
栏目:成人教育  时间:2023-04-01


  Sun Bowen’s encounter with this era is somewhat unexpected, so the sparks generated by his collision with this era are particularly dazzling. After two exhibitions at National Art Museum of China in 2020 and Shandong Art Museum in 2021, Sun Bowen, who had never had much interaction with the art or academia fields, aroused strong social responses with his big splash color paintings; his reputation is ever rising and even has surpassed the discoveries to Huang Qiuyuan and Chen Zizhuang in the 1980s. In contrast, Sun Bowen was lonely - in all his life, he was always a “grassroots artist” isolated from the art world. His situation is somehow similar to his hero - Van Gogh: The latter lived lonely in the open countries and wheat fields in southern France and the former wandered between the countries and hillocks in Shandong Province of China. They both can be described by Brandes’ comment on Byron – “A Star Without Atmosphere”.




  ▲ Deep Zen Spirit in High Mountains


  Created in 2001


  In terms of structure, there was an obvious defect in both exhibitions, i.e., there were no early works of flowers, birds and landscapes. Obviously, this defect makes it impossible for the audiences to understand the profile of Sun Bowen’s early works, and not even the logical relationship between his early and later works. In order to make up for this defect, it must be emphasized here that, in terms of the natures of early and late works, there are actually two different Sun Bowen profiles: the ordinary and secular Sun Bowen as a literati painter and the half-awake and half-delirious Sun Bowen as a spiritual wanderer. The former is quiet, secular, and entrusting his artistic pursuits on the paintings of flowers, birds and landscapes, and the latter is arrogant, transcendental, wandering like a lonely swan goose, and exploring the destination of life in his endless journey in the metaphysical world.


  The works of Sun Bowen in his later years are mostly large and massive, in which the audiences are always immersed, as if they are traveling through a spiritual forest. In their perception, those mysterious, continuous and non-realistic images of the universe are no longer art works in the common sense, but more like a questioning about the universe and the ultimate destination of life. It is clear that, in essence, this feeling is unusual and closer to some religious emotion. Therefore, compared with the common art exhibitions, Sun Bowen’s exhibition is more like a huge spiritual ashram.


  The exhibition brings up a question that deserves attention: How did such a towering tree as Sun Bowen grow in a region where local culture was completely destroyed and the cultural soil was fully deteriorated? As we all know, over the years, the rich and fertile folk culture ecology that gave birth to Qi Baishi and Huang Binhong has been destroyed. From this point of view, Sun Bowen’s life and arts have become a difficult puzzle to solve. Interestingly, this is where its great allure lies.




  ▲ Red Clouds Wound up by the Sleeve Rising from the Water


  Created in 2001


  I. The Perceiver of Life


  In recent years, the problem with Chinese contemporary art has become apparent even to those with a rudimentary understanding of it: apart from the falsified numbers in the market and the desire of artists to compete with each other in terms of wealth, contemporary art has failed in other aspects—for example, in terms of value construction and originality. Since capital, egoistic philosophy and technological rationality have cut the transcendental umbilical cord in contemporary art, artists no longer seem to be interested in looking up to the vast galaxy and fighting for their faith. The vulgarization of the subject and the pretentious and technicalization of the works have become the basic features of contemporary art. However, "the real problem of modern art is the problem of faith," and this is also true of contemporary art. If we take this as a coordinate, the phenomenon of Sun Bowen's debut at the peak becomes understandable. To a certain extent, he and his works fulfill the collective imagination of the intellectual class and the public for contemporary artists and contemporary art: to perceive and generate the metaphysical world with the purity of the subject's life, to bring the soul back to the artistic truth, so as to construct the belief system and redemption function.


  After all, for all beings in the secular society, a transcendental world that is vast, empty, and non-attached can not only provide an unprecedented aesthetic feeling visually, but also a spiritual habitat for the soul. At the same time, a transcendent subject is far more in line with their expectations of an "artist" than a secular egoist. As long as we briefly review the fact that since the 1990s, how those artists with transcendent qualities have collapsed in the consumerist society as a whole, we can understand the public's desire for idealistic personalities.


