
栏目:未来教育  时间:2023-07-25





  Could you recommend any nice spots to visit in the park? 你能推荐公园里的好玩地方吗?

  What time does the park open/close today? 今天公园几点开门/关门?

  Is there an entrance fee? 需要门票吗?

  How can I get to the playground from here? 从这里怎么去游乐场?

  Are there any guided tours available in the park? 公园里有导游服务吗?

  Where can I find a restroom? 厕所在哪里?

  Can we have a picnic in the park? 我们可以在公园野餐吗?

  Is it allowed to bring pets inside the park? 可以带宠物进公园吗?

  What activities are available for kids in the park? 公园里有哪些儿童活动?

  The flowers in this area are beautiful! 这个区域的花很漂亮!

  Can we rent bicycles here? 我们可以在这里租自行车吗?

  Is swimming allowed in the lake? 可以在湖里游泳吗?

  Where is the nearest exit? 最近的出口在哪里?

  Are there any food stands or cafes in the park? 公园里有卖食物的摊位或咖啡馆吗?

  Can you take a photo of us, please? 请帮我们拍张照片,好吗?

  The view from the top of the hill must be amazing! 从山顶上的景色一定很美!

  Is there a playground for children nearby? 附近有儿童游乐场吗?

  I love the tranquility of this park. 我喜欢这个公园的宁静。

  Can we rent a boat to paddle on the lake? 我们可以租船在湖上划船吗?

  The weather is perfect for a day out in the park! 今天的天气非常适合在公园里待一天!

  Is there any wildlife in the park, like birds or squirrels? 公园里有野生动物,比如鸟类或松鼠吗?

  Do you know when the next guided tour starts? 你知道下一次导游讲解是什么时候吗?

  The water in this fountain looks so refreshing! 这个喷泉里的水看起来很清凉!

  Can we have a barbecue in the designated areas? 我们可以在指定区域烧烤吗?

  This is such a peaceful and green place. 这真是一个宁静且绿意盎然的地方。

  How big is the park? 公园有多大?

  Are there any events or performances scheduled for today? 今天有什么活动或表演安排吗?

  Let's meet at the main entrance later. 稍后在主入口见面。

  Can you tell me where the nearest first aid station is? 你能告诉我最近的急救站在哪里吗?

  Thank you for the great time in the park! 感谢你给我们在公园里留下的美好时光!




