冀教版八年级英语上册 Lesson33 课文朗读及翻译
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Lesson 33第三十三课Life on Wheels车轮上的生活Hello, I'm Jeremy.你好。我是杰里米。I'm from the U.S.我来自美国。This is my report on transportation.以下是我关于交通工具的报告。This world is always moving.这个世界永远是移动着的。Everything seems to have wheels, engines or wings.万事万物似乎都有轮子,发动机活着翅膀。Everything seems to be getting faster, too.一切也似乎都更快了。Long ago,horses pulled carts, but now we have engines on everything,很久以前,马拉车,但是现在我们什么都用发动机,even on bicycles and skateboards!甚至自行车和滑板也有!Where did it begin?这是从什么时候开始的呢?Well, in the 1700s people invented the steam engine.嗯,在十八世纪,人们发明了蒸汽机。That was the beginning of trains.那就是火车的开端。Then steam was able to power boats and cars.然后蒸汽机可以为船和小汽车提供动力。Boats have been around for thousands of years.轮船已有差不多几千年的历史了。Now with engines,现在有了发动机,they can go very fast.人们可以快速地出行。The first car appeared about two hundred years ago,第一辆小汽车出现在大约两百年前,and now the roads are full of cars.现在,马路上全都是车。All of these cars make the U.S. a nation on wheels.所有的这些小汽车,使美国成为了一个车轮上的国家。Transportation is not just on the ground or water.交通工具不仅仅是在地面或者水上。Over 100 years ago, people began to make flying machines.在一百多年以前,人们就开始制作飞机。Today we travel a lot by airplane.今天,我们经常坐飞机出行。Now people can even travel to space in spaceships.现在,人们甚至可以乘坐宇宙飞船去太空。Can you imagine future transportation?你能想象未来的交通工具是什么样子的吗?My favourite type of transportation is the bicycle.我最喜欢的交通工具是自行车。I like to go everywhere by bike in my city.我喜欢在我的城市里骑着自行车到处走。It's good for my health and for the environment.这对我的健康和环境都好。
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