  In this way, all the problems of Chinese contemporary art can be summed up as follows: how to rebuild the transcendent subject with the perception of the purity of life as the core?


  If Sun Wenbo's personality and works can provide an answer or even a standard answer, it will undoubtedly be a mockery of Chinese contemporary art—although it is unintentional.




  ▲Far Burning Red Into the Sky


  Created in 2002


  Sun Bowen entered Shandong University of Arts in the 1960s to study under Guan Yousheng, Hei Bolong, and Wang Qihua. Studying Chinese and Western painting methods here is not the only thing Sun Bowen has gained. What is more important than this is that he has learned from Hei Bolong and others the artistic spirit of reforming the old methods and vigorously restoring the new. As a graduate of Private Shanghai Academy of Fine Arts, Hei Bolong not only brought the Shanghai-style modern Chinese painting technology system to Shandong, but also implanted the core concepts of "source of emerging art”, namely Private Shanghai Academy of Fine Arts, the “national soul" and "personality", into Shandong Chinese painting system, and provided Shandong University of Arts with a teaching concept based on the internal logic of “broad knowledge; careful choices on the basis of extensive collection; intensive study; perfect state”. Looking at it carefully, it can even be said that Sun Bowen's growth is fully complied with the path stipulated by “broad knowledge; careful choices on the basis of extensive collection; intensive study; perfect state” —from Jiang Weisong, a linguist, sinologist and calligraphy seal carver, Sun Bowen completed the practice of traditional philosophy, ancient characters, poetry and calligraphy seal carving, and then moved from “broad knowledge” to “careful choices on the basis of extensive collection”, focusing on the creation of flowers, birds and landscapes. Under the guidance of Cui Zifan, a master of flower-and-bird painting in the same hometown, he has gradually advanced into the in-depth field of flowers, birds and landscapes, and has gradually reached the sacred realm of beauty. “‘Beauty’ refers to an ideal state in which those who study can only be in eternal exploration. The territory of beauty is vast and infinite.”




  ▲Clouds in the Early Morning and Dreams in the Spring


  Created in 2002



  Green spring smoke arouses in the mountains.

  Clear spring streams around the ink rocks.

  The songs of the cuckoo show the arrival of spring.

  And blowing willows in the red clouds bring the slightly coldness.


  Even without considering Sun Bowen's relationship with Private Shanghai Academy of Fine Arts, Liu Haisu's statement that "The territory of beauty is vast and infinite" can almost be regarded as a prophecy of Sun Bowen's big splash color paintings.


  Sun Bowen's flowers and birds are born from Cui Zifan, and most of them express daily landscapes with steep and romantic brushwork, such as summer lotus, autumn duck, kingfisher, etc. The realm is indifferent in the ancient elegance, rushes and exudes the beauty of lively and sensual life. At the same time, Sun Bowen's landscape creation has also opened up a unique path. Based on the sketches in the Yimeng Mountains, the landscape images are constructed with the brushwork of flowers and birds. In the raw and simple Daigu landform in Yimeng Mountains, there are elegant and extraordinary images, which generally constitute the appearance of Sun Bowen's early landscapes. If we outline Sun Bowen’s life in this period, then it should be simple and daily: as a creative subject, he is no different from his masters for he is a painter with ideals; while his works are part of the painting style of the northern and southern and Shandong styles. In short, the early Sun Bowen is a literati artist with daily attributes, regional attributes and cultural tradition attributes.




  ▲ Ducks in the Spring Water


  Created in 2000


  If Sun Bowen's art stops there, then his value is nothing more than a good painter in the bloated ranks of contemporary literati painting. However, in the late 1990s, Sun Bowen's paintings underwent a fractured turn in style, language, and concept: from traditional literati freehand brushwork of flowers, birds, and landscapes to big splash color paintings characterized by transcendent cosmic schemas. The reason why Sun Bowen's turn is called a fractured turn is because both in terms of image and concept, because there is no necessary academic and theoretical relationship between big splash color and the previous style. This situation is a bit like what Foucault called "the rupture of history", but it is a personal version of “the rupture of history”.




