PHI2003 哲学的根本问题. 基本Philosophy的“基本问题”(Basic problem of Philosophy) 包括哲学专业的基础知识,哲学史的基本流程,基本方法,进而接触形相学及认知论的基本问题。 This aims at the basic and preliminary understanding for Philosophy,providing the fundamental ideas,concepts and the ories of Philosophy in addition to the primary issues on metaphysics and epistemology within the access to the general methology of Philosophy. PHI2007 韩国哲学史 History of Korean Philosophy 韩国哲学包括高朝鲜和三国时代、新罗和高丽的佛教思想、朝鲜的性理学、实学等儒教思想。通过观察以韩国哲学原型为首的韩国哲学的主要潮流和特征,性格,学派和争论等,从整体上了解韩国哲学。 韩国语philosophy focused on a totality of world view.The emotional content of Shamanism,and the unpredictable,and some aspects of Neo-Confuciism were integrated into it.Traditional Korean thought has been influenced by a number of religious and philosophical thought-systems over the years.朝鲜语系的作者:As the main influences on life inorea,often Korean Shamanism,Buddhism,and Confuciianism movements have shaped Korean life and thought. PHI2008 认识论 Epistemology 我们知道什么,多深,怎么知道的?思考认识的可能性、目标、范围和方法。包括怀疑论、理性论和经验论的哲学观,以及知识的本质、类型、信仰和命题、先验知识、解决经验知识的正当化基础主义和团结主义等问题 ‘What’can we know about and‘how’can we know about it?Quest for the origin,certainty of knowledge;a critical study of the objectivity of knowledge.It will be also discussed by comparing and analyzing skepticism,realism,idealism,rationalism,empiricism,and so on. PHI2012 西洋高世哲学史 History of Ancient and Medieval Western Philosophy 从希腊的自然哲学到中世纪哲学的哲学史,包括帕尔曼德斯、赫拉克莱托斯、原子论、苏格拉底普拉顿-亚里士多德的思想,以及中世纪的奥古斯丁、阿奎纳斯和斯科图斯的观点。 This provides the comprehensive understanding of philosophy in history from ancient Greek to the medieval ages.particular,this intensively focuses on the thoughts of Parmenides and Herakeleitos,the logical theory on atom and the thoughts of Socrates,Plato,and Aristotle.艾德里安科勒:校对校对:Mestern philosophy would be discussed in general。 PHI2013 西洋近世哲学史 History of Modern Western Philosophy 在文艺复兴之后,以人文精神和自然科学探寻精神为背景,大陆的理性主义和想从经验中寻找认识的根源的英国经验主义尖锐地对立着发展起来。笛卡尔、斯宾诺莎、莱布尼兹代表的理性主义和洛克克、伯克利和维克利等经验主义的学术性方法体系,从有关人类和宇宙的理论,社会的理论等研究近代哲学的特征。 包括humane spirit and the inquiring mind from natural Science after Renaissance,rationalism on the Continent and empiricism in England hand been correlatively developed each other with its confrontational debates.This course throughly examines the thoughts on rationalism represented by Descartes,Spinoza and Leibniz,and fathermoore,comparatively studies about the thoughts on empiricism represented by Locke,Berkeley,Hume,in addition to itsemic methodology and the theories on human being,world,and socies. PHI2027 伦理学 以太网 简单地观察古代共同体伦理后集中学习现代伦理学的主题和方法讲述伦理相对主义利己主义的可能性和界限功利主义及康德义务伦理学本来的价值道德责任和自由意志等 This intensively discuss with the issues on contemporary ethics and its methodology after looking comprehensively into the ories on the traditional ethics in history.this provides the critical understanding of the various ideas and concepts on ethics and its primary issues. PHI2028 东洋哲学史 Eastern Philosophy 东洋哲学包括中国哲学印度哲学韩国哲学日本哲学以理解这些哲学的基本问题为目的。这些东方哲学的基本问题在形成东方形成的思想和文化上起着非常重要的作用。 Eastern philosophy includes the various pilosophies of South and East Asia,including Chinese philosophy,Indian philosophy,Korean Philoosophy,and Japanese philosophy.Though these may also be considered Western philosophies.The course aims to understand the basic problems in Eastern Philosophy,that play an important role in the establishment of thoughts and cultures of eastern countries. PHI2035 逻辑学 逻辑 探讨在学问和日常生活中犯下的错误论据,请事情显明历史论辩的必要性和结构。(日常)考察演绎论辩的限度,请人们明白使用符号的必要性,从而了解符号逻辑学的意义。 