
栏目:成人教育  时间:2023-04-18





  杭州威雅幼儿园采用的国际早期教育课程IEYC (International Early Years Curriculum) 是一项以研究为基础的渐进式课程,专为 2-6 岁的儿童设计。



  WASHZ uses the IEYC in our Kindergarten. The International Early Years Curriculum is a progressive, research-based program designed for children aged 2-6 years old. The IEYC focuses on developing the whole child and provides a comprehensive learning experience through the use of structured learning goals, play-based learning, and real-life contexts. It encourages children to explore and discover their environment, to develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills, and to build a strong foundation in literacy, numeracy, and social-emotional learning.

  With its focus on child-centered learning, the IEYC fosters a love of learning and lays the foundation for a successful academic future. Throughout the year the pupils are immersed in 6 different IEYC topics.





  1. 走进 · 课堂


  How Do Kids Learn to Be ‘Animal Rescuers’?








  "What is the name of the animal in the picture?"

  "Where do animals live? Forests, oceans, deserts, rivers, and..."

  "What do their houses look like?"

  "What do they like to eat?"

  "When animals encounter danger, what tools can we use to rescue them?"





  The Animal Rescuers unit provided a fun and engaging way for young children to learn about different animals and their habitats. In one classroom, the teacher introduced the unit by reading a story about a group of animal rescuers who work to save animals in need. The children were then invited to use their imaginations to create their own ways in which they could help them.

  Another activity in the unit involved learning about different types of animals and their habitats. The children were shown pictures of animals and asked to identify them, and were given information about the different environments in which they live.





  They then had the opportunity to create their own animal habitats using art materials and natural materials found outside.

  The children also learned about the importance of taking care of animals. They learned about how to feed and water animals, and how to provide a safe and comfortable living environment.




  In the Animal Rescuers unit, the children also learned about the different tools and equipment used by animal rescuers to help animals in need. They learned about rescue vehicles, first aid kits, and other tools used to safely capture and transport animals. The children then had the opportunity to create their own rescue vehicles and equipment using blocks, Legos, and other building materials.

  Finally, the classroom explored the world of role-play, where the children took on the roles of animal rescuers and acted out different scenarios involving animals in need. They had fun pretending to rescue animals from trees and other dangerous situations and learned about the importance of teamwork and problem-solving in the process.



  当孩子们围绕一个主题,和朋友们一起沉浸其中,并自信地运用已知技能去创作,就能不断摄取新的内容、巩固所学—— “有效学习”,就这样发生了。

  Overall, the Animal Rescuers unit was a great way for children to learn about different types of animals, their habitats, and the equipment used by animal rescuers. By encouraging imagination, creativity, and teamwork, the unit helped to teach valuable life skills that will stay with the children as they grow and develop.

  When children immerse themselves in a theme with their friends and confidently use their known skills to create, they can continuously absorb new content and consolidate what they have learned, and that's how ‘effective learning‘ happens.


  2. 游戏有奥妙


  The Educational Science behind 'Animal Rescuers’


  The period before the age of 6 is the time when a child's brain is most active. When a child plays, explores, and makes mistakes in their favorite space, they constantly stimulate the growth of brain synapses, observational skills, imagination, thinking ability, self-awareness, and a strong sense of capability. All of these abilities slowly cultivated will be transferred to various aspects of learning and life in the future.



  Combining the use of the British early education system (EYFS), WASHZ Kindergarten has designed a unique English teaching framework based on the IEYC.

  倡导,“Learning through Play (在玩中学习)”,给孩子传递热爱、温暖、多元的讯息。两者都“以幼儿发展为中心”,互为补充,各有所长。

  It advocates for ‘Learning through Play‘ and conveys messages of love, warmth, and diversity to children. Both systems ‘focus on the development of young children’, complement each other, and have their own strengths.



  In theme-based lessons like ‘Animal Rescuers’, a lot of effort is put into them behind the scenes! In the classroom, teachers should have a comprehensive‘development blueprint’ for the children, and they use the ‘OAP Cycle’ as a tool to assist them:



  Observing the behavior of children during activities.



  Assessing the development level of children's various abilities at their age.



  Planning personalized activities and environmental settings based on the development and interests of children.






  WASHZ provides 15 years of continuous education from K1-G12. The EYFS system is also implemented jointly in the kindergarten and Lower School.

  Pupils in K3 can participate in some activities of WASHZ Lower School, such as music concerts, art exhibitions, STEAM exhibitions, etc. They can experience lower school life in advance, facilitating smoother development for the children. The themes, phonics, mathematics, and other subjects taught in lower school are also extended from the kindergarten.


  3. 惊喜 · 开始




  Like many other parents, we also believe that the ages of 3 to 6 are a crucial period for a child's growth. During this time, they are almost independently recognizing and understanding the world outside of the home for the first time, which is critical for the development of their personality and habits. Therefore, when it came to choosing a kindergarten for our daughter, we invested a lot of time and effort.


  In the school selection process, we first learned about EYFS, DAP, IB, Montessori, Reggio, and other early childhood education philosophies. We found that the EYFS system has strong authority and completeness, and through the guidance and observation records of the teachers, it can provide children with a systematic and enjoyable way of self-growth while also making communication between parents and teachers more targeted.


  In terms of schools, we prioritized schools that offer a 15-year education system because we believe that such schools can provide children with a more diverse and stable external environment. In the context of current educational reforms, the risk is also lower for families like ours who plan to send their children abroad to study.


  We were pleasantly surprised by our experience at WASHZ Kindergarten. Our daughter shares stories about fairies, fairy lakes, and magic with us every day after school, and we can feel that the teachers are always communicating with her in a way that she can accept. We can also feel her changes: she has become more confident, willing to communicate, and willing to express her thoughts. She has become braver and has gradually established her own friendships. This makes us feel that her ‘different’ qualities at school should be understood and accepted, and the teachers' active attention has also made her more confident.


  ——A parent of one of the founding students of WASHZ Kindergarten






  Like many other parents, we also believe that the ages of 3 to 6 are a crucial period for a child's growth. During this time, they are almost independently recognizing and understanding the world outside of the home for the first time, which is critical for the development of their personality and habits. Therefore, when it came to choosing a kindergarten for our daughter, we invested a lot of time and effort.

  In the school selection process, we found that the EYFS system has strong authority and completeness, it can provide children with a systematic and enjoyable way of self-growth while also making communication between parents and teachers more targeted.

  In terms of schools, we prioritized schools that offer a 15-year education system because we believe that such schools can provide children with a more diverse and stable external environment.

  We were pleasantly surprised by our experience at WASHZ Kindergarten. We can feel that the teachers are always communicating with her in a way that she can accept. We can also feel her changes: she has become more confident, and willing to express her thoughts. She has become braver and has gradually established her own friendships. This makes us feel that her ‘different’qualities at school should be understood and accepted, and the teachers' active attention has also made her more confident.

  ——A parent of one of the founding students of WASHZ Kindergarten