  ▲ Four Screens in Landscape


  Created in 2001


  How to explain this turn has always been of interest to critics and art historians. Here, perhaps, we should realize that just as the turning point in art history is not often based on the visible elements of the conventional system, but on some unexpected forces, so is the leap of the artist from mediocrity to genius. Of all the "unexpected forces”, disease often plays an important role. Anyone who knows a little about art history knows that the leap to a transcendent mental state by means of a physical illness, and thus achieving a leapfrog turn in creation, is a drama that artistic geniuses have repeatedly staged. There are abound examples. Van Gogh's vertigo in his later years was the source of his rotating starry sky schema, while Shi Lu's madness in his later years brought with him the mysterious symbols and Huashan schema in his images. This phenomenon may as well be called "genetic mutation of the spirit".


  Similar to Van Gogh and Shi Lu, mental gene mutations caused by physiological disease may be the reason for Sun Bowen's personality variation and creative style shift in his later years. In 1997, after surgery for a nearly fatal pituitary tumor, Sun Bowen's personality was split in two: a sober person with daily ideological attributes; a half-awake and half-delirious metaphysical artist. If we analyze it a little, it is not difficult to find that for Sun Bowen's personality and artistic outlook, the so-called spiritual gene mutation has multiple meanings: First, the chase from death forces Sun Bowen to rethink the value and original meaning of life, and to become a perceiver of life in his introspection. The clear sign of his consciousness is the return of personality from “old" to "childish", that is, from a complex, mature, and secular personality to a pure personality and life state; Secondly, the transition and sublimation from the true state of life and personality to the metaphysical world has not only constituted the main content of Sun Bowen's spiritual life in his later years, but also has made him soar from the state of a secular painter to the state of transcendent subject. No matter how much critics dispute in terms of this, it is impossible to deny the fact that illness has become the method and path of spiritual transcendence. The process of disease occurrence, healing, and rejection of death is the process by which Sun Bowen is sublimated into a perceiver of life and transcendent subject.


  123cmX245 cm


  ▲ Zen Spirit Goes Straight to the Top of Jinshan

  123cmX245 cm

  Created in 2001


  To be precise, the perceiver of life and transcendent subject are the cornerstone and spiritual source of Sun Bowen's late new art view. Starting from this, the awareness and contemplation on the value of life and the origin of life, and the search for its meaning in the metaphysical world, have become the main value conversions of Sun Bowen's late works—from which the consciousness of life emanating from his mysterious landscapes, cosmic images and big splash color paintings come from.


  Considering that the effects of disease occur at the level of mysticism, like revelations from the underworld, and it is difficult to obtain ultimate explanations, we can think of them as "divine revelation"—an invisible spiritual force that enlightens human wisdom and inspiration and guides the evolution of personality and soul. Judging from the examples of Gauguin, Van Gogh, Shi Lu, and Sun Bowen, "divine revelation" is not ubiquitous, it is only interested in those extraordinary, intelligent geniuses whose idealistic fire will never be extinguished. Therefore, it is necessary to make a necessary description of Sun Bowen's cultivation, wisdom, and idealism.


  As we all know, the foundation and height of Chinese painting lies in the humanist system composed of the pluralistic integration of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism. The information revealed from poems, inscriptions, and seals can roughly outline Sun Bowen's humanistic cultivation: with "Zen" practice cultivation as the rule, it not only contains the Confucian enterprising spirit of "enrichment means beauty" and "investigation of things to knowledge", but also contains Taoist philosophy of following nature's course. The Taoist immortal mountains that constantly appear in his poems, such as Emei, Yunyin, Xiji, Luofu, Nanming, Kunlun, etc., depict a bird's-eye view of Sun Bowen's spiritual journey. As for the concept of Buddhism, it is mostly presented in works such as Nirvana and Prajna Born in Thought. "Zen" practice is Sun Bowen's daily lesson, and its aims of "void and quiet", "all laws are empty" and "personified nature" highly synthesize the philosophical foundation and cosmology in Sun Bowen’s creations, and also the source of thought for the continuous enrichment of his subjective consciousness. In an era where artists' subjects are generally vulgarized, Sun Bowen has not retreated but forged ahead, and completely realized self-transcendence from personality spirit to creative concept, relying on his profound humanistic cultivation.




