Many people prefer to watch foreign films rather than locally produced films. Why could this be?Should governments give more financial support to local film industries?
lt is true that foreign films are more popular in many countries than domestically produced films. There could be several reasons why this is the case, and 1 believe that governments should promote local film-making by subsidising the industry.
There are various reasons why many people find foreign films more enjoyable than the films produced in their own countries. Firstly, the established film industries incertain countries have huge budgets for action, special effects and to shoot scenes in spectacular locations.Hollywood blockbusters like 'Avatar' or the James Bondfilms are examples of such productions and the global appeal that they have.Another reason why these big-budget films are so successful is that they often star the most famous actors and actresses, and they are made by the most accomplished producers and directors. The poor quality, low-budget film making in many countries suffers in comparison.
ln my view, governments should support local film industries financially. In every country, there may be talented amateur film-makers who just need to be given the opportunity to prove themselves. To compete with big-budget productions from overseas, these people need money to pay for film 电影盒子 crews,actors and a host of other costs related to producing high-quality films. If governments did help with these costs, they would see an increase in employment in the film industry,income from film sales, and perhaps even a rise in tourist numbers.New Zealand, for example, has seen an increase in tourism related to the 'Lord of the Rings'films, which were partly funded by government subsidies.
ln conclusion, I believe that increased financial support could help to raise the quality of locally made films and allow them to compete with the foreign productions that currently dominate the market.
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