
栏目:成人教育  时间:2023-02-09



  Disney is bringing even more animated classics back to life! 迪士尼将会把更多经典动画翻拍成真人电影!

  From fairy tales like "Snow White" to classics such as "The Lion King," Disney's live-action list continues to grow with more than a dozen in the works. 从童话《白雪公主》到经典动画《狮子王》,迪士尼的真人版电影筹备名单上又增加了十几部。

  Some of the movies are complete remakes of their animated counterparts, while others are based on origin stories or sequels to existing live-action adaptations. 其中有些电影是对动画版的翻拍,有些则是基于原著改编或是现有真人版电影的续集。

  Keep reading to see all of the live-action remakes and sequels Disney has planned so far. 接下来我们来看一看迪士尼目前为止计划拍摄的真人版翻拍电影或续集。


  Disney bought a script in 2015 to bring "Mulan" to life. The movie is scheduled for release November 2, 2018. The film follows a young woman who disguises herself as a man, takes her father's place in war, and saves China. 2015年,迪士尼买下了《木兰》剧本,计划将其拍成真人版电影。预计这部电影将于2018年11月2日上映。电影讲述了年轻女子木兰男扮女装,替父从军,于危难之际拯救了祖国的故事。


  Disney announced that "The Lion King" will be getting turned into a live-action film. The story follows young Simba, who, with the help of his friends Timon and Pumba, must eventually save his kingdom from his evil uncle, Scar. Jon Favreau, who directed "Iron Man" and the live-action "Jungle Book" remake, is set to direct. There is no release date yet. 迪士尼宣布《狮子王》将以真人版的形式回归大屏幕。故事依然跟随年轻辛巴的脚步,讲述他在朋友丁满和彭彭的帮助下打败了邪恶的舅舅刀疤,拯救了王国的经历。影片将由《钢铁侠》和《奇幻森林》真人版翻拍电影导演乔恩?费儒执导。影片上映时间未定。


  Tim Burton is going to direct Disney"s "Dumbo," a remake of the 1941 movie about a young elephant bullied because of his big ears. The film won't use real elephants on screen. According to The Hollywood Reporter, Disney will use a mix of CGI and live action. There's no set release yet. 蒂姆?伯顿将执导翻拍1941年迪士尼出品的《小飞象》。电影的主人公是一头年幼的大象,因为长着一双超大号的耳朵被人嘲笑欺负。影片将不会用真大象当演员。据《好莱坞记者》称,迪士尼将采用电脑三维动画与实景拍摄相结合的方式制作。上映时间未定。


  Disney is going to remake 1963"s "The Sword in the Stone," which follows a young King Arthur, when he was an orphan, and his lessons with the wizard Merlin. The remake will be written by "Game of Thrones" writer/producer Bryan Cogman. 迪士尼将翻拍1963年动画《石中剑》,该片讲述了年轻国王亚瑟在还是孤儿的时候,接受魔法师梅林教导的故事。翻拍电影剧本将由《冰与火之歌》的编剧/制作人布莱恩?克格曼撰写。


  It won"t just be princesses with their own live-action remakes. One of the Prince Charmings (from Cinderella or Snow White) will be getting his own movie too. 不仅是迪士尼公主们将真人化,有一位白马王子(灰姑娘或白雪公主男主)也将成为真人电影的主角。


  The Genie from Aladdin, voiced by the late Robin Williams in the 1992 classic, is getting his own live-action prequel titled "Genies" about how he ended up in the lamp. Aladdin is also getting his own remake. Guy Ritchie is set to direct. 由已故罗宾?威廉姆斯为主角配音的1992年经典动画《阿拉丁神灯》,将以《神灯精灵》为名拍摄真人版前传电影,讲述精灵是如何沦落到神灯中的。阿拉丁也将被真人化。影片将由盖?里奇导演。


  Glenn Close played the villainous Cruella de Vil in the 1996 live-action remake of 1961's "101 Dalmatians," but Emma Stone is set to play her in "Cruella," an origin story for the villain. 格伦?克洛斯在翻拍1961年动画《101斑点狗》的1996年真人版电影中扮演恶毒的库伊拉,而在原创小说改编电影《库伊拉》中将由艾玛?斯通扮演这一反派角色。


  "Peter Pan" has been brought to life in numerous incarnations, but Disney is set to remake its 1953 animated film. David Lowry, who directed "Pete's Dragon," will next set his sights on re-imagining "Peter Pan" as well. 《小飞侠》已经多次被改编为真人电影了,但迪士尼还是决定将其1953年动画版翻拍成真人电影。《彼得的龙》导演大卫?洛瑞将执导该影片。


  Peter Pan"s fairy companion Tinker Bell is getting her own live-action film, "Tink," starring Reese Witherspoon. 小飞侠的仙女同伴也将主演一部真人电影。叮当小仙女将由瑞茜?威瑟斯彭饰演。


  "Pinocchio" was Disney's second animated film, released in 1940. It is being adapted into a live-action version which will be loosely based on the original animated film. 《木偶奇遇记》是迪士尼出品的第二部动画电影,于1940年上映。真人版将以动画版为基础进行大量改编。


  Before the release of Disney"s remake of 1961's "The Jungle Book," the studio already started planning a sequel. Jon Favreau is expected to return to the director's chair for "The Jungle Book 2."迪士尼将1961年动画《奇幻森林》翻拍成的真人版电影上映前,工作室就已经计划为该片出续集了。乔恩?费儒有望继续执导《奇幻森林2》。


  Angelina Jolie is set to reprise her role as Maleficent in the sequel to the 2014 origin story of the notorious villain from 1959"s "Sleeping Beauty." 安吉丽娜?朱莉将在2014年迪士尼真人电影《睡美人》的续集中继续扮演反派黑女巫的角色。该片基于1959年同名动画。


  Disney is also working on a live-action version of its first animated classic, "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs." The fairy tale will have new music by Benj Pasek and Justin Paul, who most recently wrote the lyrics for the hit film "La La Land." 迪士尼还计划把第一部迪士尼经典动画《白雪公主和七个小矮人》改编成真人版电影。这部童话电影将由热门影片《爱乐之城》词曲作者本基?帕赛克、贾斯汀?鲍尔谱写新配乐。


  Additionally, another film will follow Snow White"s sister, Rose Red, who is featured in Grimm's fairy tales. "Rose Red" will feature her adventure with the dwarves to save Snow White after she bites the poisonous apple. Evan Daugherty, who previously wrote "Snow White and the Huntsman" starring Kristen Stewart, is working on the project. 此外,还将有一部电影以格林童话中白雪公主的姐姐玫瑰红为主角拍摄。影片会讲述玫瑰红在白雪公主吃了毒苹果后和小矮人一起努力挽救她的冒险故事。克里斯汀?斯图尔特主演的《白雪公主与猎人》的编剧伊万?多尔蒂将为这部电影撰写剧本。


  Disney is set to release its own "Little Mermaid" remake — Universal is already working on one — with new music from Lin-Manuel Miranda and Alan Menken. 迪士尼还将翻拍自己的《小美人鱼》——环球影视已经在制作一部类似的电影了——林-曼努尔?米拉达与艾伦?曼肯将为该电影编写新配乐。