  ▲Prajna Born in Thought


  Created in 2001


  If we evaluate Sun Bowen from the perspective of the transformation of Chinese painting in the 20th century, we can say without hesitation: Sun Bowen is the son of the 20th century. Responding to the construction of modern forms of Chinese painting in the 20th century with the creative desire surging in his heart, as well as the innovative practice in images and brush and ink, is Sun Bowen's persistent creative posture. The 20th century is a century in which Chinese painting systematically constructs its modern form from the old into the new. In Sun Bowen's cognition, the phenomenon of the transformation of Chinese painting in the 20th century has always implied the truth that only in the dual coordinates of "self-optimization" and "cross-cultural integration" can Chinese painting acquire its own historical attributes and realistic value. What makes a tradition a tradition is that it constantly derives legitimacy from innovative impetus and achievements into the future, and tradition has never liked its own copies. If we carefully sort through Sun Bowen's works in different periods, we can realize that the above cognition has been internalized as a life appeal in the changes of the years, which determines the innovative character of Sun Bowen's works. Therefore, there is no reason to be ambiguous about the idea that Sun Bowen and his works are the products of the transformative logic of the 20th -Century Chinese painting.


  The creative impulse has always been the theme of Sun Bowen's poetry:

  山 水




  I hate the lack of new ideas,

  and I always have the same old rules.

  When I see the green poplar trees and light clouds being surrounded by the smoke,

  the flowers at dusk are also kept in my memory.




  Random Thoughts

  Painters should have the boldness in disruptive breakthrough.

  Deleting the complexity and leaving the simplicity is the poet’s soul.

  When you pick up a pen, you know that your skill is shallow.

  When you settle the pen, you know your emotion is not deep enough.




  ▲ Break up New Situation


  Created in 2002


  Let's explore a little more from a psychological perspective. For art history, a basic common sense is that art history has always been written by geniuses, and the common characteristic of geniuses is the lifelong fear of mediocrity. That is, mediocrity is the most terrible enemy of geniuses. There is a famous example of this: Dali was burned by the fire of fame at the age of 7 and could not sleep, and regarded mediocrity as his natural enemy throughout his life. Although we lack clinical data on Sun Bowen's psychological research, however, he is nevertheless a sufferer of Dali-style mediocrity phobia, whether from the strong desire for innovation shown in his creation, and the state of self-struggle under the oppression of this desire, or from the desire to transcend the world with spiritual self-liberation revealed in his poems and inscriptions. After the 1997 surgery, the chase of death apparently exacerbated the phobia. The sense of suffocation of being strangled by death, and the magnified fear of mediocrity allowed Sun Bowen to undergo a bone-changing transformation both physically and psychologically, and completed self-transcendence in the genetic mutation of the spirit. From this, we can conclude that behind the mysterious images in Sun Bowen's later creations lies an ancient root of mediocrity phobia.




  ▲ Long Live the Vast Sky


  Created in 2001


  If one were to find a similar artist for Sun Bowen in the history of art, it could only be Van Gogh. From a spiritual point of view alone, Van Gogh can be described as Sun Bowen's only idol. The admiration for Van Gogh has reached almost religious heights in many of Sun Bowen's works paying tribute to Van Gogh. Created in 2001, Clouds Hidden among Green Mountains is based on Van Gogh's 1889 oil painting The Olive Trees in the background of Mount Alpilles. As for the mysterious "rotation" shape in the schemas of Sun Bowen's later works, it is in line with Van Gogh's "rotating" starry sky structure. According to Sun Bowen, Van Gogh is undoubtedly a great priest in the self-purification of the soul and in reconstructing nature and everything in the universe with the perception of life. Therefore, the two are so similar in spiritual life and behavior: both complete self-transcendence in the endless wandering of the spirit in a half-delirious and half-awake state, thereby elevating art to the cause of the soul. The difference is that Van Gogh's traveling is a lonely self-roaming journey sniffing the vigorous breath and infinite vitality of the earth, and each of his pictures is a travelogue and logo of his own spirit; While Sun Bowen's journey is the friction, playfulness and integration between life and the universe and nature under the chase of death, and his paintings are more secluded, expansive, transcendent, ineffable, full of the happiness and freedom of life enlightenment, as well as the lowness and sorrow of abandoning the world.


