
栏目:成人教育  时间:2023-09-15

  张文姣 ?? 点击图片,一对一咨询张文姣老师

  2022 年度 " 创意先锋奖 ",专八优秀,写作能力与思考能力俱佳,写作风格多变。致力于为每一位客户提供个性化的文书服务,已帮助 150+ 同学获得多所世界名校 offer

  我们的许多学员在准备不同方向申请项目的个人陈述时,基于同一段经历准备的写作素材大都是一样的,往往是对于科研或者实习内容的罗列,而忽略了不同项目的侧重点。为此,我认为针对同一经历在不同申请方向的 PS 中,应当基于申请项目内容来深入挖掘其经历,从而呈现出与申请项目相契合的内容。

  今天# 心动的文书 #栏目,老师就跟大家分享一下如何通过描写自己的经历来突出自己的优势,表达自己对该专业和未来的热情和追求,从而吸引招生官。(下划线加粗为好词好句,大家可以收藏积累哦 ~)


  PS ? Sample

  Quantitative finance, an innovative technique integrating financial tools and financial systems, balances profits and risks and settles financial difficulties with quantitative feelers. As an interdisciplinary subject, it allows free cooperation and independent functions among computer science, finance, and mathematics.【初印象:QF 是数学、计算机和金融三者的合体产物】Therefore, the first time I got acquainted with quantitative investment and product pricing, I was fascinated with Brownian Motion and It ō 's lemma. The two terms, though abstruse, demystify quantitative finance and opens its door for me. Combined with my extracurricular accumulations in quantitative finance and investment, I mastered the ins and outs of Quantamental and the information underpinnings behind from Alphanomics.【次印象:金融数学的课堂上首次尝试运用布朗运动和伊藤引理对衍生品价格进行建模分析】Through my consistent knowledge input, I become more and more clear that quantitative finance is challenging but interesting, motivating me to transfer my postgraduate direction.

  「我」对 QF 的兴趣是来源于金数课堂作业,因为发现该领域的趣味性和挑战性所以决定迎难而上

  Tip: 常规的兴趣起源可能都是因为这个项目很匹配申请人的兴趣或者已经有很深的联系,但是也可以从申请人无畏挑战的角度,既点出申请人的申请动机也体现了申请人的探索精神。

  Fairly speaking, my major in Actuarial Science has a subtle link with quantitative finance. For instance, both fields share common mathematical foundations in linear algebra, probability, and statistics; in Risk Management, Econometrics, and allied financial courses, I gave full play to financial principles and quantitative models, alongside programming languages like Stata, and R.【跨专业联系:数理基础,金融原理和定量模型,编程】Far from being sufficient, my undergraduate qualifications could not bolster my postgraduate pursuit of quantitative finance. Hence, I need to pay more effort to at least make up for one aspect of my expertise, say, technology-based quantitative analysis.


  The Internet gives birth to We Media, which materializes multi-faceted, dynamic, and full-contact information coverage and permits individuals to be information makers. How to make media content prevailing and widely accepted deserves in-depth analyses. Positioning news articles, I decided to design a prediction system based on machine learning and Python for the targeted promotion of new media.【基于媒体行业的趋势设计一个营销预测系统】Lacking relevant operational experience, I learned from online courses about data cleaning ( missing values, abnormal values, character strings ) , pre-processing ( normalization, one-hot code, mapping ) , and code compiling, which facilitated my first step to collect data of "shares" label. After clarifying its distribution, I drew the histogram and got a general view of the data tendency. Under descriptive statistics, data features were explicit; so I went on to quantify the label and performed logarithmic transformations among data with maximal values over 5000. PCA for feature generation and random forest for selection, I combined cross-check and grid search with stacking to assess the prediction accuracy.【数据处理和解决问题的能力:通过标签分类、描述性统计,机器学习方法等操作,实现了精准的集成模型预测系统】Regardless of the result, I am happy to engage myself in a practical project to exercise quantitative analysis. It not only demonstrates the significance of quantifying data in business decisions, but expands my sight of up-to-date quantification methods.

  科研经历重点突出行业现象分析和运用机器学习进行量化研究的能力,同时对 QF 与行业的关系的反思也是很重要的(可以通过解决问题的过程来展开)。

  Stepping out of the ivory tower, I directly secured an intern at China Life Reinsurance Company. Every day as an assistant data analyst, I was busy with obtaining data from the Alipay application, data screening & analysis with R, and descriptive statistics about the settlement of claims and causes of diseases. In addition, I also observed how expert data analysts capitalize on machine learning for data prediction, which once again proved the potential of modern technologies in data quantification.【使用 R 语言和描述性统计对支付宝相互宝的理赔数据分析并分类标记】 In my opinion, digging out valuable information from complicated data is worthwhile, which clears my vocational objectives


  Doubtlessly, should I graduate from a postgraduate program, I will plunge into the domain of business analysis or investment decisions without hesitation. As is known to all, these undertakings place high requirements for sizing up the situations insightfully and making judgments decisively in the choppy economic ocean. Grasping the code of data equals commanding a sea of commercial information. Preferring the securities and Internet companies, I hope to bathe myself in their creative and vigorous atmosphere, intensifying my comprehensive skills and setting myself apart in the competing job market. My long-term goal is to climb the position ladder to be a manager in quantitative investment; before that, I shall prepare for the CFA and CVA ( Charted Valuation Analyst ) examinations to professionalize myself.


  Needless to say, the MSc in Quantitative Finance program that the National University of Singapore offers has long been my ideal choice. Perfectly catering to my academic and occupational needs, it summons up my confidence in making strides due to its curriculum close to what I have learned, e.g., Interest Rate Theory, Corporate Finance, Macroeconomic Theory, etc.【课程设置与本科和职业目标的契合度】Additional unfamiliar courses such as Financial Modelling, Structured Products, and Financial Time Series: Theory and Computation will broaden my vision and shape me into a competitive job seeker.【联系职业领域,弥补自己对不熟悉领域的缺陷】What ’ s more, many seniors speak highly of your well-structured programs and placement opportunities, so I am extremely dying for a full-time internship in Singapore. For a private reason, Singapore, reputed as the garden city, magnetizes me with its diverse natural landscapes and humane characteristics.【新加坡的地理优势和多样的实践机遇】 I believe I will spend my postgraduate life pleasantly.


  Tip:当然,择校可以依据个人的研究兴趣和相关经历特点写得更 personalized。





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