This examines the fallacies in logical arguments often occurred in ordinary and academic life,so this proceeds to illuminate the necessity of dective reasoning and its strucThen,this lightens up the true meaning of logic while being awakened to the necessity of logical thinking by looking closely into the potential limitation of dective inference.Then,this lightens up the true meaning of logic while being awakened to the necessity of logoking by looking closely into the potential limitation of dective inference. PHI2039 道家哲学 Philosophy in Taoism 通过对‘道德京’和‘张子’的分析研究老子和庄子的哲学。 This course provides the close study on the philosophy of Laozi and Chuangzi by deeply analyzing its original texts. PHI2040 有价哲学 Philosophy in Confucism 中国思想的主流是留学。留学在发达时期是来自社会背景的,他们的问题意识是什么,在与弟子百家的关系中,要考察他们独有的特点是什么。而且还来看一下他们的思想对以后的性理学发展导致了怎样的影响 Chinese thoughts The mainstream of is Confucianism,originated from Confucius and developed by Mencius.This course at the comprehensive understanding of Confucianism in Pre-Qin era,which are,in particular,the social background of its origin,the typical and diverse issues on it,the peculiar features of the correlation with various pilosophical schools in ancient China.Futhermore,this looks closely into its great influence on Neo-Confucianism after.this looks closely into its Great influence on Neo-Confucism after. PHI2042 西方哲学院讲座 Classics in Western Philosophy 通过用核电读西方哲学的基本文本培养了在上下文内理解西洋哲学独特概念的力量 This fosters the exhaustive understanding of the peculiar ideas and concepts within the contextual meanings in Western philosophy through the original texts. PHI2043 弟子伯家的哲学 Philosophy of Hundred Schools of Thought 弟子百家时期是世界上无法找到的多样的思想:儒家、道家、住房、阴阳歌、名家、法家、病假、是农户等共存的时期。让我们通过思考各种思想和主角之间如何相互影响,来了解中国传统思维形成的背景。 来吧!,好,The course at the dynasty era,one of the greatest time coexistent together with various thoughts and perspectives.In this era,several various ideas had been essentially developed well with the procedure of correlatively thinking of the m as the tensional associations with mysterious,rational as well as emotional one.Therefore,this course looks closely into these thoughts in genera and also the background of these traditional ideas through the consideration of how they effects each other well. PHI2044 形相学 Metaphysics(元物理) 处理理论和学问或日常生活中遇到的根本概念或问题,包括存在与否、一个、几个、时间和空间,可能包括现象和现实,生与死,自由意志和决定论。 This is a critical discussion on the problems and concepts relevant to the bost basic features of reality.It deals with the issues on being and nothingness,the primary concepts of time and space,the problem on life and death,the relations of freedom with determinism,and other correlative dichotomies. PHI4013 艺术哲学 Philosophy of Art 让咱们根据现代的观点来分析基于感性的美体体验一般可能性以及研究方法。以西方古代、中世纪的美学、康德和黑格尔的古典美学以及艺术作品为中心,考察艺术家、作品、艺术生活。并且还会考察东方美学韩国美学讲述技术及信息化时代新兴的影像美学动画片欣赏甚至具有代表性的批评理论 This is a critical study of traditional and contemporary theories on arts,which discusses the western and oriental asthetics within philosophical viewpoints. PHI4027 文化与历史哲学 记忆和膨胀的记忆力,毛茸茸(Philosophy of History) 对人类生活的理想表现形式文化及其历史发展过程进行考察对康德和黑格尔的理性主义历史哲学,福子的性别和权力的历史哲学等不同领域的文化现象和事件进行历史反省,在作为学问的历史学上考察真理与事实的关系客观问题历史说明及历史法则等 艾德里安科勒:The course examines the fundamental problems with the philosophy of history through the concepts and the ories of the well-known philosophers。The course examines the fundamental problems.依照旧历法则的旧历和直辖市,对象活动,及软件,应有无,无论,应有下列条件:,it studies the subjects of explanation of historical facts,and so on,a studies the subjects of historical fact PHI4041 东洋哲学院讲座 Classics in Eastern Philosophy 东方儒.佛.道思想的基本文字用核电站讲读,培养在上下文中理解东方哲学的独特概念的力量。 