  Whether moved by the enlightenment of life, or based on the achievements of "Zen" practice, whether fearing daily mediocrity, or heeding the call of historical logic in the 20th century, Sun Bowen was born into a perceiver of life, a transcendent subject, in the way of the leap from physical disease to the metaphysical world in the later stage of his life. This has been described earlier, and here, we might as well make a rough summary from the conceptual level: First, the so-called "perceiver of life" is a subject who is constantly de-ideologized and detached from daily life state. In this process, life returns to its origin in a purified way, where it regathers its ontological values; Second, the so-called "transcendent subject" is a multiple transcendentalist: from the system of artistic conventions, from daily life, from existing dogmas and beliefs, its cosmology, artistic outlook and methodology are comprehensively reconstructed in transcendence; Third, the process of life aletheia, also the process of generating the subject's creativity. Only a clear and aletheia life can truly acquire the intellect and ability to construct transcendent artistic images.




  ▲ Clouds Hidden among Green Mountains


  Created in 2001



  The sky is suddenly clear and the mountains roll up their curtains.

  The clouds are still in the shape and the stones are in the coating.

  Green mountains are hidden in the cloud stream.

  Where do the clouds in the vast sky come from?


  From the perspective of spiritual evolution, Sun Bowen, who has entered the late stage of creation, has become what Pan Tianshou calls "a man with wise eyes and a wise heart", which can be called “a free mind is as clear as an iceberg and just as still water can reflect things". In his later works, the enlightenment of life, the transcendence of the spirit and the complete liberation of imagination that came from it have become all the sources of inspiration and image construction for Sun Bowen's creation, and contemplating all things and the universe with the essence of life and the clearness of the soul has become the methodology of his creation. As a creative subject that radiates transcendent qualities throughout, Sun Bowen's soul is both bright and clear, void and quiet, but also passionate and dynamic. Only with his brightness can all things be reborn and understand the "Taoism" in the sudden enlightenment when morning sunshine spreads everywhere; only with his void and quietness can he experience the vagueness of the universe with a delicate heart, and not be confused by appearances; only with his enthusiasm can he see the trance, confusion and majestic and precarious vistas of the integration of life and the universe. As Li Rihua said: “Only with free mind and chest, can the scenery be blended with the vitality of the earth, then we will have the grotesque and amazing works.”


  Historically, artists who embrace the universe, nature and life with the enlightenment of life often sublimate into the sages of art in the form of martyrdom, as did Van Gogh and Sun Bowen. The place where they leave is often the place where faith and the origin of life fall apart. When a metaphysical world closes down, a noisy society swarms in with its desires, ingenuity, fame and fortune—this is the world behind Sun Bowen.




  ▲ Fish in the North


  Created in 2001


  II. Super Image of Life


  In a contemporary society where secular consciousness is flooding, can art return to the metaphysical world? In most cases, the answer is of course no, and it was not until people discovered Sun Bowen that they found a positive answer. In Sun Bowen's later works, people unexpectedly see that the metaphysical tentacles of art are repaired by the power of the countryside, which is somewhat ironic for contemporary art muddled in the city. In fact, from any perspective, Sun Bowen's late creation is a reorientation of the nature and orientation of contemporary painting—it returns to the transcendent world in the way of life belief, and there begins the ultimate concern of art as the core, including the systematic construction of creative methods, artistic perception ways, subject matter and image structure, language aesthetics and technology, and a big splash color painting system different from the existing artistic concept and methodology was born.


  In Sun Bowen's later creations, a surprising fact is that in just 5 to 6 years from 1998 to his death in 2003, after his surgery in 1997, Sun Bowen's created thousands of large-format big splash color works. People may marvel at how powerful the life force is produced by the fight with death, which makes Sun Bowen's creation spew out such a fierce and gorgeous movement? By nature, these works are super images completed in the form of martyrdom of life, so they can be called “Super Images of Life".


