tropical热带的 intermittent drizzles in the rainy 梅雨季节. 5、城市的历史 1)Beijing's long and illustrious history started some 500,000 years ago. 2) Guilin is an important cultural city with a history of over 2,000 years. 3) Hong Kong used to be a simple fishing village in the south corner of China.Nowadays it has grown into the world's fourth largest banking and financial centre. 4) The history of Chengdu can be traced back to 2,400 years ago when the first emperor built his capital here and named the city. 5) Built in 514 B.C., Suzhou is an ancient city with a history of 2,500 years. 6、城市的地理位置 1) As the capital city of China, Beijing is located in northern China. 2) The Hong Kong SAR lies on the eastern side of the Pearl River, facing Macau Region across the river. 3) Located in the northeast of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. Guilin is considered to be apearl in the southwest of China. 4) Chengdu is located in the west of the Sichuan Basin and in the centre of the Chengdu Plain. 5) Suzhou is located in the centre of the Yangtze Delta, in the south of Jiangsu Province, with Shanghai to the east. 7、城市的特点 1)Although now Beijing is a modern and fashionable city, you can experience authentic Beijing life and become acquainted with "old Beijing" by exploring its many teahouses, temple fairs,Beijing's Hutongs and courtyards and enjoy the Beijing Opera. 2) The city of Guilin is rather compact when compared with other leading cities in China. 3) An open city with a wonderful natural harbour, Hong Kong is the meeting place of various cultures which blend harmoniously with Chinese traditions and exotic influences. 4) Chengdu is the capital of "Heavenly State"(Tian Fu Zhi Guo), and the habitat of giant pandas. 5) Since nearly half of the city is covered by water, including a vast number of ponds and streams, Suzhou is praised as the "Oriental Venice". 8、城市的主要风景 1)A must-see in Beijing is the Forbidden City. It is the largest and best-preserved imperial palace complex. Beijing attracts both domestic and foreign visitors with its centuries-old history andunique cultural relics. 2) In Guilin City you may find green mountains, crystal clear waters, unique caves and beautiful stones. 3) Hong Kong has all the benefits of a thriving and vibrant commercial centre. Here you can find the delights of modern living alongside an abundance of reminders of its historic past. 4) In addition to its profound historical and cultural background, the natural beauty abounds in surrounding areas. 5) As the saying goes, "Gardens to the south of Yangtze River are the best in the world, and Suzhou gardens are the best among them.”
上一篇:考上北大的柳州女孩 立志毕业后回来振兴家乡
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