冀教版八年级英语上册 Lesson45 课文朗读及翻译
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Lesson 45 Be YourselfDear Sue,亲爱的苏,I'm a middle school student.我是一名中学生。I look very common.我看起来非常普通。I get average grades in all of my subjects expect English,除了英语,我所有科目的成绩都是中等,but sometimes I make stupid mistakes.但有时候我会犯愚蠢的错误。My friend Lisa, however, is pretty and smart.而我的朋友丽莎,既漂亮又聪明。She is good at everything.她做什么事情都很擅长。I want to be like her, but I know that's impossible.我也想像她一样,但我知道那是不可能的。I feel bad about myself.我感觉很糟糕。What can I do?我能做些什么?A Sad Girl from Washington来自华盛顿的伤心女孩儿Dear Sad Girl,亲爱的伤心女孩儿,Nobody is perfect in this world.在这个世界上没有完美的人。Even your friend isn't perfect.就算是你的朋友,也并非完美。We all have our strong points and weak points.我们都有优点和缺点。Think about your strong points.想一想你的优点。For example, you are good at English, and I'm sure you are a good friend.比如说,你擅长英语,我确定你会是一个好朋友。What do you like about yourself?你觉得自己是一个什么样的人?Make a list and read it every morning.列出一个表并每天早晨读一读。Don't be too hard on yourself for making mistakes.不要因为犯错误而对自己过于严苛。We all make mistakes.我们都会犯错误。The important thing is to learn from your mistakes.重要的是要从中有所领悟。Look in the mirror and smile at yourself every day.每一天,面对镜子对自己微笑。Be your own best friend, and be yourself.成为你自己最好的朋友,做你自己。You are a special person and unique in your own way!你以自己的方式证明自己是一个与众不同,独一无二的人!Sue苏
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