  228cmX 96 cm


  ▲The Autumn-Water and the Faraway Sky

  228cmX 96cm

  Created in 2002


  From a secular artist to a transcendent subject, Sun Bowen's perception and presentation of the world has undergone fundamental changes. From the perspective of art history, no matter what kind of creative method artists adopt, the way they perceive the world and the art form formed by it are nothing more than two categories: the first can be called "object perception", that is, the artist's perception and expression are aimed at the reproduction of the objective world, thus forming an art form characterized by realism; the second is "subject perception", that is, the perception and presentation of the objective world are formed at the level of the subject's psychological activity, so its manifestation form is "image" or "mental image". Obviously, this is not the place to discuss such theoretical issues, and I can only briefly explain them here.


  It is clear that neither of the above two ways of perceiving the world nor artistic views can cover and describe Sun Bowen's big splash color paintings. Considering that Sun Bowen's later perceptual system was mutated due to disease and reached a supernormal or half-delirious level, we might as well describe it with a completely new concept, which is “super perception". What is super perception? According to our understanding, it has three dimensions: first, it perceives and recognizes the world in the way of spiritual wandering, so its field of perception is vast and far-reaching, which can be described as the whole universe and each corner of it; At the same time, this perception is comprehensively holographic, in addition to vision, it also includes hearing, touch, smell and even the entire body and mind senses, which can be described as holographic taste of visible objects and invisible objects, and its tentacles can freely reach the supernatural and void world; Ultimately, it is a perception that is highly integrated between mind and matter, spirit and object. In other words, in his creation, Sun Bowen's body, life and even soul are integrated with everything in the universe in an interpenetrating way. In this sense, Sun Bowen's big splash color works are the presence of his life and soul.


  89 cmX 231cm


  ▲ Green Frost, Old Maple and Tree

  89 cmX 231cm

  Create in 2000



  Frost flies in September in the south of the Yangtze River.

  Autumn and spring are both faint.

  Thousands of trees sway in the wet mist.

  Hundreds of mountains are drunk in the sunset.


  From the above description, we can conclude that “Super Perception" is a martyrdom perception, and the images generated by this perception naturally become “Super Image of Life".


  The martyrdom-type contemplation on the transcendent world not only brought forth the "visions" in Sun Bowen's late works, but also endowed the paintings a certain sense of religion. In nature, in Sun Bowen's view, big splash color painting is not so much an artistic style as a palace of life sacrifice built up by super perception illusions, or a way for life to return to nature, God, and the universe.

  以超感知幻象所构建起来的“生命的超象”图式,可依据其题材的不同而细分为三个类型:1、山水幻象。其作品包括《万象生辉》(2001)、《去留肝胆两昆仑》(2000)、《岩栖谷隐心自闲》(2002)、《朝云春梦》(2002)等;2、灵魂幻象。其作品有《但愿人间意珠圆》(2001)、《涅槃》(2001)、《凤舞九天》(1998)、《山高禅意浓》(2001)、《性灵之光》(2000)、《观世》(2001)、《禅意直上锦山顶》(2001)等; 3、宇宙幻象。其代表作有:《挥笔御乾坤》(2002)、《山水四屏》(2000)、《星空》(2000)、《境随心转有乾坤》(2002)、《无极而生》(1998)、《开天辟地》(2002)、《袖卷红云水上生》(2001)等。

  “The Super Image of Life" schema constructed with the illusion of super perception can be subdivided into three types according to its different themes: 1. Landscape illusion, includes The Brilliance of All (2001), The Heroic Heart is As Majestic as Kunlun Mountain (2000), Hidden Leisurely in Yanqi Valley (2002), Clouds in the Early Morning and Dreams in the Spring (2002), etc.; 2. Soul illusion, includes May the Completeness in the World (2001), Nirvana (2001), Phoenix Dances in the Highest of Heavens (1998), Deep Zen Spirit in High Mountains (2001), and The Light of Soul (2000), The View of the World (2001), Zen Spirit Goes Straight to the Top of Jinshan (2001), etc.; 3. Universe illusion, includes Universe in Control Under My Brush (2002), Four Screens in Landscape (2000), Starry Sky (2000), The Realm Turns with Your Heart (2002), and Born in Infinity (1998), Break up New Situation (2002), Red Clouds Wound up by the Sleeve Rising from the Water (2001), etc.




