
栏目:未来教育  时间:2023-05-25


  启明星人 11/20



























  曾经,有个4年级的学生在学校的中文汉字听写大赛中被淘汰下场。他认为裁判老师不公平,因为答案是写在卡片上的,当写得不清楚的时候,裁判老师会让学生重新写一次,但老师没让他重写。他觉得委屈, 把事情告诉了妈妈。妈妈发邮件给老师反映了情况,老师把邮件转给了主管校长何老师。



  孩子明白后,何老师继续引导他思考:你怎么看待输赢?看了比赛的过程和结果,你有什么建议?你下一次可以怎么做?后面还有英文拼写大赛,你还可以做什么准备? 整个电话打了大概40分钟。




















  这个学年,为了更方便、更及时地帮助到学生,何立杏和Yvonne Featherer副校长还特意把办公室搬到和孩子们教室相同的楼层。





  DAYSTARer 11/20

  There are many reasons to join a community, but we experience the greatest sense of belonging from those with a warm, inclusive atmosphere.

  Daystar is such a community. For over two decades, people have been inspired to join Daystar, and together we have shaped it. This year marks the 20th anniversary of the founding of Daystar. In recognition of this moment, we decided to interview 20 Daystar community members so that they could tell their stories and present a detailed image of the Daystar community:

  Today’s post is about He Lixing, Assistant Principal of Beigao Elementary School.


  Ms. He Lixing reads books with students.

  Let’s go back 18 years –

  Ms. He Lixing was teaching students in the classroom when she suddenly froze. In front of her was Racheal (pseudonym), who had “rebellious” written all over her. Racheal’s face was red, and it seemed like she would rush out of the classroom at any moment. She was like a small, prickly hedgehog. Ms. He knew that if anyone tried to approach her right now, they would be “pricked.”



  He Lixing and Daystar's early years of students

  So, Ms. He was silent for a while, kept her emotions in check, and asked, “Do you need help?” That sentence penetrated the stiff spines and stunned Racheal, who had been ready to fight.

  Now, 18 years later –

  When Ms. He recalls what happened, she remembers every detail. “Racheal was at a rebellious stage. No matter what you told her to do, she wouldn’t do it and wouldn’t listen to you at all… Sometimes, my anger made my hands shake.”

  “In fact, when students act tough, it is sometimes a disguise for their inner weakness. What teachers need to do is to let their guard down, reach out to the students, and build up trust. Otherwise, we can’t have heart-to-heart conversations with them, let alone educate them.”

  When students act tough, it is sometimes a disguise for their inner weakness. What teachers need to do is to let their guard down.

  Ms. He left her position as a Chinese teacher, became a manager, and then became the Assistant Principal of the Daystar Beigao Elementary School. Since leaving her teaching position, her work has focused on taking opportunities to start conversations and share guidance and instruction. The sense of satisfaction she has received from this career path has led her to remain at Daystar for 18 years.

  Ms. He summarizes her two decades of educational work with her motto: “Life is a process of recognizing the true self and connecting with the world.”


  “Education is a process of ‘seeing and being seen.’ To help students understand themselves and connect with the world, we need to see them first, as they are all desperate to be seen. When they make progress in academic performance or behavior, we need to recognize it immediately. This is vital to helping them build up confidence,” said Ms. He. “Seeing means teachers need to be calm, observe students in a thoughtful and caring way, and create an atmosphere in which students are seen.”

  Ms. He created the petal card many years ago when she first joined Daystar. Any time a student did something positive, she would give them a petal as a reward. She used this method to create an atmosphere in which students were seen. Later, the petal card became the Daystar core value card. This year it has been changed to a badge. While the format may have changed, the importance of seeing and recognizing students when they make good choices remains.


  He Lixing sticked the petal cards on the white board.


  Petal cards evolved into Core Value badges.

  Seizing the moment is vital to helping students understand themselves and connect with the world.

  Once, a Grade 4 student was eliminated in a Chinese word dictation contest. He thought the judge was unfair. For the contest, students needed to write their answers on a card. If the answer wasn’t clear enough, the judge would have them write it again. But this student wasn’t allowed to do so. He felt wronged and told his mom about it. His mom then emailed a teacher who forwarded the email to Ms. He, the directing principal at the time.

  When Ms. He saw the email, she thought it was quite urgent. Even though it was a holiday, she immediately called the student’s parents and listened to the student’s side of the story over the phone.

