
栏目:未来教育  时间:2022-12-12






  This year has turned out to be a surprisingly good one for the world economy.Global output has probably risen by close to 5%, well above its trend rate and alot faster than forecasters were expecting 12 months ago.Most of the dangers that frightened financial markets during the year have failed to materialize.China's economy has not suffered a hard landing.America's mid-year slowdown did not become a double-dip recession.Granted, the troubles of the euro area's peripheral economies have proved all too real.Yet the eurozone as a whole has grown at a decent rate for an ageing continent, thanks to oomph from Germany, the fastest-growing big rich economy in 2010.

  The question now is whether 2011 will follow the same pattern.Many people seem to think so.Consumer and business confidence is rising in most parts of the world;global manufacturing is accelerating;and financial markets are buoyant.The MSCI index of global share prices has climbed by 20%since early July.Investors today are shrugging off news far more ominous than that which rattled them earlier this year, from the soaring debt yields in the eurozone's periphery to news of rising inflation in China.

  Earlier this year investors were too pessimistic.Now their breezy confidence seems misplaced. To oversimplify a little, the performance of the world economy in 2011 depends on what happens in three places:the big emerging markets, the euro area and America.These big three are heading in very different directions, with very different growth prospects and contradictory policy choices.Some of this divergence is inevitable:even to the casual observer, India's economy has always been rather different from America's.But new splits are opening up, especially in the rich world, and with them come ever more chances for friction.

  Begin with the big emerging markets, by far the biggest contributors to global growth this year. Where it can, foreign capital is pouring in.Isolated worries about asset bubbles have been replaced by a fear of broader overheating.With Brazilian shops packed with shoppers, inflation there has surged above 5% and imports in November were 44% higher than the previous year.

  Cheap money is often the problem.Though the slump of 2009 is a distant memory, monetary conditions are still extraordinarily loose, thanks, in many places, to efforts to holddown currencies.This combination is unsustainable.To stop prices accelerating, most emerging economies will need tighter policies next year.If they do too much, their growth could slow sharply.If they do too little, they invite higher inflation and a bigger tightening later.Either way, the chances of a macroeconomic shock coming from the emerging world are rising steeply.


  materialize v成为现实, 实现;具体化,物化

  shrugs th.off不把…当回事;对…不予理睬

  ominous adj恶兆的;不吉利的

  recession n.(经济的) 衰退, 衰退期,不景气

  rattle v.使紧张, 使恐惧

  breezy adj.轻松的;有微风的

  peripheral adj.外围的;不重要的

  divergence n.分歧;分离

  oomph n.精力;特质;吸引力

  friction n.摩擦, 不和, 分歧;抵触

  buoyant adj.(价格、商业活动等)看涨的;繁荣的,(经济)上升的

  slump n.衰退, 低潮, 萧条期

  steeply adv.急剧地, 突然地;险峻地

  MSCI=Morgan Stanley Capital International摩根士丹利资本国际公司


  1.What is the economic situation of the eurozone in 2010?

  A) It is surprisingly good.

  B) It is confronted with many problems.

  C) It is energetic and fast-growing.

  D) It has grown at a reasonable rate.

  2.It can be inferred from the second paragraph that_______

  A) investors are not rattled by some bad news

  B) financial markets are in downtrend

  C) the year 2011willbea good one for the world economy

  D) investors are not in different to the soaring debt in the eurozone

  3.By saying“now their breezy confidence seems misplaced”, the author means that_______

  A) investors are too active

  B) investors are too optimistic

  C) investors are too relaxed

  D) investors are too pessimistic

  4.According to Para. 4 and Para.5, which of the following is true of the emerging markets?

  A) Many people worry about asset bubbles and broader overheating.

  B) Loose monetary conditions are helpful to holddown currencies.

  C) Tighter polices are called for in order to stop prices rising.

  D) They need tighter polices so that their economy could grow rapidly.

  5.Which of the following best states the central idea of the text?

  A) Performance of the world economy in 2011.

  B) Performance of the economy in the emerging market.

  C) Economic problems which will be dealt within the year 2011.

  D) Review of world economy in 2010 and prediction of that in 2011.


  本文选自The Economist,主要探讨了2010年和2011年的世界经济形势。第一段对2010年的世界经济进行了总体回顾;第二段以具体的实例对本年度的经济形势加以分析;第三段作者给出了他对2011年世界经济趋势的看法,即主要的新兴市场国家、欧元区和美国将起主导作用;第四段表明新兴市场国家是2010年全球经济增长的主要贡献者;第五段指出虽然新兴市场国家的经济增速很快,但是由低成本资金带来的一系列问题也急需解决。










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