  ▲ May the Completeness in the World


  Created in 2001


  In the late 1990s, Sun quietly adjusted his relationship with real natural mountains and rivers, from realistic sketching to contemplative mountains and rivers. This adjustment has brought a series of changes in the concept and schema of landscape painting: from real scenes to virtual scenes, from real images to illusions, from reproducing landscapes to mind and object integration. In landscape illusion works, landscape painting completely transcends the bonds of visual aesthetics and has leapt into a commitment to the liberation of individual life and spiritual freedom. In the dazzling fantasy world, Sun Bowen's body has been transformed into the wind like bitter fleabane, enchanted among mountains and rivers. His life modality, as Zhuangzi said, “only those who stay true to the original self”, can achieve the most beautiful state. From here, in the narrative logic composed of landscape illusions, completing the wandering of life becomes the main dimension of Sun Bowen's landscape creation. Created in 2001, The Brilliance of All is not so much a landscape painting, but rather a symbol of life in the random combination of the main body and the landscape: the leisurely orange clouds, the silent lonely mountains, the rigid boulders, the vigorous trees and the swirling blue waves, in the unknown encounter, with light and shadow flowing and form changing, hum the free and impermanent melody of life. In this kind of creation, it is Sun Bowen's favorite way of creation to endow the paintings with a richer human spirit, so as to generate personified characteristics at the level of landscape illusion.




  ▲ The Brilliance of All


  Created in 2001


  Created in 2000, The Heroic Heart is As Majestic as Kunlun Mountain is a masterpiece with a height of 8 meters. In this work, Sun Bowen appears not as a painter but as a "master", as Wang Yangming said, ”My spirit is the master of heaven and earth, ghosts and gods." Under the guidance of Sun Bowen's "spirit", people's eyes go through the lonely cliff in the turbulence dark color, to reach Kunlun Summit above the sky, where we enjoy the Asking God style poem: "I cut Kunlun into two or three sections, and throw the rest in the clouds. Dare to ask the God not to sin me, because I can split the Himalayas!” In an instant, in the narrative logic woven by poetry, calligraphy and painting, Sun Bowen's “spirit” seems to shine on the top of the snowy Kunlun Mountain, or sink into the orange twilight mist, and finally transform as a personality god who dominates the heavens, earth, mountains and rivers in the burst of wild big splash color painting.




  ▲ The Heroic Heart is As Majestic as Kunlun Mountain


  Created in 2000



  I cut Kunlun into two or three sections,

  and throw the rest in the clouds.

  Dare to ask the God not to sin me,

  because I can split the Himalayas!


  In Hidden Leisurely in Yanqi Valley, the arrogance of the "master" has been transformed into literati-style leisure. This state is detached and attached, real and illusory, also vibrant. And the subject's mind seems to be bathed in haze and light. What does it mean? Sun Bowen replied, “Ask me why I want to live in Yanqi Valley, I smile in silence. Peach blossoms and running water are flowing away, just like another world." This scene has been freed from the cages of heaven and earth and returned to nature.


