
栏目:职业教育  时间:2023-01-23

  (1)人口老龄化 ageing of population

  (2)人均阅读量 Readingper capita

  (3)电影票房、进口电影、国产电影、喜剧片、爱情片 Box office, imported film, domestic film, comedy, love film

  (4)人均手机使用时长 Mobilephone usage time per capita

  (5)图书馆数量和读书人数Number of libraries and number of readers

  某市体育馆数量和锻炼人数The number of gymnasiums and the number of exercisers in a city

  (6)电子书、实体书 E-books,physical books

  (7)人均上网时长 Averageonline time

  (8)人均年收入 Annual percapita income

  (9)移动支付、网络购物成交额Transaction volume and mobile payment 电子商务 Electronic Commerce

  (10)阅读偏好 Reading preference

  (11)某市居民出行方式 Travelmode of residents in a city

  (12)新能源汽车、传统能源汽车New energy vehicles, traditional energy vehicles

  (13)对跳槽的态度 正常 害怕 不忠诚 The attitude to job hopping normal afraid disloyalty

  (14)某市接受职业教育的人数Number of people receiving vocational education in a city

  (15)旅游收入 Tourism revenue

  (16)就业困难原因:经验不足、单位要求高、竞争激烈 Reasons for employment difficulties lack of experience highrequirements of units fierce competition

  (17)支付方式:二维码、现金、信用卡Payment method: QR code, cash, credit card

  (18)研究生录取人数、专硕人数、学硕人数、 The number of graduate students enrolled the number of professionalmaster Number of academic masters

  (19)某市每千人拥有轿车的数量The number of cars per thousand people in a city

  (20)志愿者人数 Number of volunteers

  (21)全球人口数量 Globalpopulation

  (22)工业化、全球化、城镇化Industrialization, globalization , urbanization

  (23)网页游戏收入 Web game revenue

  (24)某学校学生接受教育的方式:网课、线下教育 The way of students receiving education in a school: onlineeducation , offline education

  (25)国内手机品牌市场份额Market share of domestic mobile phone brands

  (26)某校毕业学生期望就业地和实际就业地 Expected employment place and actual employment place of graduatesof a university

  (27)不同年龄学习理由Reasons for learning at different ages

  (28)医院数量和就医人数Number of hospitals and number of patients

  (29)某校大学生消费比例的调查 Asurvey on the consumption proportion of College Students

  (30)男女工资差异 Wage gapbetween men and women

  (31)外国人来中国旅游 Foreignerstravel to China

  出境旅游 Outbound tourism


  Asurvey of household expenditure in a city

  (33)某市青少年近视原因Causes of myopia in adolescents in a city

  (34)大学生对职业的自我规划College Students' career self planning

  (35)在线教育市场规模 Onlineeducation market size

  (36)某市各阶段学生出国留学情况 goabroad to study

  (37)工作中的性别歧视 sexism

  (38)各阶段和父母相处时间的调查 Time with parents




  (42)外国留学生人数 出国留学人数

  (43)体育锻炼的调查 小孩 年轻人 中年人 老年人

  (44)大学生熬夜原因 Stay up late


