1) But the obvious(fatal/serious) flaw (defect/drawback) in their argument (attitude/idea/view/action/behavior) is that.https://www.eol.cn/waiyu/But the basic (main/great/key/ big) problem with their argument (...) is that...
(e.g. ...that they are ignorant of (blind to) a bare fact: Social changes have attached new meanings and values to the division between good and bad.)
2) But if...it is (not) easy (difficult/hard) to see (find/discover) that ...
(e.g. But if they adjust their frame of mind a little in the other direction , it is not hard for them to find that life is just as promising as before.)
3) Too much emphasis (attention/stress/concern/significance) placed on (given to/focused on/attached to/paid to) the negative (sunny/gloomy/bright) side of the issue, however, may...(如mislead/confuse/cloud/bias/disturb our judgment of it.)A
(e.g. ..., however, may mislead us to form a pessimistic estimate of current situations.或..., however, may stop us from rendering (passing/forming/having) a fair(correct/clear/infallible/wise)judgment on it.)
4) But in most cases/from the point of view of justice (objectivity)/as a matter of fact/in a very true sense, their (public/general) satisfaction (dissatisfaction/disillusionment/concern) with...(或their criticism of.https://www.eol.cn/waiyu/their argument for/against.https://www.eol.cn/waiyu/their objection to.https://www.eol.cn/waiyu/their approval for...) can not.https://www.eol.cn/waiyu/is..., for...
(e.g. But in an impartial sense, the public dissatisfaction can not hold every water, for our society is still abundant in goodness and beauty.)
5) As a result of..., however, things would/are bound to...
(e.g. As a result of such an utter indifference to vicious behavior, however , things would be past saving/mending/all the hope.)
1 但他们辩论/态度/观点/看法/行为中的明显/致命的/严重的缺点/缺陷是…;他们辩论的基本//主要问题在于…
2 但如果…很(不)容易/难发现…
3 然而,对问题负面/正面/阴暗面给予/集中/附加了太多的强调/注意/关注会…(如误导/混淆/掩盖/歪曲/干扰我们对它的判断)
4 但大多数情况下/从公正(客观)的角度来看/实际上/真正意义上,他们/公众/对…的满意/不满/幻灭/关注(或:他们对…的批评/他们对…辩解(辩驳)/他们对…的反对/他们对…的支持)不能…/是…,因为…
5 然而,作为…的结果,事情会注定…
1) when, if, the other day in a certain place, suppose/imagine/assume (that...), in (the) course/time of...for instance, in the event of等;
2) in the case of, as for/to, as far as...is/are concerned, The same is t rue of..., when compared with, in comparison with, by comparison等;
3) If there is anything that comes close to/is comparable to/with...,...t here is hardly, a thing that compares favorable with/can rival...
1 当…的时候;如果;几天前在某地;假设/想象/倘使…;在…期间;例如;万一…;
2 关于;关于;关于;关于…也是一样;当与…相比;当与…相比;通过比较;
3 如果说有什么能与…相比,那么几乎没有什么能与…(另一事物)相比/匹敌。
第一、And 并列关系。(and)in addition/and/similarly/likewise/as wellas/besides/furthermore/also/moreover/too/not only … but/even/besidesthis/that
第二、Sequence 顺序 (then)。first/initially/second etchttps://www.eol.cn/waiyu/yasi/to begin with/then/next/earlier/later/followingthis/that/afterwards
第三、Consequence 结果 (so)前面是后面的结果/也就是这些词后面就开始给出结论了。as a result/thus/so/therefore/consequently/it followsthat/thereby/eventually/in that case/admittedly
第四、Contrast 转折 (but )表对前面论述的转折/一般后面才是作者观点。however/on the other hand/despite/in spite of/though/although/but/on thecontrary/otherwise/yet/instead of/rather/whereas/nonetheless/in contrast
第五、Certainty 确定 (of course)强烈的确定/后面是作者的坚定论点。obviously/certainly/plainly/of course/undoubtedly
I need some time to sort out my thoughts before I can start writing.
He has pointed out that the tree is a useful source of income, as tourists have been coming from all parts of the country to see it.
I have made a point of closing all the windows before leaving the office.
The farmer struck it rich when oil was found on his land.
He hopes to strike lucky one day.
The defendant complained of intimidation during the investigation.
To develop a good habit needs persistence, but to develop a bad habit only needs time.
I didn’t mean to do it. I did it purely out of habit.
The news removed any doubts about the company’s future.
10. 996年一个算命的告诉我说:我的财运将从我38岁起猛转我将有数不过来的钱。
In 996, a fortune-teller told me that my luck on we alth would make a sharp turn from the year I am 38 years old and I would have more money than I could count.
I’m afraid we’ll have to rush our meal.
>> 雅思 托福 免费测试、量身规划、让英语学习不再困难<<
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