This fosters the exhaustive understanding of the speculiar ideas and concepts within the contextual meanings in oriental philosophy through the original texts of original texts,which are related with the thoughts on Confucism,Buddhism,and Taoism. PHI4046 法科社会哲学 Philosophy of law and society 建立现代社会,理解现在的社会现象,对决定性贡献的社会哲学的多种潮流进行历史叙述,并考察社会科学方法论。自由主义实证主义唯物主义辩证法以及人与社会的关系以及正义秩序的可能性 特斯卡罗夫斯在社会性philosophy的概念和概念中。Moreover,it studies the relation between the ories of utopia and their realization.By doing this,this study enables us to have the critical viewpoint of sound viewpoint of ethics. PHI4051 语言分析和心理哲学. Analytic Philosophy&Philosophy of Mind 现代哲学的精神是假如没有语言表现的含义性通士性的理解就不能正确对待哲学语言和世界有什么关系?哲学语言的真正意义是什么?“意义”是什么意思?像“李舜臣”这样的独特名词的意义是什么?称呼怎么可能?思考逻辑原子论逻辑实证主义日常语言哲学等词组心理哲学是论述心灵或精神现象,精神机能,性质,意识,以及与身体关系的哲学的分科。“身心问题”或者“身体和心灵的问题”,即身体和心灵的关系是心理哲学的首要议题。心理哲学是语言哲学的流向。而现代认知论也认为,如果不解决精神问题,就只能减少心理上的局限,最近现代英美哲学的潮流就是心理哲。可以说是学问。
A detailed study of the origins and development of analytical philosophy,and its contemporary pilosophical significance;philosophical analysis,the problematic principlle of Verificationism,the anti-metaphysical tendency,and the proble analytical philosophy.梅宁和reference都已成为我生命中的一员,‘,.Semantics,included in logical atomism,logical positivism,ordinary language analysis and behaviorism,is inquired in relation to name,deion,propositional attitude,sentential attitude,reference,and so on.
Philosophy of mind is a branch of philosophy that studies the nature of the mind,mental events,mental functions,mental properties,consciousness,and their relationship to the physical body,particularly the brain.part body problem、i.e.the relationship of the mind to the body、is commonly seen as one key issue in philosophy of mind、although there are other issues concerning the nature of the mind do not involve its relation to the physical body,such as consciousness is possible and nature of the particular mental states.
PHI4053 德国观念论 德国Idealism 德国观念源于康德自己称为“先求论”的理论,很是皮希特,shelling,被黑格尔开花了。请我们看看从康德到这些人的理论发展过程 德国idealism,which is originated from transcendental idealism called by Kant himself,prosperously developed with the efforts and thoughts of Fichte,Schellin,and Hegel.哦,是的,是吧?哦,是的。 PHI4054 韩国近世哲学 韩国模式philosophy of modern philosophy of Korea 下边介绍代表韩国哲学的退溪李和栗谷李怡的哲学退溪的哲学是以李为主的里里哲学,栗谷的哲学是以气为主的周期哲学。考察其中心的概念和内容。退溪和高峰之间的“师端七正”争论,栗谷和雨季之间的“人心都市”的争论也将被讨论。 This course makes a comparative study of Yi Hwang and Yi yi‘s philosophy,in that one puts an emphasis upon Li in his thoughts different from another emphasizing Qi.将地址添加到该地址中,该地址将由Korean Philose philosophy in history提供给卡罗西州的自治区,以防万维奥斯布林斯(Close considerations about the major and controversial argumentations of Korean philosophy in history.) PHI4058 现代法国哲学 Modern French Philosophy 把现代法国哲学的概念与“问题-概念”联系起来,这些概念在现代德国哲学的压倒性影响下得以发展,萨特尔、里约尔、梅尔罗-蓬提、德里达、索希尔、里维斯特罗斯、拉米特、福科、泰萨、集中探索德勒兹的哲学性个性和影响。 This course comprehends the conceptual plot of modern french pilosophies in the conblemive frame of problem-concept which have developed their own problematics under the overwhelming influence of modern german pilosophies,and explores intensively their pilosophical personality expressed in the pilosophies of J.P.Sartre,P.Ricour,M.Merleau-Pon,F.Saussure,C.LeviL.Althusser,and G.Deleuze. PHI4059 逻辑和批判性思考 逻辑和紧急情况 探讨在学问和日常生活中犯下的错误论据,请事情显明历史论辩的必要性和结构。