家重大文化和自然遗产地、大遗址、重点文物保护单位、历史文化名城名镇名村的保护建设,加大对非国有博物馆的政策扶持力度。推进国家非物质文化遗产保护利用设施建设工程和代表性传承人抢救性记录工程,实施国家非物质文化遗产传承人群研修研习培训计划。振兴传统工艺。实施中华典籍整理工程。-- Establishing a dissemination system of China's fine cultural traditions. Protection and development of key state cultural and natural heritage sites, major ruins, key cultural relics protection units, and historic and cultural cities, towns and villages shall be strengthened, and so shall policy support to non-state-owned museums. Efforts shall be made to press forward with the building of facilities for protecting and utilizing state intangible cultural heritages, and implement a research and training program for the inheritors of intangible cultural heritages. Traditional craftsmanship shall be further developed, and the project to collate Chinese classics and records shall be launched.——全面实施全民阅读工程。-- Launching a nationwide reading project.——加强互联网与网络文化建设。城镇地区实现光网覆盖,提供1000兆比特每秒以上接入服务能力,大中城市家庭用户带宽实现100兆比特每秒以上灵活选择;98%的行政村实现光纤通达,有条件地区提供100兆比特每秒以上接入服务能力,半数以上农村家庭用户带宽实现50兆比特每秒以上灵活选择。实施网络内容建设工程,支持传统出版资源加快数字化转化,提高知识服务能力,鼓励推出优秀网络原创作品。-- Strengthening the development of the Internet and cyber culture. Fiber-optic networks shall cover all urban areas and provide a connection capacity of 1,000 Mbps, allowing home users of the Internet in medium-sized and large cities to choose from a variety of plans with speeds above 100 Mbps; fiber-optic networks shall cover 98 percent of rural administrative villages, an Internet connection capacity of 100 Mbps shall be available for areas where conditions allow, allowing more than half of rural home users to choose from a variety of plans with speeds above 50 Mbps. An Internet content development project shall be implemented, support shall be extended to the digitalization of traditional publishing resources, the knowledge-services capacity shall be enhanced, and encouragement shall be given to the creation of outstanding original works on the Internet.(八)环境权利(8) Environmental rights实行最严格的环境保护制度,形成政府、企业、公众共治的环境治理体系,着力解决大气、水、土壤等突出环境问题,实现环境质量总体改善。Implementing the strictest possible system of environmental protection, forming an environmental-governance system involving the government, enterprises and the general public, and striving to address such pressing environmental problems as air, water and soil pollution, so as to strive for an overall improvement of the environment.——切实落实环境保护法和大气污染防治法,完善环境公益诉讼等配套制度。有序推进水污染防治法、土壤污染防治法、核安全法等立法规划项目进程。-- Effectively implementing the Law on Environmental Protection and the Law on Atmospheric Pollution Prevention and Control, and improving environmental public interest litigation and other supporting mechanisms. The pace of legislation for water and soil pollution prevention and control, and nuclear safety shall be promoted in an orderly manner.——坚持不懈治理大气污染。到2020年,地级以上城市空气质量优良天数比率超过80%,细颗粒物(PM2.5)未达标地级以上城市浓度下降18%,二氧化硫、氮氧化物排放总量减少15%。-- Sparing no effort to curb air pollution. By 2020 the ratio of days with good air quality in cities above the prefecture level shall exceed 80 percent, the density of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) in such cities that have not yet met the required standards shall drop by 18 percent, and the total emissions of sulfur dioxide and nitric oxides shall drop by 15 percent.——强化水污染防治。加大水源地污染治理和流域水污染防治,筛选七大流域优控污染物清单。到2020年,达到或好于Ⅲ类水体比例超过70%,劣Ⅴ类水体比例小于5%,地级以上城市建成区黑臭水体控制在10%以内。化学需氧量、氨氮排放总量减少10%。地下水超采得到严格控制。-- Strengthening water pollution prevention and control. Efforts shall be intensified for pollution prevention and control in water-head areas and river basins, and a list of priority pollutants shall be screened and established for the country's seven major river basins. By 2020 bodies of water at or above the Grade-III level shall surpass 70 percent, with bodies of water at the Grade-V level reduced to 5 percent or less, and black and odorous bodies of water in built-up areas of cities above the prefecture level shall be limited to 10 percent or less. The chemical oxygen demand amount and total emission of ammonia nitrogen shall drop by 10 percent, and excessive exploitation of groundwater shall be brought under strict control.——制定实施土壤污染防治行动计划。到2020年,完成200个土壤污染治理与修复技术应用试点项目。建设6个土壤污染综合防治先行区,受污染耕地治理与修复面积达到1000万亩,轻度和中度污染耕地实现安全利用的面积达到4000万亩。