教育界 education circle
教育投入 input in education
九年义务教育 nine-year compulsory education
适龄儿重入学率 enrollment rate for children of school age
升学 率 proportion of students entering schools of a higher grade; enrollment rate
教学 大纲 teaching program; syllabus
教育程度 educational background
课程 curriculum
学分 credit
课程表 school schedule
必修课 required/compulsory course
选修课 elective/optional course
基础课 basic courses
专业课 specialized courses
主修 major
副修 minor
进修课程 refresher course
学术活动 academic activities
奖学金 scholarship
优秀干部 excellent leader
学生会 student council
在职进修班 on-job training courses
学制 educational system
学年 academic year
高校扩招 the college expansion plan
高考 (university/college) entrance examination
初等教育 elementary education
高等教育 higher education
高等教育“211 工程” the "211 Project" for higher education
大学城 college town
高等学府 institution of higher education
文科院校 colleges of (liberal) arts
理工科大学 college / university of science and engineering
综合性大学 comprehensive university
师范学院 teachers' college; normal college
大学社区 college community
考研 take the entrance exams for postgraduate schools
校长 president
副校长 vice-president
院长 dean
副院长 assistant dean
教务长 academic dean
系主任 department chairman
中学校长 (美) principal
中学校长(英) headmaster
小学校长 (美) master
教授 professor
副教授 associate professor
客座教授 guest professor
论文导师 supervisor
高分低能 high scores and low abilities
启发式教学 heuristic teaching
人才交流 talent exchange
who knows but (that)…
例句:Who knows but (that) he may go?
used to do
例句:My brother used to be short, but now he is tall.
take sth. with sb.
例句:It‘s necessary for you to bring some money with you every day
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