(日常)在考察历史论辩的局限性的同时,明白了使用符号的必要性,从而了解到符号逻辑学的意义深思熟虑 This examines the fallacies in logical arguments often occurred in ordinary and academic life,so this proceeds to illuminate the necessity of dective reasoning and its strucThen,this thinks deeply up the true meaning of logic while being awakened to the necessity of logical thinking by looking closely into the potential limitation of deductive inference. PHI4064 主力和科技哲学 I Ching&the Philosophy of Science and Technology of Science and Technology 请我们开读主角是什么样的书来了解主角基本概念的自然科学内涵我会看看主力和人体科学及数学的关系。比较了现代科技的新概念,比如Commensurablity、Fractal、Chaos、System theory等主要概念。最后,探究主角的全体官能在环境、生态问题上发挥什么样的作用。 This course is an overview of what the book of I Ching is about and examines the Natural Science implications of the basic concepts and principles of I Ching.We will also try to understand the relationship among the book of I Ching,human Sciences and mathematics.We compare the concept of the book of I Ching with the new concepts of modern Science and technology such as commensurability,fractal,chaos,and system theory.Finally,we explore how the whole system of I Ching can give light to solutions to environmental and ecological problems. PHI4065 西洋现代哲学 Contemporary Western Philosophy 开馆欧洲大陆及英美地区的现代哲学的许多思潮。尤其是在20世纪以后,德国的现实哲学、现象学、分析、批判哲学和法国的救援主义和后现代主义,然后介绍英美的分析哲学及科学哲学等资料。 This aims at the comprehensive study of existentialism,phenomennology,structuralism,postmodernism,theory of symbols,etc,which have been predominant in the contemporary western philosophy. PHI4066 性理学和阳明学 Neo-Confucism and Yangmingism 中国近世哲学以性理学和阳明学为代表。性理学和阳明学全面讨论利、、心。但是这两个人分别以宋代和明代的时代背景不同不仅在时代背景上,每个概念的使用环境也截然不同。综合考察宋代理学和心学的对立及后代对性理学的批判等 Neo-Confucianism is comprehensively discussed with reason(Li,),ennergy(Qi,),and mind(Xin,).However,Neo-Confucianism is divided into two Schools,one represented by Zhu Xi and another represented by Wang Yangming,in terms of the different background of era.Then,this course brings on the systematic and synthetic understanding of two major flows in Neo-Confucianism by comparatively analyzing them within the classification of different concepts in their own contexts. PHI4067 科学·AI·市民 Science,AI and Citizen 课程包括对科学的本质和探索方法进行哲学反省、科学探究的精神和特性、自然法则的种类和逻辑形式、因果性的本质、的批评因果性,科学的探索方法和理论的特性,观察和验证,归纳逻辑和归纳主义,归纳论论的合理化,波珀的错误主义,包括昆的范式科学实载论和道具主义等研究以人工智能代表的科学技术与社会的关系,更了解科学技术的本质和属性。在我们的社会中,为什么科技很重要,有利的科学发展的条件是什么?为了市民社会,科学技术应该是什么样子,提出同样的问题,并寻找对此的回答。 This course examines the philosophical foundation of Science,e.g.,laws,theories,causational determinism and explanation.We study the relationship between Science and technology represented by artificial intelligence and sociiety,and attempt to better understand the nature and attributes of science and technology.We ask questions such as why Science and technology are important in our sociiety,what are the conditions for the development of desirable Science and technology,and what should be the proper form of Science and technology for civil society.
PHI4068 技术·媒体哲学 科技媒体发烧友(Philosophy of Technology Media) 世纪社会正被云计算物因特网生物工程等技术所包围这是一门课程,教我们如何将生活从这些技术进步中捕获出来,其效果是,我们到底是由什么样的人构成的,我们是否适合现今科技和人类的关系?如果不是,就去探究一下如何去追求什么样的方向性。通过本课程,我们学到了如何接受科技,如何利用技术,构思人类共生的重要线索,能做到的。 21st century society is surrounded by technologies such as cloud computing,the Internet of things,and biaoengineering.有人在里面,we will ask how we are capturing our life today by these technological developments,what kind of human subject we have formed as the effect,and what is the right relationship between technology and human being.什么?哦,是的,.Through this lecture,we can obtain important implications for how we can embrace Science and technology and in what way we can envision human symbiosis.
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