支招小作文(146) | 动态柱 五个国家电影产量
June 15, 2023
雅思小作文系列 | 栏目推送说明
[2023.6.10] The bar chart below shows the number of films produced in five different countries in 2007, 2008, and 2009.
Body 1:Country ABC
Body 2:Country DE
The bar chart compares the number of films produced in 5 different countries in three consecutive years: 2007, 2008 and 2009.
Overall, compared with other four countries, more films were shot in country A. Also, this country witnessed the greatest change in the film production.
1- country A在三年中数值最大
2- country A变化幅度最大
【Body 1】
It is noticeable thatin both 2007 and 2008, roughly 45 films were produced in country A, after which this figure almostdoubledin 2009.Althoughcountry B was the place where 40 films were released in the initial year,this figure saw a steady declineby 10 in the subsequent 2 years.Conversely,the given 3-year period underwent a noticeable climbin the number of movies made in country C, with the figure growing from 30 in 2007 to 40 in 2009.
- Country A:前两年平稳,随后数量翻倍
- Country B:逐年下降
- Country C:显著上升
【Body 2】
We can see thatthe other two countriesdid not grab much attentionby film producers.Specifically, between 2007 and 2008,there emerged a dipfrom 25 to 20 in the figure for movies released in country D,followed bya insignificant increase to its 2007 figure in the final year.Oppositely, the quantity of films produced in country Erose slightlyfrom only 20 in 2007 to the peak at 25 in 2008,before falling marginallyby 5 in the next year.
- Country D和Country E整体数量较低
- Country D:小幅度下降→小幅度上升
- Country E:小幅度上升至峰值→小幅度下降
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