Hangzhou Asian Games fuels China's sport

栏目:未来教育  时间:2023-10-17

  This year's Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day holiday coincided with the hosting of the Hangzhou Asian Games, igniting a fervent wave of sports and sports-related consumption across China. Domestic sports brands like Anta, Hongxing Erke, Xtep, and 361° have taken the lead, while innovative ways such as City Ride and City Boat have emerged as new ways for young people to participate in the Asian Games.Data from Pinduoduo, China's e-commerce giant, shows that sales in the sports and outdoor category on the platform have surged by over 40% since September. With the nationwide sports craze, sales of home fitness equipment and related products such as treadmills, yoga mats, dumbbells, and resistance bands have grown by more than 28% compared to August. Notably, domestic brands like Hongxing Erke, 361°, Anta, and Li-Ning have showcased remarkable performance.Zheng Zijian, the head of TikTok operations at Hongxing Erke's Guangzhou live streaming base, stated that their live stream sales have grown by approximately 40% since September, with the highest sales in categories like sports shoes and windbreakers.Data from Vipshop, a flash sale e-commerce platform, reveals that during the "National Sports Day" event held at the end of September, sales of tennis shoes and badminton shoes grew by over four times year-on-year, while sales of basketballs, soccer balls, and tennis rackets increased by more than five times year-on-year. Since September, Vipshop's sales in the sports and outdoor category have grown by more than 20%, with an 85% year-on-year increase in basketball apparel sales and doubled sales in soccer shoes and cycling apparel.Apart from the booming sports equipment consumption market, sports events have also driven growth in other sectors, including catering, accommodation, tourism, and transportation. A report by Tsinghua University's PBC School of Finance (link: https://www.pbcsf.tsinghua.edu.cn/gywm/yzjy.htm) indicates that China's sports consumption is expected to reach 2.8 trillion yuan by 2025.During the Hangzhou Asian Games, a new wave of sports enthusiasm has swept through China. In Hangzhou, the host city of the Asian Games, "Having City Boat in Hangzhou" has become a new immersive way for young people to engage with the Asian Games. People are sharing tips on platforms like Dianping, with bloggers and tourists offering detailed "City Boat expedition guides," - "Enjoy a boat ride with a light show for just 59.9 yuan in Qianjiang Century Park;" "Go straight to Sunset Beach, where you can find options like kayaking and giant rubber duck pedal boats. Avoid crowds on weekends."According to data from Dianping, searches related to the "Asian Games" and travel notes have doubled, with a 450% increase in searches for "Asian Games tickets," a 570% increase in searches for "Asian Games mascot," and a 600% increase in searches for "Hangzhou City Boat." Before the Asian Games opening, sports and fitness orders in Meituan in Zhejiang province grew by over 150%, with the fastest-growing interests in ball sports and fitness centers.杭州亚运助燃中国体育消费 今年中国中秋节、国庆节假期正好遇到杭州亚运会的举办,运动和运动消费热潮火爆。安踏、鸿星尔克、特步、361°等中国本土运动品牌站上风口;此外,City ride、City Boat等方式成为年轻人沉浸式“参与”亚运的新方式。拼多多平台数据显示,9月以来,拼多多运动户外品类销售较上月增长超40%。在全民运动热潮下,跑步机、瑜伽垫、哑铃、弹力绳等各类居家运动健身及相关周边商品销量较8月同期增长超28%。其中,鸿星尔克、361°、安踏、李宁等国货品牌表现亮眼。鸿星尔克广州直播基地抖音运营负责人郑子建表示,9月至今,鸿星尔克抖音直播间销量环比增长约40%,其中,运动鞋、冲锋衣等品类销量最高。特卖电商唯品会数据显示,9月底该平台举办的“全民运动节”超级品类日中,网球鞋、羽毛球鞋销售额同比增长4倍以上,篮球、足球、网球拍等销售额同比增长5倍以上。9月以来,唯品会运动户外品类销售整体增长20%以上,篮球服销量同比增长85%,足球鞋、骑行服等销量同比翻倍。除了体育用品消费市场持续火热之外,体育赛事还带动了餐饮、住宿、旅游观光、交通出行等一系列消费的增长。清华五道口体育金融研究中心发布的一份报告显示,中国体育消费规模预计2025年将增长至2.8万亿元。而在杭州亚运会举办期间,中国更是掀起了新一轮运动热潮。以亚运会举办地杭州为例,“来杭州搞一场City Boat”正成为年轻人沉浸式“参与”亚运的新方式。“晚上去钱江世纪公园,59.9元就能划船看灯光秀。”“具体地点在落日沙滩,有皮划艇和大黄鸭脚踏艇,周末排队人多。”大众点评平台上,博主和游客们分享详细的City Boat“出船攻略”。据大众点评平台的数据,“亚运”相关搜索量和笔记攻略环比翻倍增长,其中“亚运会门票”搜索量增长450%,“亚运会吉祥物”搜索量增长570%,杭州“City Boat”的关键词搜索量增长600%。截至亚运会开幕前,浙江地区在美团上的运动健身订单量同比增长超150%,球类运动、健身中心热度上涨最快。文|记者 沈钊 图|记者 严锦程  翻译|刘佳慧来源 | 羊城晚报·羊城派责编 | 王瑜瑛校对 | 刘博宇举报/反馈