-- Formulating and implementing the Soil Pollution Prevention and Control Action Plan. By 2020 200 pilot programs shall be completed for the application of soil-pollution control and remedy technologies; six pilot areas of soil-pollution prevention and control shall be built; and area of polluted farmland treated and restored shall reach 10 million mu (less than 700,000 ha), with the area of lightly and moderately polluted farmland treated for safe utilization being 40 million mu (less than 3 million ha).——加强危险废物污染防治。开展危险废物专项整治。加大重点区域、有色等重点行业重金属污染防治力度。加强有毒有害化学物质环境和健康风险评估能力建设。推进核设施安全改进和放射性污染防治,强化核与辐射安全监管体系和监管能力建设。-- Improving hazardous waste pollution prevention and control. Special programs shall be carried out in hazardous waste pollution control, and efforts shall be intensified for the prevention and control of heavy metal pollution in key areas and key industries such as non-ferrous metals. Capacity building shall be strengthened in environment and health risk assessment of toxic and harmful chemicals. Further efforts shall be made to promote the security improvement of nuclear facilities and prevention and control of radioactive contamination, and strengthen the security supervision system and capacity of nuclear and radioactive materials.——加强海洋资源环境保护。严格控制围填海规模,加强海岸带保护与修复,自然岸线保有率不低于35%。实施陆源污染物达标排海和排污总量控制制度,建立海洋资源环境承载力预警机制。严格控制捕捞强度。加强海洋生态珍稀物种保护。实施海洋督查制度。-- Improving the protection of marine resources and environment. Strict control shall be enforced on the scale of sea reclamation, and protection and restoration of coastal belts, seeing to it that at least 35 percent of the country' s shorelines remain in their natural conditions. A system shall be implemented under which terrigenous pollutants shall be treated and meet required standards before they are discharged into the sea and the total amount of waste discharge shall be capped. An early-warning mechanism shall be established in relation to marine resources and environment carrying capacity. Strict control shall be imposed on fishing intensity; protection of rare marine species shall be enhanced; and a marine supervision mechanism shall be implemented.——推动能源结构优化升级。到2020年,单位GDP能源消耗降低15%,万元GDP用水量下降23%,非化石能源占一次能源消费比重达15%,单位GDP二氧化碳排放降低18%。-- Promoting the improvement and upgrading of the energy structure. By 2020 the energy consumption per unit of GDP shall drop by 15 percent, water usage per RMB10,000 of GDP shall drop by 23 percent, non-fossil energy resources shall make up 15 percent of primary energy consumption, and carbon dioxide emission per unit of GDP shall decrease by 18 percent.——推进生态建设。加快生态保护红线划定,推动建立重点生态功能区产业准入负面清单制度。到2020年,森林覆盖率提高到23%以上,湿地保有量稳定在8亿亩,自然保护地占国有面积稳定在17%以上,新增沙化土地治理面积1000万公顷,新增水土流失综合治理面积27万平方公里,国家森林城市达到200个,全国80%以上的行政村居民点绿化覆盖率达25%以上。健全国门生物安全查验机制,防范动植物疫情疫病跨境传播和外来物种入侵。-- Promoting ecological conservation. The pace of delimiting the "red lines" for ecological conservation shall be accelerated, and efforts shall be made to forge ahead with the establishment of a negative list of industries that are not allowed in key eco-function zones. By 2020 the country's forest coverage shall be raised to 23 percent of its land; the wetland inventory shall be stabilized at 800 million mu (over 53 million ha); and nature reserves shall remain steady at 17 percent of the country's total land area, in addition to another 10 million ha of improved desert land and another 270,000 sq km of land of which soil erosion control has been completed. In addition, the number of national "forest cities" shall increase to 200, and the ratio of green land shall reach 25 percent in over 80 percent of the administrative villages nationwide. A bio-safety inspection mechanism shall be set up at land and sea ports to prevent the spread of plant and animal epidemics and diseases across borders, as well as invasion by alien species.——完善环境监察体制机制。推行全流域、跨区域联防联控和城乡协同治理模式。建立健全排污权有偿使用和交易制度。建立企业环境信用记录和违法排污黑名单制度。健全生态环境损害赔偿制度。-- Improving environmental monitoring and supervision mechanisms. A trans-regional governance model shall be enforced for joint environmental prevention and control that covers all river basins and integrates urban and rural efforts. A system for paid use and trading of emission rights shall be established. So shall a system of environmental credit records for enterprises and a blacklist system of illegal waste discharge. The environmental damage compensation system shall be improved.跳转至目录 >>Back to Contents >>