  220 cmX97 cm


  ▲ Hidden Leisurely in Yanqi Valley

  220 cmX97 cm

  Created in 2002


  In Sun Bowen's later works, if the landscape illusion is the product of his relationship between the super perception and the object world, then the spirit illusion is the result of his super perception facing the inner world. As mentioned earlier, Zen practice is Sun Bowen's best way to return to the origin of spirit and life, and the best way for him to gain insight into the nature of spirit and life. To this end, Sun Bowen wrote a number of "Zen poems" with strong symbolic meaning. For example, "There are masters in the depths of the white clouds, and they are discussing freely. When they see the brush, it is when Zen comes into painting”. Zen practice not only allows the illusion of the spirit to always float with the meaning of "void" or reveal the color of "all laws are empty", but also provides a variety of ways to generate images of spirit illusion: either by means of symbols with collective unconscious identity, or of obtaining those indescribable hidden forms from the perception of the mind—such images are more like the secretions of the spirit, ethereal, obscured, distant and deep. As for the meaning of the illusion of the spirit, it is more complex and ambiguous, and we can only try to interpret it. After a serious illness in 1997, Sun Bowen, who encountered with death, was full of yearning for the theme of "rebirth" in his creations. And this expression of yearning was perfectly expressed in Phoenix Dances in the Highest of Heavens (1998) and Nirvana (2001) as well as other works. The phoenix shape of Nirvana looks like the silhouette of life before its decomposition and separation, but also the vigorous posture of rebirth. The sky reflected by the blazing flames turns into an orange-red illusion, resembling a grand ceremony of life nirvana, and also a grand ceremony of life resurrection rushing to the highest heaven— this may be Sun Bowen's mental image from the depths of his soul after understanding the mystery of life and death, and it is also his most mysterious understanding and portrayal of life. Compared with the "phoenix" illusion, the hidden image from the perception of soul and life is more profound and unfathomable.




  ▲ Nirvana


  Created in 2001



  The sun glow reflects in the water.

  The sky and also its reflection in the water are connected in red.

  As long as you wait until the third night shift on Riguan Peak in Mount Tai,

  you will be the first to see the red sun being sent up into the blue sky.


  The colors, lines, and inscrutable rhythms in May the Completeness in the World (2001) and The Light of Soul (2000) seem to be understood as Sun Bowen's search for and capture of the soul trajectory in super perception —each part of it is filled with mysterious power rising from the depths of the soul; But at the same time, it resembles the metaphorical structure woven by Sun Bowen, densely packed with words for the interpretation of the soul. Each reader will take its meaning from his own point of view, but cannot get a glimpse of its full picture—this is the secret law of the illusion of the soul.


  795cmX144 cm


  ▲ The Light of Soul


  Created in 2000


  In Sun Bowen's late creation, a remarkable phenomenon is the gradual dominance of the space world with its all-embracing and vast features. Under his brush, space celestial bodies, rotating galaxies, swirling dharma wheel and those unspeakable mysteries constitute a boundless, vague and faint world of illusions, and the painting is thus born into a grand cosmic schema and narrative logic. There, everything is shining brightly. Through these schemas, a silent world of "Taoism" as mentioned by Lao Zi, and a silent state of “the greatest beauty" as mentioned by Zhuang Zi, are slowly unfolding to all living beings. If in the creation of landscape illusions, Sun Bowen's spirit is beyond the mountains and forests, then in the construction of the cosmic schema, Sun Bowen traces the consciousness and value of life to the depths of the universe that only the soul can reach, and tries to complete the ultimate inquiry of life there.


  If we have enough contemplative ability and wisdom, we can experience such realm in such works as Long Live the Vast Sky (2001), Universe in Control Under My Brush (2002), The Realm Turns with Your Heart (2002), Sun Rises from the Water like the Water is Boiling (2000), Smoke and Clouds Foster All Things (2001) and other works: in the vast and lonely sky, in the splendid nebula, and in the mighty wind, Sun Bowen's spirit has been transformed into a "detached individual" in the sense of Zhuangzi, "riding on the clouds, driving the flying dragon, and traveling beyond the whole world”. In the void, rub against the celestial bodies, dance with the dharma wheel, play with the wind and clouds, and embrace the galaxy. The elf of life, either parades in the wings of the clouds, lighting up the long orange clouds in the dull twilight, or gallops with the swirling dharma wheel at an astonishing speed through the mountains, rivers and jungles; In the chaotic and unpredictable eternal sky, the elf of life sometimes dances with the colorful clouds in the brilliant light; sometimes, it dances like a phoenix-dancing in the highest heaven, spiraling into the mysterious and ethereal sky, and re-dressing for space… At that moment, space has been completely sublimated into the stage of life interpretation, and in void, it seems to provide such a hint that the ultimate value of life is to return to void in the embrace with heaven, earth and the universe.




  ▲ Scattered Stars and Clouds


  Created in 2002