  Why wasn’t he given a chance to write the answer? Ms. He explained that the student had made a mistake with the stroke order. So, it wasn’t an issue of the answer being clear or not.

  After clarifying the situation for the student, Ms. He encouraged him to think about the following questions: How do you feel about winning and losing? Do you have any suggestions regarding the process and result of the contest? What would you do differently next time? How will you prepare for the upcoming English spelling contest? The whole telephone conversation lasted about 40 minutes.

  When speaking about this case, Ms. He said, “It’s a great education opportunity. You can’t even design an educational activity like that. So, you have to seize the opportunity the moment it emerges.”

  It’s a great education opportunity. You can’t even design an educational activity like that. So, you have to seize the opportunity the moment it emerges.

  The student came to a realization from this experience. Afterwards, he woke up at 6 a.m. every day to prepare for the English spelling contest. A month later, nine students in the same grade tied for first place, and he was one of them.

  Seeing how much progress he had made, Ms. He sent a message to the parents saying, “Certain moments are precious education opportunities for students. However, these opportunities come and go in an instant, so we must seize them before the moment passes… I was so proud of him when I saw him calmly spelling difficult words as he progressed to the top. I think our previous conversation and guidance helped him understand the meaning and value of his actions and triggered his internal drive to improve and reach toward his potential. In the long run, this will help students develop strong intrapersonal intelligence and self-esteem. This heart-to-heart interaction is the amazing power of education and can lead to good conversations and inspire students.”

  The parents were deeply moved by Ms. He’s considerate words and guidance. The mother sent a message back saying, “We are so grateful for everything you’ve done for Jack (pseudonym) – you were able to perceive the opportunity and spend time talking with him. You’ve shown us that being a principal is more than a having title or a symbol of power; being a principal means caring about every student. We are truly grateful.”



  Seeing and offering guidance are difficult. They are a test of teachers’ experience and level of care for each student. It is even more important for teachers to adjust and persist in supporting students when students have recurring problems.

  “To cure sometimes, to relieve often, to comfort always.” These are the words of E. L. Trudeau, a famous American physician. Ms. He deeply agrees with him and believes this idea applies to most educational scenarios.

  “Changing a person’s thinking all at once is too idealistic and would probably fail,” said Ms. He. “As educators, we can feel worried, confused, or even frustrated in the face of an ordinary, tedious, and repetitive daily life. We need to avoid getting stuck. Instead, we need to keep exploring and changing education methods.”

  Even though she was able to break through Racheal’s hard shell as mentioned above, that case wasn’t easy. Ms. He recalls countless times dealing with the little hedgehog and having conversations and discussions with Racheal’s mother.

  Speaking on why she is so patient with students, Ms. He smiles and says, “What you say may be nothing to you, but it may be everything to the student.”

  What you say may be nothing to you, but it may be everything to the student.


  To see students and provide the firm support they need when they need it, Ms. He tries to connect with them in various ways.

  Though she doesn’t personally teach students in the classroom now, she still reads books to them during special activities, discusses peaceful conflict resolution with them when they study the UOI on “laws and regulations,” and chats with them during recess.

  “We greet students at the school gate every day. We patrol during class and recess. We make time to have conversations with students and parents if needed. I also put a small white desk in the hallway so that I can work and check on students at any time.”



  This academic year, Ms. He and Assistant Principal Yvonne Featherer moved the office to the floor where students have lessons to offer support in a more convenient and timely manner.

  “One day, a student asked me, ‘Ms. He, why do I see you everywhere?’ Another day, I saw that a tangerine had been placed on my desk by an anonymous student.” Ms. He smiles as she says this, a hint of happiness on her face.

  “Seeing students” and “being seen” are the main reasons Ms. He has devoted herself to Daystar for nearly two decades.


  “I’m over 40 years old now. I’ve spent half of my life at Daystar. For me, it’s not just a job, but a strong sense of belonging and mission,” she said when talking about her attachment to Daystar.

  启明星人| 北皋校区前运营经理Jennifer:“一朝是启明星人,永远是启明星人” Daystarer| Jennifer: Former Operations Manager of Beigao Campus

  启明星人| 柳慧:带着个“宝贝口袋”的“百变”中文老师 Daystar Community Member | Liu Hui: A Chinese Teacher with a “Treasure Pocket”

