黄土高原(the Loess
The Loess Plateau, the third largest plateau in China, covers an area of
600,000 square kilometres and rises 1,00-2,00 metres above the se level on
average. As the majority of the plateau is covered with 50-80 metre thick layer
of loess, it is the most concentrated area in loess distribution in the world.
Therefore, it is well recognized as a miracle created by the nature and the
unique one on this planet.
The Loess Plateau is one of the cradles of the Chinese nation where Chinese
began farming 5,500 years ago. With the continuous development of agriculture,
the population kept increasing on the plateau, which became the political and
economic centre of China in the Han Dynasty. Today, with the Western Development
strategy implemented, the economy of the Loess Plateau area is developing
Today, increasing importance is being attached to cultivating college
students’ team spirit. Many people believe that team spirit benefits not only
themselves but also the whole group, while others have the idea that it is more
important to focus on finishing one’s own job. As for me, the former is more
There are a variety of reasons accountable for my statement. Firstly,
college students with team spirit generally have better academic performance,
because they tend to contribute to the team, learn from other team members, and
are generally modest and patient. Moreover, when college students graduate and
enter the workplace, those with strong team spirit are more likely to create a
good impression on their colleagues and bosses than those who just intend to
finish their own job. Therefore, these team players can climb up the ladder more
quickly. Besides, in our daily life, young people who have such strength are
caring, warm, and considerate; who do not fancy making friends with them?
In sum, we, as college students, ought to attach more impor-tance to
cultivating our team spirit. In order to do so, we are supposed to open up
ourselves more, seize every opportuni-ties to collaborate with others to achieve
a goal, and try to learn from our peers who have such virtue.
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